The Best of Basic

By David Wren


Issue 26

Mar/Apr 87

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For the past four years I have owned an Atari computer. When I first got my Atari, I didn't know anything about computers and it wasn't until much later that I began to suspect, from reading ANTIC, ANALOG and COMPUTE! magazines, that I had something really special. Then came the people at the computer store who specialised in Atari (yes, there really was such a thing!) and the gang at the monthly Atari computer club meetings. Now I could walk into any computer store and be cocky in the knowledge that my computer was as good as anything they had to offer.

Now I own an ST. I am not the slightest bit sorry for having had to junk my 8-bit system but it would have been nice to have the best of both worlds. When I got my ST, one of the first things I did was to sit down and thumb through the BASIC manual. I was delighted to find dozens of things that I did not understand. Now I don't mean that the manual is poorly written (it is) and I don't mean that there are not enough examples (there aren't). What I do mean is that there are loads of new commands, graphics, string manipulation, file manipulation, built-in debugging tools - you name it! I was ecstatic! So I booted up the disk, anxious to get started solving those mysteries one by one when what do you suppose I saw? Well, at first I wasn't too sure what I was looking at. All these little windows started popping up all over the screen. Some of them popped up only to be covered up by other little windows. I kind of felt sorry for the covered up ones. I mean, what did they even pop up for in the first place?

Was I discouraged? Heck no! I plunged into ST BASIC with all the fervour with which I had tackled ATARI BASIC four years earlier. This lasted for approximately five minutes. It took me that long to realise that ST BASIC is a mess! Since then, my opinion has been verified by numerous authors in the Atari magazines. Jim Luczak, writing in ANALOG magazine, says that, along with several other minor bugs, he discovered that when attempting to save a program larger than about 10K, using SAVE AS/REPLACE, ST BASIC will erase any previous copy with the same filename and then promptly lock up. If you do not have another copy of the program, either with a different filename or on another disk, you are just out of luck!

O.K., so ST BASIC is awful. At least the screen editor is awful. Now what?

As I see it, we have a choice. We can sit around idle and wait for a better BASIC (or a better version of the original), we can use the time to learn another language like C or Assembly or we can make the best of a bad situation and start using ST BASIC.

If you choose the latter option, as I have, I have some good news for you. Type in the following listing and save it to disk under the name SETUP.BAS

10 poke systab+2,1

20 clearw 0:fullw 0

Unless you are writing a program that will be run in low resolution, boot up BASIC in medium resolution. This will allow you to see more of your listing in the EDIT window. After booting BASIC, run SETUP. This will clear the EDIT window and open it to a full screen. It also causes the editor not to show the line being edited in that nearly unreadable infernal grey font. Instead, the line is not affected at all. Try poking SYSTAB+2 with any number between 0 and 32. You'll be surprised at the results you get.

Also, when programming, always use the EDIT window. There are a few things that cannot be done from the EDIT window but, for the most part the EDIT window may be used in much the same way as the full screen in ATARI BASIC. Try to forget that you are in a stupid window at all and just program away!

Atari has announced that a revised version of ST BASIC is in the works. There is no word yet on when to expect it or exactly what the improvements will be, but the word is that windows will still be implemented in much the same way as they are now. Until things improve, hang in there and DO IT IN BASIC! Until then I leave you with this little program which will produce mailing labels on any printer. I hope you find it useful.

This article first appeared in POKEY PRESS, the newsletter of the Atari Computer Club of the Palm Beaches, 15545 S.W. 151th Street, Indiantown, FL 33456, U.S.A.

STLister - requires Java










