Red Rat
£9.95 disk
£7.95 cassette
1/2 players
1/2 joysticks
Forget modern software trends. Everybody knows it's
hard to beat a good old-fashioned space blaster. When all else fails
give the punters what they really want - another 'zap those nasty
bug-eyed critters into space dust' games.
LASER HAWK is a jazzed-up version of Scramble - no
caverns though, just continuous left to right scrolling across an
open-air alien landscape. You take on the role of the famed
Mercenary, Jim din'Alt, who has been recruited to destroy the 5
command headquarters of the evil Proc Irata, which just happens to
spell 'Atari Corp' backwards. Naturally, these are heavily guarded
by the obligatory defence systems, comprising of air cannons,
robotships, volcanic eruptions, missile launchers, meteorites,
homing missiles, laser-beams and the like. Not that a few paltry
defenses will hamper a man (sorry ladies but Jim is definitely a
man's name - I hope!) of your capabilities. Besides, the
headquarters are codenamed BEEB, COMM, APP, AMS and SIN and come in
the shape of the applicable computer symbols. If that doesn't give
you the incentive to bomb the living daylights out of them then
nothing will!!
I'm tempted to label this game as a poor-man's BETA LYRAE as it
bears more than just a passing resemblance to the Datamost game.
Beta Lyrae is the ultimate computer Scramble and LASER HAWK can't
really hope to compete, but it is a reasonably good alternative.
What it lacks in fancy frills and refinement it makes up for in
playability not to mention barefaced cheek! Bombing Commodore and
Spectrum symbols? .... I like it, I like it!!
Worth the effort this one. Make sure you check it out.