Reviewed by Alan Goldsbro


Issue 27

May/Jun 87

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Royal Software

Spreadsheet programs are fast becoming an essential feature to any business currently interested in keeping simple cash flow analysis and financial projection. For most users of business computers, Lotus 123 is the industry standard, often bought but rarely used to it's fullest capabilities. To many home users, V.I.P professional (the Lotus 123 clone) seems to be out of reach because of it's price so, with this in mind, software houses have been producing affordable spreadsheet programs and E-ZCALC falls into the range of mid-priced software.

Making use of the Gem environment, E-ZCALC has mouse control, drop down menus and full use of all ten function buttons. Now don't get ahead of yourself, not all commands can be achieved by using the mouse and many need manual insertion to fully work. Extra features of E-ZCALC include a 10 key calculator and a handy note pad as desktop accessories. There's also a separate program to convert either Lotus 123 or V.I.P files to E-ZCALC format. The manual is a forty page mixture of tutorial and reference sections. The tutorial is a very simple financial template, which is adequate to get first timers going and gets you moving steadily along without being patronising.

E-ZCALC has just about all the general features required in a spreadsheet program including Loading and Clearing of files, Appending from cursor position, Save and Partial save. The Partial save will save a range of cells previously defined. Templates can be saved with Labels and Formulas intact. Save Text will save the file to ASCII format, however this cannot be re-loaded into E-ZCALC. Erase file and Rename file act as you'd expect. There are 264 columns and 999 rows in which to enter data and the columns can be sized either globally or singly but this has to be activated by using the drop down menu and not as you'd expect with the mouse by dragging the top cell to the required size. E-ZCALC doesn't have Macro capabilities, so consequently many keystrokes are needed to perform these functions.

If you wish to define a large group of cells for use with commands such as Replicate, Global Width, Comma, Dollar, etc the procedure is one of 'rubber banding'. This has to be done before you choose your option, then you select the required choice from the menu and click. Usually this will take you into a dialog box at the bottom of the screen which will ask for confirmation. You can also define cells by placing the cursor at the start cell and selecting an option from the menu bar which, again, will take you into a dialog box where you'll have to define the range manually. This is where you'd expect the Gem handling to be at it's best but unfortunately, unlike V.I.P/Lotus, where you would 'Anchor' the starting range and scroll down/across the sheet to the required cell and fasten everything down, E-ZCALC will not let you pull a cell into the dialog box. I found this most disturbing but only because I'm used to the standard method of defining a range.

Using the mouse to 'Goto' a cell is obviously fast and if you wish to copy a cell then move the cursor to the cell you wish to copy and click while the Alternate key. The contents of that cell are copied to the edit box and pressing RETURN will place the contents in the new cell. Virtually the whole program takes on this kind of procedure, i.e. part mouse control and part manual keyboard insertion. It's this two handed system that makes a mockery of the title E-ZCALC. If you can't operate the program single handedly then what's the point of having a mouse!

Other facilities are. Freeze Titles - this keeps the row/column titles on the screen as you scroll through the spreadsheet. Insert will put blank row/column into the spreadsheet between existing cells.

Mathematical functions included are; Absolute Value, E to the power, Integer, Natural Logarithm, Logarithm and Square Root. Trigonometric functions are PI, SIN, COS, TAN, ASIN, ACOS and ATAN. Statistical functions supported are; SUM, MAX, MIN, COUNT, and AVERAGE. Financial, and Data Management functions are supported along with error trapping functions, these include Net Present Value and Lookup. The print menu has a fairly good selection of utilities and the print range can be selected by 'rubber banding' or from the print range dialog box. Headings and titles can be toggled on or off and grid follows the same format. Type styles include compressed, Elite, Pica and, if your printer supports it, N.L.Q.

Sixteen help boxes are available from the menu bar, once you load one of them from disk they'll all sit in memory but don't get the impression that they are intended as a substitute for the manual.

The conversion program from V.I.P to E-ZCALC worked a little strangely, it would only convert files and not templates. Any look-up formula in V.I.P wasn't converted and many of the mathematical functions were incorrectly converted. The majority of figures were rounded up to the nearest integer and the percentage formula was so mixed up that it would have meant financial ruin for anybody who dared to convert from V.I.P to E-ZCALC. There wasn't any provision to dump the contents to disk for graphical analysis nor to import data
from other sources.

If you are looking for a stand alone spreadsheet program at a middle range price (approx £65) then E-ZCALC may be on your list, if on the other hand you think the capabilities of E-ZCALC are limiting then look at V.I.P where you'll get a whole lot more but at a price.
