First Steps

by Mark Hutchinson


Issue 28

Jul/Aug 87

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In issue 27 I said that GRAPHICS 0 and GRAPHICS 8 were similar. Perhaps you would like some further explanation? Each mode has the same colour attributes, i.e. a border, a background and a point on the background that is the same colour as the background but which can have a different luminosity. Each can be addressed down to a single pixel though GRAPHICS 0 is addressed in a block of 8 by 8 to make up a character.


The interesting part is that, if you can address GRAPHICS 8 using a similar block, you can write to this mode as if it were GRAPHICS 0. I have included LISTING 1 as an example of how this can be done. Obviously, being in Basic, it is slower than the operating system but it can come in useful.


The screen pointer (88,89) starts at the top left hand side of the screen. If you POKE any number here it would show as a character in a text mode, or as a coloured point in graphics modes.


Location 57344 is the start of 1024 bytes that hold the character set. Each character is 8 horizontal lines of one byte each. So 1024/8 gives 128 characters. These can be toggled with the inverse key (using an OR operation) to give another 128 characters. For more information, I would recommend the purchase of a good memory map.

The basis of the example listing is to to recognise the character required, look up the appropriate location, get the character data and then produce this data, one line at a time, as a block on the screen. When you RUN the program, you will see the character written quite slowly.


This issue I would like to have a look at movement (ANIMATION to programmers). Movement, without using Player Missile Graphics, comes in two forms. One form, published in issue 25 by Allan Knopp and in the last FIRST STEPS column, is called page flipping. This is where you draw several pages, with slight variations in each, and flick through them very fast to simulate movement. The other method is redrawing which is what we will look at now.

Moving a figure on a screen has to be done in steps. First the figure must be drawn in one location, then drawn (perhaps slightly different) in another position. Normally this is done by drawing the figure in a certain colour on the screen, redrawing in the same position using the background colour (effectively hiding the figure), then moving to another position and redrawing using the first colour. LISTING 2 is a good example of this technique. A variation of this theme is to use the colours of the points to create movement. You may wish to review the last column for details of COLOR and SETCOLOR.



Now let's look at how LISTING 3 works. A row of characters is set up, each one using a different colour register. The colours are then shifted from one register to another in a cycle thus making the figure appear to change places. Your homework is to try this out in GRAPHICS 7, making a straight line (remember the robot eyes in Battlestar Galactica, the car in Knight Rider?).

Remember I mentioned memory locations 88 and 89 at the start of this article? One of the reasons is that you can place points directly on the screen using POKE instead of the slower PRINT or PLOT. A few years ago I was given a demonstration of this technique, a program called 'BUGS' written (in Basic) by none other than Les Ellingham! — it was FAST.



PRINT can, however, still be used to animate the screen with reasonable speed. It is, after all, a form of redrawing. It can be slow and jerky but can have uses in graphic modes. Text modes 1 and 2 use upper case characters only, but they use the same SETCOLOR statements as the four COLOR statements. So if we were to print, say, ABCDEFGH, the four registers would be used for ABCD and then repeated for EFGH. Remember last time that I said GRAPHICS 7 uses only four COLOR statements? Well we can in fact print characters to a graphics screen, only thy will show as colour points only rather than letters. One of the reasons for using PRINT in a graphics mode is partly for speed. The character contains the colour register and the point does not need to use PLOT every time. Another good point is that the drawing can be stored as a string and ATARI is renowned for its speed in string handling.

LISTING 4 will demonstrate the speed of using a string instead of trying to PLOT points. I have also used the DRAWTO statement to show that drawing lines is just as fast this way as using a string but I wanted to point out the convenience of a using string — a method which I am sure many of you were not aware of.

LISTING 5 is a complex diagram stored as a string. Try this out using PLOT and DRAWTO and see if it just as fast. Experiment with character strings and different COLOR and SETCOLOR values and you should be able to build up some good graphics of your own.

I hope that this article will stimulate you enough to try out some of your own exercises, you will only become proficient by practice!


Listing 1

AtariLister - requires Java


Listing 2

AtariLister - requires Java


Listing 3

AtariLister - requires Java


Listing 4

AtariLister - requires Java


Listing 5

AtariLister - requires Java
