In issue 27 we published a letter asking for a
program to automatically run a BASIC program when a disk is booted.
We received dozens of submissions from readers but almost all of
them were based on a program published in Compute! magazine which,
because of copyright, we cannot re-publish. So, we scoured through
several hundred User Group newsletters we have acquired over the
years and found one in a recent issue of Pan Atari News from the
Panama Canal Atari Users Group. It would only run a program called
AUTORUN.BAS so we added a few lines of code to make it run any
program you wish and we have called it AUTOMAKER.
Type it in, check it with TYPO 3, and SAVE it to
disk before you run it. Now place a disk, with DOS on it, into drive
1 and run the program. You will be prompted for the filename of the
program you want to autorun. Type it in, making sure that it is
correct, and press RETURN when prompted. The program will write an
AUTORUN.SYS file to your disk. Now whenever you boot up with that
disk your BASIC program will run automatically! If, later on, you
want to run another program instead, you could always run the
AUTOMAKER program again and it will overwrite your original
AUTOMAKER is not the most sophisticated program
but it does the job. What more do you want!