Compute! Books

A must for anyone who has Flight
Simulator II. For only a modest price you get forty flight scenarios to
key into the edit command of FS2 to give you flights ranging from a few
minutes joy ride to long arduous journeys, all complete with in-flight
commentary describing details of the passing landscape. You will get
hours more pleasure out of Flight Simulator II and, who knows, might
discover some extras you have not yet seen.
Compute! Books

For all you Flight Simulator addicts here
is the sequel to the first book of flight simulator adventures. Another
40 all new adventures for you to key into the edit mode of Flight
Simulator If you already have the first book, you may think 80
adventures is a bit over the top but one of the joys of having such
choice is that you can always find something to intrigue or challenge
you whether you fancy a quiet half hour or a palm-sweating epic in
unsuitable flying weather! We know it's an extravagance but, go on,
treat yourself!
FLYING ON INSTRUMENTS with Flight Simulator
Compute! Books

If you have got the hang of Flight
Simulator and are seeking more challenges, what better than to learn how
to fly by instruments only - just like the professional pilots! The book
takes you through various stages of instrument flying from learning the
functions of each instrument to basic manouevres to more advanced flying
using charts and your instruments in all sorts of weather and
situations. The book includes copies of publications from the U.S.
Department of Commerce detailing recommended procedures for dozens of
U.S. airports together with over 100 genuine IAP charts for various
airports. There's a lot more than we can explain here, but if you know
how to fly, this book will fire up your enthusiasm and give you many
more months enjoyment out of Flight Simulator. Suitable for all Atari
8-bit versions of Sub-Logic's Flight Simulator programs.
Compute! Books

Here's an unusual book that will help you
get more enjoyment out of programs like F-15 Strike Eagle and other jet
combat simulators. Subtitled Air Combat Simulator Tactics and Manoeuvers,
it will teach you the best ways to fly jet aircraft in combat situations
and so expand your enjoyment of several Atari simulators. Lots of
background detail about the F-15 provides fascinating reading before you
learn about flying. The book is divided into two sections - Ground
School and Flight School. In the first you will learn all the theory
about flying in combat before going on to actual flight manouevres where
you will learn the best ways to approach enemy aircraft, go in for
bombing runs, avoid enemy missiles and much more. With this 'inside
information' your flying time will be enormously extended and your
scores will increase dramatically! There are hints and tips for F-15
Strike Eagle and several suggested missions to accomplish in a fine book
for lovers of any kind of jet combat simulator.
LEARNING TO FLY with Flight Simulator
Compute! Books

If you are a new recruit to Sub-Logic's
Flight Simulator or feel that you have not developed your full potential
as a pilot, this book could well provide the experience required to
enable you to get the very best from the program. Everything you need to
know about flying is included in 26 simulated training flights and
you'll learn how to fly smoothly, use your instruments, prepare a flight
plan, land in different ways, handle engine stalls and emergencies,
navigate with radio and much more. With this book you will go from being
able to take off and fly short trips to long range flights across the
USA, landing at different airports using the dozens of Airport landing
charts supplied. Whether you are a raw beginner or an intermediate level
pilot you will find this book essential to enable you to get the very
best from Flight Simulator. Suitable for all Atari 8-bit versions of
Sub-Logic's Flight Simulator programs.
Compute! Books
Owners of Silent Service, GATO or Sub
Battle Simulator will find this book extremely useful in getting the
best from the programs and will provide an interesting insight into the
real world of submarine warfare. As well as specific hints for the games
the book includes a guided tour of a real submarine, stories of life at
sea and excerpts from actual patrol reports from a US submarine that
illustrate the tactics discussed in the book. There are fifteen approach
and attack tactics explained together with advice on how to avoid
detection and get away safely once an attack has been completed. Complex
programs like Silent Service are hard to master but with Submarine
Commander you will come a lot closer.
Compute! Books
There are plenty of books around for
flight simulation programs but, until now, none to help you get the best
from that other 'serious' style of entertainment - wargaming. The
Electronic Battlefield bridges the gap and brings you the inside story,
plus hints, tips and playing strategy for a large number of the very
best wargames many of which are available on the XL/XE. Among the games
that you will find covered here are Silent Service, Jet, F-15 Strike
eagle, Gunship, Broadsides, Warship, U.S.A.A.F, Gettysburg, Tigers In
The Snow, Battlefront, Conflict in Vietnam, Kampfgruppe, Panzer
Grenadier, Field of Fire, Combat Leader, Mech Brigade, Ogre, Balance of
Power, Colonial Conquest and Lords of Conquest. If you have any of these
and want to get more from them this book is a must and it also serves as
a useful guide to future software purchases. A book for the computer
wargaming enthusiast or newcomer.