An excellent word game that is set up for older children
but which, due to its unique Update facility can be changed to suit any
purpose from simple words for young children to real challenges for
adults or all round family fun. The game allows you to find definitions
for a given word or guess the correct word given the definition and it
works on a time basis for each contestant. There are nine dictionaries
provided but these can be changed or added to as desired. The Update
program supplied allows anyone, even a total non-programmer, to change
the time limit, categories, words, definitions etc. or to create any
number of new dictionaries. It is also possible to extend the program
into other types of games such as trivia games. You can build up
dictionaries for your children and update them as they get older (and
cleverer!), build others to test specific subjects and yet more for
family fun. This is a unique game suitable for anything from teaching
the alphabet up to Call My Bluff! One of the very best programs we have
seen in this genre, a must for every owner who loves word games or those
who want to let the family join in. Full instructions for use are on the
disk in a form that may be printed to screen or printer.
Boot Side A with BASIC for program
Boot Side B with BASIC for documentation.