DS#19 - The Ark Comms



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One of the most widely recommended Bulletin Boards supporting the Atari 8-bit is The Ark whose sysop has provided a good deal of support for PAGE 6 over the past year and who has now got together this disk to enable more of you to get into the world of communications. Owners of the 850 interface or the P:R Connection will find here amended and tested versions of AMODEM that will enable them to log on to Bulletin Boards at 1200/75 instead of the standard 300/300, which will not only allow access to many more boards but will also save you a lot of money in telephone costs! Those of you who own the Datatari interface will be able to use another terminal program for the first time and can also communicate at 1200/75. If you don't own an interface at all and don't fancy forking out £70 or so, fear not, for the disk includes details of how to build your own RS232 interface for around £12! The disk is fully documented and is highly recommended for anyone who is into comms. You might even like to call up The Ark at your new 1200/75 baud rate and thank James Bastaple and various friends for helping to widen your comms enjoyment.

Boot Side A with BASIC.
