The very first issue of a new disk based newsletter from
the North of Scotland Atari Users Group that will not get dated due to
the excellence of the programs included. There are several text files
including an overview of the Diamond GOS system and many great PD
programs. Included are the word processor SPEEDSCRIPT, an extremely well
produced Spindizzy type game called CYRTABOR in which you control a
spinning top on a 3D tiled playfield to collect bonuses etc. Excellent
graphics and challenging play. There is a font designer program, the
long disappeared version of TABLE FOOTBALL mentioned in the Football
Crazy article in issue 58, an amusing interlude on COWS and BOMBJACK, a
neat platforms game that has your man jumping and catching bombs, a good
one for the kids this. But that's not all! On the other side of the disk
you will find, along with the text files, a disk duplicator called
MYCOPYR which is ideal for 1050 drives and XE's, a Simon variant called
LET'S HOP, an excellent vertical scrolling game where you bounce a ball
on tiles while trying to avoid a miss which will send you plummeting to
the depths below. An excellent disk, great value, and showing what can
be done by a dedicated User Group.
Double sided - boot each side with Basic