DS#87 - Futura 5



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The latest issue of Futura gives you more of the same and more of everything else! The first side is packed with text bringing you news and opinions from around the world together with a couple of games. GUMBALLS is the old game of whether you or the computer will pick up the last ball but with some excellent graphics. You will also find Paul Lay's Munchy Madness, previously published in Page 6. Side two boots up to a desktop, similar in style to the ST, in which the cursor is controlled by the joystick and menus drop down. On this side you will find several more programs including an excellent two player game in which you guide marbles along a grid. Excellent graphics and two player split-screen action. FLIP Is a strategy game in which you try to flip squares on a game board to your colour. There is a great demo (most likely from Germany or Poland) and some useful fillers. These include a program to print out a calendar for any year, a metric to imperial converter and a useful utility to make any Basic program boot up when you switch on the machine. Altogether another interesting issue of this classy disk magazine.


Boot Side A and Side B with Basic
