DS#113 - Lifespan



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If you like things out of the ordinary, perhaps with a bit of mysticism thrown in then LIFESPAN could be just what you need to break away from the standard arcade game. Lifespan is a game about living in which you travel a journey from Birth to Death through Opportunities, Situations, Conversations and Experiences expressed as designs, colours and sounds. It is a series of games of different moods each of which affects the next. It begins with a Birth spiral in which a number of character types are presented to help you through life. Your goal is to discover those character types glimpsed in childhood but lost in the transition to adulthood. To accomplish this you must pursue Opportunities, deal with Situations, enter Conversations and wrestle with Doubts, Worries and Fears whilst grasping at Hopes. You will have to encounter many Experiences in order to survive enough of them to discover the Character Types they bring out in you. Your reward, if you are successful, will be that your Lifespan will end with a hypnotically beautiful light and sound show built from the experiences of your past life. People pay a fortune for this sort of thing in real life but now you can have the experience without it costing you a fortune in gurus or mind expanding drugs! Full instructions for this unique program are included.


Boot WITH Basic
