XLMON is a machine code monitor from SunSoft Systems
in Australia. The disk creates a boot disk which installs the Revision B
Operating System in an XL/XE computer along with a 4K machine language
monitor in the area of memory between $C000 and $CFFF which is not used
by the Revision B OS. The monitor may be entered by a special key
combination from almost any running program. Once control has been
passed to the monitor you can Dump, Move, Disassemble or Verify memory,
Read and Write disk sectors, Binary Load, Print and more. There are two
different versions of the monitor so that you can choose the one which
suits you best. XLMON requires the original Atari Translator disk to
create its boot disks but we have included this on the reverse of the
disk. Note that there are no instructions for use included with this
disk so you will need some good experience in assembly language and will
need to experiment with the combination of keys required and the correct
syntax. An address is included for a shareware contribution that will
get you full instructions but we do not know if this is still current.
WITHOUT Basic - Double sided.
on Side B