DS#136 - Atari CAD



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A brand new computer aided design program from John Foskett which, judging from the printed results, looks to be a real gem! Although primarily designed for drawing circuit diagrams, the Atari CAD program may be used to draw just about anything at all. The Atari CAD program contains a wide range of electronic symbols, a cross between the good old favourites, the British Standard BS3939 recommended symbols and those which look good on the screen and when printed out. To allow for the maximum drawing space, a mode 8 screen has been used with single line resolution. An information screen is available at most times when using the program which gives brief details of all the commands available and is accessed by pressing the <HELP> key.

Most of the drawing commands are available as a combination of joystick and keyboard controls and there are numerous preset electronic symbols to help you on your way. To help you along there are eight drawing files included which show a couple of single transistor receivers, a coil for single valve receiver, an XL/XE replacement power supply, a multivibrator twin LED flasher, a 4 way sequential lamp flasher, a sound triggered flash unit and a square wave generator. Also included are 15 master blank drawing files each with a special feature around which wiring layout drawings may be produced. Examples are included to show how these may be used.


The program is too comprehensive to explain more fully here but full documentation for its use is included on the disk. If you have ever designed, or needed, a circuit diagram then this program is a must. It can also be used for many similar design and layout applications due to the great deal of care and thought that has gone into its design. This is probably the best CAD program ever written for the Atari Classic.


Boot WITH Basic
