Lots of useful utilities. TINYTEXT is a super basic
word processor with some good facilities and should prove useful for
beginners to word processing or for those whose needs are small. All of
the drafts of the early copies of PAGE 6 were prepared exclusively with
TINYTEXT. ERRTRAP gives you full error explanation, you can forget the
manual. BINSAVE allows you to save binary files to cassette, HEXTODEC is
a Dec/Hex or Hex/Dec converter, MATHS gives you some advanced routines
and RPMTEST allows you to check the speed of your drive. VARILIST will
list your program variables, FLASH gives a flashing cursor. With
CALENDAR you can print a calendar for any month, whilst RUNTIME will put
a clock on the screen. TINYDOS gives you access to DOS from within
BASIC, TEXTPLOT puts any size text on Gr.8 and contains a screen dump.
DISK2CAS is a back up to tape, PLAYERS is a Player missile design aid,
SYSTATUS gives current status of your system and, finally, ASSEMBLE is a
mini Assembler for machine language.
Autoboot with BASIC. System Reset will reboot.
Hold trigger or key to re-boot to menu. To LIST programs, LOAD "D:filename"
and delete line 0 before running.