#35 - Utilities 5


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Another fine set of utilities for all programmers including a few gems. Includes a new DOS called MACHDOS which comes with a complete manual. It may turn out to be your favourite. DISKDUMP allows you to disassemble any program or file from disk FASTSORT contains three sort routines to include in your programs and LINEMOVE is an excellent utility which will delete, move, count or copy lines In a Basic program. FORMATIX allows you to format disks normally or using special sectors and WIDETEXT allows you to mix text styles in Graphics 0. A great program called PMDESGNR will take all of the pain out of Player Missile Graphics by writing sections of Basic from your input to normal questions and PMAID will help you to design players for use with the above. Finally VARREMV stops your program from being easily read by others. A great collection.

Autoboot with Basic. System reset will reboot. All files are Basic Run or Load unless otherwise stated. Files with LST extension should be Entered.
