#203 - Easystor


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EasyStor is a database style program that was developed to produce indexes to various Atari computer magazines. The format, however, is free form so that the program can be used for any number of applications. Although designed to compliment a commercially available index program, EasyStor can be used effectively on its own. The format consists of a seven line record card with the first two as the main heading and the next five to add whatever supplementary information or explanations that you may require. Searching is possible on any word used within the record so that you do not have to restrict yourself to specific methods of entry. The number of records available is limited only by disk space and, obviously, the more information you put on each card, the less records you can have. Database programs are very personal things, some suit certain applications better than others but EasyStor might just be the card storage system that suits you.

Boot with Basic.
