#207 - Textpro 4.0X


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A brand new update for TextPro that adds a few minor features and probably has a lot more but, not being regular TextPro users, we have to say that we are not sure what the other enhancements are! The TextPro file is much larger than the original, however, so there must be enhancements, perhaps faster of better handling of printing or formatting? Three additional help screens cover help for hard drive owners, hints on handling oversize files and the new commands include setting linefeeds on or off, selecting default drives and automatic menu sorting and the ability to save settings as default. This single sided disk has all the help files needed for TextPro and several other files that do not appear on the original disk but does not repeat much of the information on the original and should therefore be considered an update to the original version rather than as a full replacement. Regular TextPro users will want to try this out as the latest version. For those new to TextPro, the program is fully usable and has extensive built in help but we recommend that you also get the original version (DS#8) which has much more information on the disk.

Boot without Basic.
