Glyph is a Shareware Font Editor and Utilities package
for the Atari Classic. The utilities comprise a program that will take
any 9-sector font and turn it into Basic (or Action) data statements so
you can easily use these in your own programs. There are also ready
written routines in Basic and Action! and for SpartaDos to use these
fonts in your own programs. There are several fonts available on the
disk. Glyph itself is a standard font editor but with the facility to
load and work on two fonts at once. Each character set can be
interchanged either with the system font or with each other and
virtually all the editing commands you will need are included.
Characters can be overlaid on each other or vertically flipped and well
as scrolled in any direction. You can modify any of the fonts on the
disk or create you own and, with the utilities, you can easily include
any font in your own programs either as readable text or as redefined
characters for backgrounds or players.
Boot with Basic.