#216 - Paper-Clip Utilities


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Here we have a set of printer drivers and other utilities primarily for use with the Paper Clip word processor and Panasonic printers but there are one or two programs that Panasonic owners may find useful even if they don't use Paper Clip. We have printer drivers for Paper Clip with the Panasonic 1080 and 1090 series and also the Atari 1025. Then there is a font download for the Panasonic which redefines 15 upper case italic letters into various maths and physics symbols. This can be used with any program that can access shifted italic characters. This font program is in Basic and could probably be easily adapted to download other fonts to your Panasonic. There are a couple of font demo and test programs for the Panasonic 1080 and 1090 plus a print demo for Paper Clip. If you have the Paper Clip and Panasonic combination this is for you but you might find it useful for your Panasonic anyway.

Boot with Basic. Select from menu.
