#237 - World Travel


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Once again the Atari comes to the fore as a learning tool or educational experience. This travelogue, which we believe was originally part of the now defunct disk magazine The New Aladdin, takes you on a journey to Australia, New Zealand and Russia. The narrative takes the form of a series of text screen pages that are turned with the cursor keys. In The Australian Experience, which comes In two parts, you will discover many interesting facts about life and living in the land of Oz from a native contributor whilst New Zealand is represented with three excellent drawings from Harvey Kong-Tin, a friend of Page 6 from long ago. The final narrative details the exploits of an American student on a journey to Russia just after travel restrictions were lifted and gives a unique insight into what it was like to travel to what was at the time one of the world's least accessible countries. There are 32 pages of information on Australia, 18 on Russia with the New Zealand pictures as well and the disk is in enhanced format so that the disk is as packed as it could be. This series of travelogues from The New Aladdin is another unique use of the Atari for educational or leisure interest that deserves a look.

Requires enhanced density drive. Boot with Basic. 
