#249 - Words Are Fun


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This is the third variation of Wheel of Fortune we have found but it is a classy production that deserves a play even if you have the others. The object in Wheel of Fortune is to guess the letters in a word or words that can represent a famous person, a saying or phrase, a film or whatever. You spin the wheel before your go to see how much each guess is worth, hoping that you will avoid the bankrupt segment which will lose you all of your points in the round. If you watch the program on TV then you will know exactly how to play but there are instructions included. The game can be played with up to 4 players and is controlled by your choice of joystick or keyboard. There are fourteen puzzles included, each with up to 100 phrases, but you can create your own with Atari writer or any word processor that saves in ASCII format. Full instructions are included. This is one of those games that you think you could do without but which becomes really addictive when you start to play. An ideal family game, especially if you create your own puzzles with easier phrases for the children.

Boot with Basic.
