More advanced users may find this collection
invaluable for when something goes wrong or if they need to back up
their disks or create their own protected software. Some of the best
disk utilities around include VTOCFIX which examines the Volume Table of
Contents and allows you to fix problems, especially when you get a disk
that shows fewer free sectors than you should have. Seems to work only
in single density though. TRACER is a most comprehensive disk/sector
analyser with the best graphic interface even seen on this type of
utility. Edit and copy sectors, search for info and much, much more in a
great utility. If you need to create 'fuzzy' or bad sectors then FUZZY
will do it for you with ease. Another sector editor is SECTOR which lets
you edit, copy and duplicate sectors and much more with some extra
special facilities especially for advanced programmers. Also allows you
to create 'slow' sectors and has a built in drive speed checker. BURP is
a boot utility pack that will allow you to create your own custom disks
by copying files, tapes to disk, boot files and more. It will also copy
Multi-boot and Rob C Menu programs and has comprehensive DOS utility
features. To round off, OLD OPERATING SYSTEM is a version of the old
400/800 OS which seems to be specifically for running ROMs and tapes
that have problems on the XL.
Boot with Basic. Use DOS option L or Basic to
run programs.