/atari/8bit/00.CHANGES ADDITIONS/REMOVALS: Emulator.zip - Added to /Emulators/Computer/ altar.com - Added to /Graphics/Collections/ ander.com - Added ANDER DEMO to /Demos/Mini/ annael.com - Added ANNAEL DEMO to /Demos/Mini/ bitwa.com - Added to /Graphics/Collections/ bubel.com - Added to /Graphics/Collections/ copygard.txt - Added to /Info/Routines/ crc16v31.arc - Added CRC16 v.3.1 to /Diskutils/Test/ dalm.com - Added to /Graphics/Collections/ delta.arc - Added DELTA COMPOSER to /Sound/Editors/ druid.com - Added to /Graphics/Collections/ druid.int - Added to /Graphics/Collections/ happy7.zip - Added to /Info/Hardware/ inter.com - Added INTERPAINDER to /Graphics/Editors/ inter.doc - Added to /Graphics/Editors/ jaga.com - Added to /Graphics/Collections/ mpt24spl.com - Added MUSIC PROTRACKER 2.4s+ to /Sound/Editors/ orn95hip.arc - Added to /Graphics/Collections/ periscup.dcm - Added PERISCOPE UP! to /Games/Action/ puzzle.int - Added to /Graphics/Collections/ ramdrv10.arc - Added to /Os/ raving.com - Added RAVING DEMO to /Demos/Mini/ recycle.com - Added RECYCLE DEMO to /Demos/Mini/ somethin.int - Added to /Graphics/Collections/ thebreak.com - Added THE BREAK DEMO to /Demos/Mini/ thulhu.int - Added to /Graphics/Collections/ titusgfx.com - Added to /Graphics/Collections/ train.int - Added to /Graphics/Collections/ wampir.com - Added to /Graphics/Collections/ war.com - Added to /Graphics/Collections/ zamek.com - Added to /Graphics/Collections/ CHANGES MADE: cardpak3.blurb - Updated blurb for /Games/Cards/cardpak3.arc /New/ - Renamed to "/incoming/" /00.CHANGES - Renamed to "00.CHANGES.97.05.13" /00.CHANGES.97.02.27 - Moved into 00.oldchanges/ CHANGES PLANNED: * Move all removed (offline) files from the "Unverified" directory into appropriate directories. * Remove Spartados/ directory and move contents into other directories. Sep20 98 - Bill Kendrick