XFD-Tools v0.1 -------------- (C)1996 by Ivo van Poorten This is an MS-DOS port of Ivo van Poorten's XFD-Tools. XFDDIR.EXE : Display a directory listing of an .XFD image XFDREAD.EXE : Copies a file from an .XFD image XFDWRITE.EXE : Copies a file to an .XFD image DOS2AT : Converts DOS to Atari EOL (for text files) AT2DOS : Converts Atari EOLs to DOS Tony Smolar (asmolar@fast.net) June 6, 1996 Questions about the MS-DOS version of XFD-Tools should be directed to Tony Smolar (asmolar@fast.net) Questions about XFD-Tools in general should be directed to: Ivo van Poorten (ipoorten@cs.vu.nl)