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Insert another di}gsk in drive %A%* -%* press return to continue.%)AUA%0 -0 } }C %+ -%+ 6 %Q%T&O & )6.[:,6 - %& 6.[:,6.[:,}6. &( B:,"67<,.00(67<,.[:,*&Q4&T>&]H&! 6.6.!67B:,%,.*.*R&  \&  }a Ef&  p&Fz&T&O&)]2-$SOURCE DRIVE : )P&( 0-# p (\2& -}_ &6-A:7<,,&Q&T&O&+]3-+SOURCE FILENAME.EXT : &"@Hc*46.*.*& 4}k\3& 6.67B:,%,.&Q'T'O'*]4-%TARGET DEVICE : *P $'( 0-# z (\}4.' - 8'7<,4D6-A:7<,,B'QL'TV'O`'-B:,j'7<,4.65-Gt'67<,.7}<,~' ' 66-B:,67-B:,']8' 6. PP'7<,4D' A\8'A' (5' 6-&6}P' 6.67B:,%,.'@' 6-&6P'6.76%<7,(% 6.67B:,%,.%67B:,%,. (A(P( }P\8(( 6-2(6-%6.<(6..INF6-&6PF(* 6.67B:,%,.*67B:,%,.7<,P(PZ(}P 6.67B:,%,.d(67B:,%,.6-6.n(Qx(T(O(.@TA*AR.P(4 -4} &(c) Copyright Andrew MCINTOSH 1990-94.(* -* Developed by ASI Industries.(' -' Assembly Source Interface(} - Version 1.5AM+( - Choose option?( -  ESC: Exit.( - 0: Disk directory.(+ -+ 1:} Assembly Source Interface.( -  2: ASI bytes.(! -! 3: Create INF file.( -  4: ASI docs.) - }15: DOS)Q)T")],) -6)E@)6 jSTART Hex :J) Press 'Y' if ok?T))@nB`^)} :END Hex :h) Press 'Y' if ok?r))@>WB|)  @[)-- %Press the Break key to s}ave and exit.)F)T)O) ^ ) -  Does not exist!)' -' Press return to continue,) -}= or Break to quit.))AUB)- -- \ j)( -( } } )% -% , )Q*T*O* ^ &*) -) Not enough free disk space!0*' -'}Cd Press return to continue,:* - or Break to quit.D*)AUB N*) -) } } X*' -' ) 7b* - H l*Qv*T*O9* ) 6.[: ,* ) }6.[: ,6 - %**6. DW $6-*@*6. .WORD $*A*Q*T*O:*7<,4D+ +P}+%%  ; *   +67B:,%,.*+@4+%%  ; *  >+67B:,%,.H+AR+}A\+Tf+7<,0Dp+z+##    DW $+@+%%    .WORD $+A+A+}T+67B:,%,.+67B:,%,.+67B:,%,.+67B:,%,.+67B:,%,.+67B:,%,.PP+Q+T}1F0C207420782079207A207B207C207D207E207F2080208120822083208420852086208720882089208A208B208C208D208E-}208F2090209120922093209420952096209720CB20EA2164218F2190219121F5221622172218223322422345238E239023A3/ }mZ[c ERRBRMLLKEMLLPRINTELLERRKBRKKEFILESDSFFSSEASIDISLDIRCDDL2:qu2Az}; 9%&,0O:48 ?<@ ;EH @!MX A( =\`U>dh>lp+?txZ?|}? @@^A!%C BGK4COSBBWa"gios AyT}K++(c) COPYRIGHT Andrew MCINTOSH 1991.**Developed by ASI Industries,O 1993JJReleased for the Public Domain in F}5eburary 1994 by Andrew MCINTOSH.T66;i,;@9@,;@DK,;@OV,;@ Zl, 9^ @pxf)@|}@9=-P9Af "f P (!gg@Auf!6-%g2T<]-g)gF"!&@y*"}@2\'"\P"AU6-g%g'\Z h>:,d nTx ] hF:@`e,!@ir?-@v@"}=4 Press any key to continue8PG2-@K. Press any key to continue.2)  %}%TO g*h@#-g@) h  6-f#AQT"O,4 -gg4 &(c) COPYRIGHT Andrew MCINTOSH 1990}C -94.60-@=h0 Developed by ASI Industries.;(-@Aei( All Rights Reserved!@3-@im@q3 Assembl}y Source InterfaceJ;-@#@'V; !Documentation Printer Version 1.5T(-@Z^@b( Choose option.^/-@} @ 0/ : Load Main menu.h--@48@<]- : Disk directory.r$-@ae@i$  : Screen|%}-@ @;%  : PrinterT ] )"@'?n6.D1:ASI15AM.BXL\A6-&@Hr "f }r` DIRP\% "g `  DOC - SCREEN!P%\& "h `  DOC - PRINTER"P&\\0]6-@7vh,}h@ .fE:0PQTc]-@26@:?3 T ZE-@^b@fc : Print width 40} column3-@@T3 : Print width 80 columnT&] )6-&@HX0  g)!h\:TDO] 6}-$@@ %@E@!%@)+1<P:O @0@UN ] XA-@Y]@"a9  Check printer and pres}s =PA\bTlOv ] )QT]ARgl"A6A   ERROR l  4 }6-F:@ ,( @!)!@!#+46-@!/=0 -i0 "_ o3 -i%g3 "}  } 8-@". Press any key to continue.2)58%TO`ARg^ Q }TO -@@SSOURCE DRIVE :   46.D1:*-@W[@_l 4"r\>] }-@ @VH SOURCE FILENAME.EXT : R 4\\ 6.67B:,%@Z,.fQpTz]! 6.!67 }B:,%@ ,.*.* @!%@)+1C  E@Gp FT] AR@t6-@}@! 66 Insert ASI disk in Drive D1:3-@:>@"B3 Press return to continue.%]*AS)! A}U%\6-@@!"6 > G3-@KO@"SX3 q --@}@! G)  Loading ""-%TD:DOCPRINT.BXL 3-@KO@"SX3 q --@=) (c) Copyright Andrew MCINTOSH 1990-94.0 MDeveloped by ASI Industries.W nAll rights reserved.u Assembly"}C Source Interface -Version 1.5AM9 Revised Edition.Note:'ASI Industries.' is my computer hack-name."}ǛNote:The Music and player is from a package called 'The Black Magic Composer' done by Sven Tegethoff, Thorsten Winkler & U"}lf Petersen, a friend has told me that the player does not work on some Atari 130XE's due to a bug in the timing, it must ove"}r-run the VBI or something!This disk is released as Freeware within the Public Domain. Regarding all Programs with the fil"}ename extension of '.BXL', you have the right to copy, and compile, you may also edit or use some of the routines for your ow"}n programs.Additionally if you would like to enhance the programs or docs please send me a copy on disk of your modified ve"}rsion. I will return your disk as soon as possible if you wish, my mailing address is at the end of this doc file.Credits:"}ǛRaphael J. Espino, James Haworth, Ralph Bradley, Dean Garraghty, David Ewen and Tyne & Wear Atari User Group, Michael Zino "}& family, Les & Sandy Ellingham of Page Six and the rest of the New Atari User staff,Note:I do not mind other Public Domai"}n libraries especially outside the UK incorporating ASI or my other software within their library, but Please use the full ti"}tle and version number, additionally if you contact me directly there may be an updated version of that item from time to tim"}e.One other thing it would be nice if i could hear from any Public Domain libraries world-wide which may be useful when i a"}m releasing new PD & Shareware software for our Atari 8-bit computer, but please include a copy of your PD list in English ei"}ther on disk or paper.PLEASE NOTE:It is illegal to Reverse Engineer copyrighted software without permission from the copy" }right holder.The disk including all programs shall not be offered for sale, other than a small charge to cover distribution"!} costs by Public Domain libraries.Rights:All rights and trademarks of all software, hardware, and documentation are fully""} acknowledged.This is software that will allow you to reverse-engineer disassemble binary files to either the screen, disk "#}or a printer. It will produce source code compatible with both Atari Macro Assembler and Mac/65.Binary files may be revers"$}Ge engineered for many different reasons like for modification, to find out how a program was written, or even for extracting "%}%routines for inclusion within another work.Did many of you know that even cartridges could be reverse-engineered then modif"&}ied to include enhancements or even debugged and saved to disk, same with protected programs then you could issolate the prot"'}ection routine and create a working copy that may even work on the high-speed Dos's and even true double density.So my pro"(}gram Assembly Source Interface (ASI) allows you the user to reverse engineer other peoples binary program files as a bid to g")}et access to assembly programs, but it's not a true disassembly system giving you accurate source code every time, since all "*}programmers are different and utilize different methods when they wrote their program.This program has many advantages, but"+} it also has it's disadvantages, like it will disassemble every byte as assembly even if it is a text string, when it disasse",}mbles text strings it produces quite few garbage instructions, and normally knocks the disassembly out by a byte or two, but "-}it will come back into sync later.Minimum requirements:Atari 800XL or XE computer with a minimum of 64K of memory.Atar".}'i 810, 1050, or the XF551 disk drive., Optional equipment:A printer.A second disk drive, or for expanded 800XLs and "/}the 130XE you can use the ramdisk as a second drive.You do not need an assembler to use ASI, but if you wish to re-assemble"0} your customized binary program, you will need an assembler, on the Atari there are many assemblers, but OSS Mac/65 is the fa"1}stest, though i personally use the Atari Macro assembler which is just as good as Mac/65.Note:All the main programs will a"2}sk for.0: All of following must be typed in normal video and in upper case.1: Here is a list of all the device handlers"3} supported.DISKETTE EDITOR! -PRINTER D:5 7E:? P: D1: D2: D8:Only the diskette column is available fo"4}r input, but all are available for output.2: Source drive, which must be typed as D1: or D2: or D:, this has a default of "5}D1:.3: Source filename.ext, which can be either typed with or without a file extension like 'DUP.SYS' or 'DUP', but rememb"6}Ger your object file must be the sameTarget device, which must be typed as 'D:', 'D1:', 'E:', or 'P:' this has a default of "7}7D'E:'.5: Target filename will be automatically created for you.J dAssembly Source Interfaceo version 1.5AM"8}ǛThis system offers everything that 'ASI v1.2A' offered, excluding Atxibm utilities and the Assembly convertor, but version "9}1.5AM offers much more for example v1.2A could never disassemble very large binary files such as the top demos part 1 and 2.":}ǛAlso it could not skip bytes thus improving the disassembly process and it was very difficult to distinguish an instruction ";}from a rogue byte, since it was only a hexidecimal number and not a character.Finally it could only disassemble in the Atar"<}i Macro Assembler format, then use the assembly convertor to translate the source code into Mac/65.Now version 1.5AM has th"=}e following features as standard.1: Disk expansion.The disk expansion can be utilized in two ways.1: For a one dis">}k drive system and no extra memory to serve as a ramdisk.The source disk doubles up as the target disk, also there must be "?}at least 101 free sectors on the disk as well as the file you are going to reverse engineer. You may also have to make sever"@}al copies of your source disk, because version 1.5AM requires the source disk to contain the file for reverse engineering and"A} optionally a INF file, plus enough free disk space for the target file(s).2: For a two drive system, and for one drive s"B}ystem with extra memory to serve as a ramdisk.Note: For users that have a single drive system with extra memory to serve as"C} a ramdisk.If there is enough free sectors in ramdisk to cover the source file and the optional INF file, then use the ramd"D}isk as your source drive and drive 1 as the target drive.If theres not enough free sectors in ramdisk you could try and del"E}ete either MEM.SAV or and DUP.SYS, but if there is still not enough disk space then you must use this program as a single dri"F}ve system.The source disk must be compatible with Atari DOS 2 or 2.5, with the source file and the optionally INF file in e"G}ither drive 1 or 2.The target drive must be different from the source drive, also the target disk must be preformatted and "H}Galso there must be at least 101 free sectors, additionally it can also use disks with other files on it as long as there are "I}I101 free sectors available.2: The INF File.This INF file is what really makes version 1.5AM different from version 1.2"J}A, all it does is supply information about a source file with the same filename at disassembly time.This gives you the abil"K}ity to change the disassembly process by treating hexidecimal locations as single bytes, for example if you have ever tried t"L}o disassemble the DUP.SYS file with either version 1.2A or 1.5AM with no INF or any other disassembler, you would find the fi"M}rst instruction is 'EOR $3A', but that instruction is actually 'E:' as text.The format of the INF file is in ATASCII with a"N} single line for each an every hexidecimal location, in an order of first, last.All you have to do is write the start locat"O}ion with the first byte of a non-instruction, and the last location of the last byte of the non-instruction, but if the non-i"P}nstructions continue onto another segment then you must declare the last segment location as the last byte of the non-instruc"Q}tion and then start from the next segment location as the first.When you disassemble file say 'DUP.SYS' for example, ASI wi"R}ll first check to see if that file exists, if it does not exist it will tell you about it, else if it does exist it will then"S} look for a file called 'DUP.INF' on the same drive.For example just take a look at the 'DUP.INF'FIRST : 1F0CLAST : 207"T}4FIRST : 2078LAST : 2097This would translate into.1F0C207420782097Now when ASI reads the file 'DUP.INF' it will d"U}eclare every single byte from location '1F0C' to '2074' as single bytes, but if the first location is not in range of the cur"V}EVrent segment start and end addresses it will stay resident until it is in range, even if that means several segments before i"W}t comes into range.3: ASI bytes.The ASI bytes routine allow you to treat an entire file as single bytes, although if a"X} segment only contains two bytes it will declare it as a 16-bit word.This routine gives you the same output as ASI, it is v"Y}ery useful for gathering locations for use in the INF file, since you can see a text string byte by byte or character by char"Z}acter.What i normally do is disassemble to the screen with the Mac/65 option, and press control+1 to stop and start the lis"[}; *0414 88 BNE $0414 ; *0415 D0 FD DEXG q; *0417 CA BNE $0403 ; *0418 D0 E9 RTSz ; *"t}041A 60 ORG $02E0 ; SEG *02E0 *02E1 DW $0400 ; *02E0 00 04; END OF CODENow the Mac/65 format, it is not laid out li"u}ke the Atari Macro Assembler format, but when it's loaded into Mac/65 it will look better. The Mac/65 format is as follows."v}10 *= $0400 ; SEG *0400 *041A11 PLA ; *0400 6812 LDX #$FF ; *0401 A2 FF13 LDA #$FF ; *0403 A9 FF14 STA $D01F ; *0405"w} 8D 1F D015 LDA #$00 ; *0408 A9 0016 LDY #$F0 ; *040A A0 F017 DEY ; *040C 8818 BNE $040C ; *040D D0 FD19 STA $D01F "x}; *040F 8D 1F D020 LDY #$F0 ; *0412 A0 F021 DEY ; *0414 8822 BNE $0414 ; *0415 D0 FD23 DEX ; *0417 CA24 BNE $0403 ;"y}G *0418 D0 E925 RTS ; *041A 6026 *= $02E0 ; SEG *02E0 *02E127 .WORD $0400 ; *02E0 00 0428 .OPT NO LIST29 ; END OF COD"z}zEThe only differences between Atari Macro Assembler and Mac/65 are.1: Mac/65 uses a line number.2: Mac/65 uses '*=' ins"{}tead of 'ORG'.3: Mac/65 uses '.BYTE' instead of 'DB'.4: Mac/65 uses '.WORD' instead of 'DW'.5: Mac/65 uses a double quote "|}instead of a single quote.The difference between Mac/65 and the Atari Assembler Editor rom are.1: Mac/65 uses '.WORD' ins"}}tead of two '.BYTE' instructions, but remember to convert it back to the lohi format for the Assembler Editor rom.Document"~}ation printer:This program allows you to print the ASI documentation to then screen or to a printer in either 40 or 80 colu"}mns, this program has been extended so you must type in the drive and filespec before it will display it.Other stuff on th"}e disk:I have included two INF files as an example only, since i dont know if they are correct or not, they are called 'DUP"}.INF' for the file 'DUP.SYS' of DOS 2.5, and 'RAMDISK.INF' for the file 'RAMDISK.COM', these 'INF' files should make the sour"}ce code flow better.The DOS 2.5 is a customized version for Turbo Basic it was done by Raphael J. Espino, it allows you to "}return to Turbo Basic from DOS, just like Atari Basic, but it uses the file 'MEM.SAV' to do this. It works well on a 130XE, "}since the 'MEM.SAV' is saved on ramdisk.Do not remove the 'MEM.SAV', by answering 'Y' when copying files, if you are planni"}ng to return to Turbo Basic, as it will cause the computer to lock-up, on pressing item 'B: Run Turbo Basic'!I have include"}d a copy of my very first and very probally my last game written for the Atari 8-bit computer, it's called 'Hangman Prelude' "}yes it's another Hangman type game, you type in a word or words, while others are not looking, then others try to guess the w"}ord you typed, get it right or be hanged!Also included is a copy of the 'SpeedScript v3.2 wordprocessor' which may be usefu"}l for typing in those 'INF' files and or viewing and printing the docs, load it from DOS only!Wanted:The book 'The Atari"} assembler' by Don and Kurt Inman, Published by Prentice hall.The book 'Machine language for beginners', published by Compu"}Gte!The book 'Second book of machine language', published by Compute!The Book 'Atari software protection techniques' with "}or without disk, Published by Alpha Systems Inc.The Book 'Advanced Atari software protection techniques' with or without di"}sk, published by Alpha Systems Inc.Penpals on Atari 8-bit with a disk drive.Most of the books i have listed are only for "}reading.I cannot pay much for the books at the moment, but i would be willing to pay around five to ten pounds plus postage"} for each book, or would you be willing to give me a loan of a copy. Additionally will even swap my original software for th"}ese books, most of the software i have listed are those that i bought in good faith without seeing first, then after seeing i"}t never used since they are all on disk and in first class condition and contain their original docs and packaging.Druid, H"}awkquest, pinball construction set, 10-Print for 1029 printer and Eternal Dagger or Public Domain software ask for list.I a"}lso would like to thank Mr. Michael Zino of New York, U.S.A especially for the books 'Inside Atari DOS' and 'Atari Basic sour"}cebook' and feedback.Finally if you like this program or use it or my previous ASI v1.2A or you would like to know more inf"}o as well as other software please send me a postcard, after all since ASI v1.2A was released by Page 6 over 18 months ago on"}ly one person has written to me off his own back and that was Mr Michael Zino, though Mr Raphael J. Espino has helped me grea"}tly over the last 18 months.If i had been relying on feedback from you the users, this new debugged version of ASI v1.5AM w"}ould have never have been written at all!If you would like to write to me or help in any way, Please write in English to."} MR A. MCINTOSH# 121 ROMAN ROAD; GBONNYBRIDGEQ _STIRLINGSHIREi qFK4 2DE{ SC"}OTLANDAll replies will be answered, but please include a Stamped Addressed Envelope or international reply coupons, as i a"}m still Unemployed so help with postage is welcome, normally i reply within 28 days of receiving your letter.Last edited on"} the 11th of May 1994.elp with postage is welcome, normally i reply within 28 days of receiving your letter.Last edited on C) (c) Copyright Andrew MCINTOSH 1990-94./ LDeveloped by ASI Industries.V mAll Rights Reserved.t Assembly &}Source Interface Version informationNote:'ASI Industries.' is my computer hack-name.original idea behind ASI &}was to create a working disassembly system that offered output to a file in a form that may be used by major assembler progra&}ms.I originally used the OSS Mac/65 assembler, but shortly realized that this form was too big, so i decided to use Atari M&}acro assembler (AMAC) instead, as it is more space efficent than Mac/65.It is assummed that you should have some knowledge &}of 6502 assembly language and of the hexidecimal numbering system, but if you are not aquainted with 6502 assembly language a&}nd or the hexidecimal numbering system, there are many books available on 6502 assembly language, but sadly most of these boo&}ks dealing with the Atari 8-bit are now out-of-print, but any book dealing with the 6502 will explain better than i probaly c&}ould.Also the New Atari User magazine are running an assembly language tutorial at the moment which started on issue 57 - i&}ssue 61, also a Public Domain disk that may prove useful 'DS # 62 Assembly Language Tutorial' from Page 6, or the 'Cracking t&}he code' articles by Keith Mayhew originally published in the Monitor (Atari UK owners club.) magazine and now republished in&} the TWAUG Newsletter, see my 'RESOURCE.DOC' for the contact addresses.Firstly when was developing v1.0 i thought i knew e&}verything about assembly language, and it's form and structure. But after v1.0 had been released, i had found that i had mad&}e an error in my assumption, due to the reason that i did not exactly know how to debug assembly language at processor level.&} I asummed that once the file header had been bypassed the rest of the bytes in the file would be actual instructions, but f&}ailed to anticipate non instructions or strings of text and the like.This is not a real disaster as nearly all disassembler&} type programs have this flaw, but v1.0 has a plus over many other programs in it's class, it has the ability to write a file&} to disk in a form that your assembler may reconise, although it's weakness is that it cannot disassemble from memory, as my &}Gprogram was not designed to disassemble from memory anyway.In assembly language each instruction has an unique identificati&}on number which does not just give the name of the instruction, but also its form of addressing mode.The instruction can be&} anything between one and three bytes long.The program will only disassemble a legal executable binary DOS object files.&}Binary file header structure.The bytes of the file header structure is represented in hexidecimal, the legal standard file &}header is six bytes long, the first two bytes have a signiture of 'FF' 'FF', then the next two bytes you get the segment sta&}rt address, and the last two bytes are the segment end address. The start and end addresses are a 16 bit number which can re&}ference the whole 64k of the operating system, and are in the lohi format, in other means they are in reverse order, so i wil&}Ul give you a demonstration of what i mean.Lets just consider the following bytes.Z FF FF 00 06 01 06 A9 00First we i&}gnore the first two bytes, then we reverse the next two bytes to get the start segment address, now we reverse the next two b&}&ytes to get the segment end address.+ FF FF 06 00 06 01 A9 00Now the start and end addresses have been converted to th&}e hilo format, they should read 0600 and 0601 respectivly, i have typed two additional bytes that are nothing to do with the &}file header, as they make-up an actual instruction, namely 'LDA #$00'.My system does not use labels whatsoever, but it rea&}lly does not need them for branches and jumps within the source code, as it tells you exactly where to go next. This is easy&} to follow from v1.2A, because it tells you what address you are at, within the file. Thats the part after the semicolon, of&}8 which i will demonstrate with the following program.0< EORG $0400K ^; SEG *0400 *041A1b ePLAq ; *0400 682&} LDX #$FF "; *0401 A2 FF3& .LDA #$FF5 D; *0403 A9 FF4H QSTA $D01FW i; *0405 8D 1F D05m uLDA #$00| ;&} *0408 A9 006 LDY #$F0! 0; *040A A0 F074 7DEYC O; *040C 888S \BNE $040Cb q; *040D D0 FD9u STA $D01&}F %; *040F 8D 1F D010 LDY #$F0, B; *0412 A0 F011 DEYN g; *0414 8812 BNE $0414m ; *0415 D0 FD13&}C DEX +; *0417 CA14 BNE $04031 G; *0418 D0 E915 RTSS f; *041A 6016 ORGr ; SEG *02E0&} *02E117 DW $0400 +; *02E0 00 0418= ; END OF CODEIn the example program above is a formatted outpu&}t with added line numbers for reference within this documentation.On line 0 tell us that we have started a new segment of c&}ode, but also tells us the start address followed by the end address of the current segment.Some jump or and other instruct&}ions will use addresses which are not within the range of either the current segment or the complete file, as some instructio&}ns may even be pointing into the rom area of the operating system or pointing to system vectors.On line 18 is the natural e&}nd of a program, which may include several segments of code.On line 8 tells us that we must do a reverse branch to line 7.&}ǛOn line 12 it also tells us to do a reverse branch to line 11.I wonder if you can see where line 14 branches to, as it sho&}uld be very easy to find.Since you see i have included the current address within the segment for each and every instructio&}n after the declaration of a new segment.You may be wondering whats the hex numbers are for after the address. These hex n&}Iumbers are the bytes that make-up the actual instruction on that line.O Assembly Source InterfaceAll versions that h&}ave been released by Public Domain Libraries so far, all have been issued as Freeware and i would like to continue issuing as&} Freeware if possible.To date v1.0, 1.2A, 1.5AM, v1.5+ and the new v1.5AM have been offered to various Public Domain Librar&}ies, here in the UK.Version 1.0V1.0 does work very similar to v1.2A, though it created two spaces before the instruction &}Gfor easy porting to Mac/65, and had no remark after the instruction which ment that the source code was at least three quarte&}rs smaller and tighter, it also prints to the screen regardless of what device the output was going to, if you would like to &}see it as it stands in compiled form, please send a 9" by 6" (C5) sized Stamped Addressed Envelope with a blank 5.25" disk an&}Gd i will send on copy as soon as possible.Version 1.2 (Obsolete)This is complete re-write of version 1.0 and also impleme&}nted the INF routines, but it was still limited by the amount of free disk space available on a disk. Also it was much more &}compacted than V1.2A since there were no remark after the instruction, also only compatible with Atari Macro Assembler, altho&}ugh it could be converted to Mac/65 with the Assembler convertor utilities V1.0.This version was to be released in April 199&}2, but due to me not taking regular backups i accidently formatted the only copy i had.Version 1.4A (Obsolete)This is tot&}ally identical to V1.2 but it was the first to boast expansion of an object file over onto a second disk, so it could reverse&} engineer very large binary files to disk, but it would only work if there were two drives. The source on one drive and the &}target on the other.version 1.5A (Obsolete)This is really only an upgrade to V1.4A, since the only difference is that it &}now utilize's the DB routines, so you now could have DB instructions as strings instead of just hexidecimal numbers.Version&} 1.2AThe remark after the instruction is the only enhancement, but like V1.0 it does not have the INF routines, also when o&}utput is disk it displays the address that ASI is presently working on which is updated nearly every cycle, this helps if you&} are R.Eing from ramdisk to ramdisk just to let you know that the computer has not crashed yet.Page 6 have released Assembl&}y Source Interface V1.2A in their Public Domain disk library, yes that's them who publish the New Atari User magazine. Page &}6 # 184 Assembly Source Interface v1.2A, it has been recently updated and the latest version is dated 24th of November 1992.&}ǛVersion 1.5AMThis one follows in the footsteps of both v1.2A and v1.5A, but it also has two assembler output configuration&}s, Atari Macro assembler and OSS Mac/65 as standard. Additionally i have incorporated the bytes routine directly into the ma&}in program and it also has a routine to generate an INF file.Since after sending out ASI V1.5AM to Various Public Domain lib&}raries back in January 1993, i discovered that this version was seriously flawed, but instead of fixing it there and then, i &}Gdecided to replace it with ASI V1.5 Plus. Now that ASI V1.5 Plus has become bogged down in bugs it's self, i have done a U-t&}urn by fixing ASI V1.5AM and re-issuing instead.The problems was due to major design problems in version 1.5AM mainly with t&}he two drive integration which failed to work properly as i had previously expected. This was primary because i did not comp&}ute the addition of the carriage return within the file output buffer which was in turn causing unpredictable results especia&}ly with multi-disk file outputs of which usually resulted in the last file created on the disk containing no data whatsoever.&}ǛSecondly there was a bug in the files routine that refused to acknowledge the existence of a file contained on the source di&}sk which did not have a file extension, both of these bugs has been fixed.DGS released ASI V1.5AM sometime around October -&} December 1993 in the bugged version, though i have now fixed those bugs and it has been re-issued.DGS PD 171 Assembly Sour&}ce Interface v1.5AM.The very latest update is dated the 11th of May 1994Version 1.5+ (Obsolete)This version was design&}ed to be the version that would eventually superseed version 1.5AM, but unfortunately it has become obsolete in the process, &}and then again it still lives on as my new ASI System V (5), it is basically v1.5AM, but i have made several enhancements and&} corrected many bugs, also their is a decimal version of ASI for those who dont really understand the hexidecimal numbering f&}ormat.Version 1.5AM+This version takes the present v1.5AM (DGS PD # 171) towards ASI System V, to provide INF file compat&}ability between both ASI v1.5AM and ASI System V. The new INF file format has been modified to include inbedded '.BYTE, .WOR&}D or DB, DW) instructions within the INF file structure, ASI has a routine that utilizes the new INF structure, in the previo&}us ASI v1.5AM there was only one allowance for 16-bit word, but that was only if a segment of code only contained two bytes, &}so therefore it was declared as a 16-bit word (DW or .WORD).The new format allows you to mix both '.BYTE, .WORD or DB, DW) &}instructions, naturally if the INF coding only is two bytes long it will then be treated as a 16-bit word, for example say th'}GBelow is a few organizations that are supporting your Atari 8-bit, if you know other organizations world-wide not on this fi*}Ble please add them and return a copy to me.My contact address:G VMr A. MCINTOSH[ i21 ROMAN ROADn BONNYBRIDGE *} STIRLINGSHIRE FK4 2DE" SCOTLANDAll replies will be answered, please include a Stamped Addressed Envelope or inte*}rnational reply coupons, as i am still Unemployed so help with postage is welcome, normally i reply within 28 days after rece*}iving your letter world-wide.Futura disk magazine & tape PD: NORTH OF SCOTLAND ATARI USER GROUP Mr STUART J. MURRAY *} 71 WALKER ROAD TORRY ABERDEEN AB1 3DL SCOTLAND Tel: (0224) 879216Tyne & Wear Atari User Group newsletter & disk *}or tape: TYNE & WEAR ATARI USER GROUP P.O BOX 8 WALLSEND TYNE & WEAR NE28 6DQ ENGLANDHelp with your programmin*}g: THE ATARI CLASSIC PROGRAMMERS CLUB PEN-TYDDYN CAPEL COCH LLANGWFNI ANGLESEY GWYNEDD LL77 7UR WALESNews-*}Paper Newsletter, new software & PD: DEAN GARRAGHTY'S SOFTWARE 62 THOMSON AVENUE BALBY DONCASTER DN4 0NU ENGLAND+}Ǜ Tel: (0302) 855026256k (Yorky) memory upgrade and software: RICHARD GORE 79 SPROTBROUGH ROAD SPROTBROUGH DONCAS+}TER DN5 8BW ENGLANDBritain's largest Atari 8-bit mail order specialist,for both hardware and new software: MICRO DI+}SCOUNTS 265 CHESTER ROAD STREETLY WEST MIDLANDS B74 3EA ENGLAND Tel: (021) 353 5730 Fax: (021) 352 1669The wo+}rld's longest surviving Atari 8-bit based magazine, software & PD: PAGE SIX NEW ATARI USER P.O BOX 54 STAFFORD ST1+}6 1DR ENGLAND Tel: (0785) 213928Software development: TIGER DEVELOPMENTS 26 MENZIES AVENUE WALMER DEAL KENT+} CT14 7QZ ENGLANDNew hardware for Atari 8-bit: COMPUTER SOFTWARE SERVICES P.O BOX 17660 ROCHESTER NEW YORK 1461+}7 U.S.A Tel: (716) 429 5639 Fax: (716) 247 7158 BBS: (716) 247 7157Disk based newsletter and PD: THE OL'HACKERS +}ATARI USER GROUP A. PIGNATO 3376 OCEAN HARBOR DRIVE OCEANSIDE NEW YORK 11572 U.S.AAtari 8-bit US magazine: ATA+}RI CLASSICS 179 SPROUL ROAD / RT.352 FRAZER PA 19355 - 1958 U.S.AAtari 8-bit software and disk based magazines (ANG+ }G): A NEW GENERATION SOFTWARE RIDDERKERKSESTRAAT 60 3114 RK SCHIEDAM HOLLAND Tel: +31 - (0)10 427 17 32 + } Fax: +31 - (0)10 427 17 32New Atari software and hardware: KE-SOFT KEMAL EZCAN FRANKENSTRASSE 24 63477 MAINTAL G+ }ERMANY Tel: +49 6181 87539 Fax: +49 6181 83436Tape based DTP: QSYSTEMS WESTOE ULLINGSWICK HEREFORD HR1 3JG + } ENGLANDRepairs: BLITTERCHIPS 115A BRIDGNORTH ROAD WOLLASTON STOURBRIDGE WEST MIDLANDS DY8 3NX ENGLAND Te+}23A623C023C623C724632465254F257426812682269C26B726CA26CB26D026D12719274D274E274F279F27AB27AC27AD27C8/}27F927FA27FB281D28382839283A28D52952299B29BD29BE29BF29D329E529E629E729FB2A732AD92AF72C432CA02D032D18/}2D192D1A2F0D2F282F292F2A3013303630A030A030A130A13190319D31CE31D73212321E3272329F32F032FF2CA02D032D18,n3800380338743874387E388138B038B238C138CA3940394A3978397B3983398439AA39AD39B539B639DC39DC3A033A053A773}3A773A953A9F3AC43AC53ACC3AD53B1E3B283B813BAA3BB53BD23BF03BF3398439AA39AD39B539B639DC39DC3A033A053A770KI9:B-+-ABGMQSLLSSSRAZXYCWAIKCHRPRXZ`bhjprx@7}   $% ,- 45 <=DELMTU\]delmtu|7} '(/078?@GHNP V))(c) COPYRIGHT Andrew MCINTOSH 19867} . ]];@P,;@P",;@P&-,;@P18,;@P<Y,;AU,9AU,;@], AFLASH Ap7}EINSTRUCTIONS) +@-AR@1D) AP(0@HL@PT@X^70@bf@jlrxQ0@|7}@ @k0@!%@)/0@37@;=CM2(@Ql instructions<?(@p?(@7}. a game for two or more people.FM(@2<M(@@f.take turns to enter words while thek othersP/(@7} /(@-are not looking.Z;(@1;;(@?hguess by entering letters.d;(@lv;(@z7}'get it right or be hanged ?n'('(, WPRESS TO CONTINUEx"F:B2y,@[y" A ,F:B2y,"@}7}*" AP, A@ A  A. 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UCLEAR BUFFERCONTROL L\ jLOADCONTROL Bq BORDER COLOR?} CONTROL M $DISK MENUCONTROL Z+ BGO TO END OF FILESTARTM jTOP OF FILE LOADCONTROL Bq BORDER COLOR<Yǀ D:ASI15AM.BXL+67B:,%,.+67B:,%,.+67B:,%,.+67B:,%,.+67B:,%,.PP+Q+Te coding contained 'E:', this would be wrong to present that instruction as 'DW $3A45' as it confuses, so therefore if you tr'}eat these types of instructions as single bytes, this way you can support either 8-bit bytes and 16-bit words together, addit'}Gionally if the number of bytes between the start and end addresses in the INF file are greater than 2 bytes then they will be'} treated as '.BYTE, DB' as standard.This upgrade alone makes a lot of sense, because it makes the assembly language coding '}generally more readable especially when reverse engineering programs that contain a lot of non-text and non-instructions as w'}hat i call rogue bytes, these rogue bytes can now be identified as 16-bit pointers, pointing to the next non-instruction area'}s thoughout the entire file.Only the files 'ASI15AM.BXL' and 'DUP.INF' have been modified so far.This upgrade has been ad'}ded to the present (DGS PD # 171 ASI v1.5AM), therefore i am changing the title to 'ASI v1.5AM+' and re-issuing it as a direc'}t replacement.DGS PD 171 Assembly Source Interface v1.5AM+.The very latest update is dated the 11th of October 1994.AS'}I System V (Under development)This version is basically the previous 'ASI v1.5+' though much work has been done already, th'}ough i would like to do more within the next year or so.If you have any ideas of what you would like to see in this version'} please drop me a line.Finally if you like ASI or use it, why dont you drop me a line or a postcard, or better still why do'}nt you write a review of ASI for use in the magazines, if possible please send me a copy of your review.My contact address'} is as follows. %Mr A. MCINTOSH* 821 ROMAN ROAD= IBONNYBRIDGEN \STIRLINGSHIREa iFK4 2DEn SCOTLANDAll '}replies will be answered, but please include a Stamped Addressed Envelope or international reply coupons, as i am still Unemp'}loyed so help with postage is welcome, normally i reply within 28 days after receiving your letter world-wide.Last edited o'}n the 11th of October 1994.s welcome, normally i reply within 28 days after receiving your letter world-wide.Last edited o$l: (01384) 823060American Atari 8-bit/ ST magazine: CURRENT NOTES CN SUBSCRIPTIONS 122 N. JOHNSON ROAD STERLING +}GVA 20164 U.S.A Tel: (703) 450 4761Last edited on the 17th of January 1995.PTIONS 122 N. JOHNSON ROAD STERLING (SCssz{8EE