PabQwk finally brings the QWK format to the XE (and, incidentally, to the 8-bit world; PabQwk is the first QWK reader not written on a 16-bit system) and with it, all the niceties IBM users have enjoyed for years. Even though it's a slightly scaled-down reader, it supports the main features of IBM readers, with a few surprises thrown in. PabQwk will read either all messages in a packet or one specific conference, reply to messages, enter messages, make messages out of formatted text files, and add taglines to messages either at random or specifically. Users who register the program will also be able to view text files included in QWKs (and other CR/LF formatted text files, like ZMagazine), steal taglines, read only their personal mail, and add and drop conferences while off-line (with most mail doors). PabQwk is easy to use, convenient, and (for the most part) automatic.