Earlier this year, I released my PabQwk offline reader, which quickly became the most popular program I had ever written. Not to mention one of the few programs I use on a weekly basis. As time went on, a few bugs showed up that were unfortunately weeded out in the three months the program spent in beta-test (mostly due to mail doors like TomCat! that don't follow the QWK format properly) and suggestions were made for improvements, most of which I took to heart. The result is the program you see in front of you. If you used version 1.0, I suggest you read the UPDATES.TXT file in this archive. It gives you a quick overview of the new features and capabilities. There's also a new quick-reference file in the archive you might want to keep handy until you get acquainted with the system. If you're new to the program, please read this manual in its entirety. I had some people write with "problems" that turned out to be caused by their not reading the instructions!