n8EMfP FM '((' (c)1983 Action Computer Services  B JKIHiDiELV`L8 8 BLV`nL"99l L9 &` Fj`8冨凪` X9EӅӥ X9`ʆǪƩ Ɛee` i9ƦʆǢ &Ɛeǐ 9 9LT9 i9'&&&8儨児祂*LT9&&*ń8&<9 9`hihiHHȱȱL,9c !#3`L9JJJJ`H ,9h`Hȩh 8Lz: 9Lz: 8Lz: 8Lz: 8H8`HhHh :Lz: BHI V䅠Lz: L; 8Lz:Ԇ ؠPIPP` T;P 8Lz: v;L<; T;L{; ;LJ;H- E;8塪墨hL; ;L<; ;LJ; T;ȹP`텠8堨塪 T;芨Oȩ-`PP ;P棩 Ѥģ0-ģ6000:,80H & &ehe&eģ0ʥ 8堅塅`$ >;&*i0:0i >;Ʀ`¢ 护°ڱ%ȱ%E >;L<担CS :L`@0)ӈJJJJ)`Ѕ`ȱ`` >ȥ`HhƣĢ`ƥĤ`Ѣ I?`ȱѢĦ`膡``ťƤe8夰L_? Ƥ8`ŦeѠe桊Lc?nL? = >â > =L@! New Life 1.0 (Life revisited)? :LH@! Copyright (c) 1986 by Dan Rhea@& :Lw@$This program is in the Public Domain@R : =L@' This Program Was Written Using ACTION!@ :L@ ACTION! is a Trademark of @ :LA Action Computer Services@ :LA A :L=A Portions of this program areA :LgA Copyright (c) 1984, A.C.SAG : =LA to continueAz :? :`LA88͂880LA8x8y8r8es8e8q88i8͂880LOB̈́880LOB8x8y88z8{8r8es8e8q88i8̈́880LB8x8z8y8{8r8es8e8q88i88'80LB̈́880LBx8iy8i8z8{8r8es8e8q88i88'80L/Cx8iy8ir8es8e8q88i88'80LC880LCx8iy8imz8m{8r8es8e8q88i8880LCx8mz8y8m{8r8es8e8q88i8͂880L-D880L-D8x8y8mz8m{8r8es8e8q88i88I 8ILDr8mx8s8my8M8LtDn8mx8o8my88LDn8mx8o8my88L9E8I 8ILDr8mx8s8my8M8LDn8mx8o8my88LDn8mx8o8my88L9Er8mx8s8my8M8L#En8mx8o8my88L9En8mx8o8my88`L=E =â >LPE EN :L~E# EZ :LE# E :LE# 報ᠠ E :LF# E :L6F#F :LBF F@ :LNF FL :L|F# This is basicly your standard LifeFX :LF# program except that this one will F :LF# show births in green and deaths F :LG# in red. The empty cells are the F :L4G# black ones and the live cells are G :LbG# yellow. The initial groth will be G> :LG# random. But you have some control Gl :LG# over distribution by giving each G :LG# cell a 50% chance (1) to less G :LH# than 10% (9) by selecting 1-9 for G :LHH# the cell distribution. H$ : =L|H Enter 1 to 9 for Distribution :H[ : <88 LH͌8LHLHLOH`LH8w88v8888w8v8 =`LH ? :E =ڢ >4 >Ƣ > >LI!Commands: to re-run programH :LKI! You must to freeze screenI) :LvI hold key to exit programIU :8~8~88LJ}8|8'|8}8LJ{8z88~8 9x8y8x8m|8x8y8m}8y88i *>88IL&Jn8mx8o8my88r8mx8s8my88LTJn8mx8o8my88r8mx8s8my88n8mx8o8my8}88|8888~88 H|8}8LI~88LI8~8~88LEK}8|8'|8}8L:K{8z88~8 9x8y8x8m|8x8y8m}8y888~88}88|88 An8mx8o8my8 H|8Ј}8LJ~88LJy8x8 x8y8LLn8mx8o8my8M8LKr8mx8s8my88LKn8mx8o8my8M8LKr8mx8s8my88LKr8mx8s8my8n8mx8o8my8n8mx8o8my8r8mx8s8my8x8y8LMK8~8~88LL}8|8'|8}8LL{8z88~8 9x8y8x8m|8x8y8m}8y8n8mx8o8my888~88}88|88 H|8Ћ}8L>L~88L'LЩ >ILLЩ >ILLЩ >ILMЩ >ILLL2MЩ >IL/MЩ >ILMc8L2MLJ8IcL?MLBMLH ,9`Hdddddddddddddddddddddddddddd