PaperClip Bugs and ChangesDan Moore08/06/85f0- -h0PaperClip Bugs and ChangesBUG FIXES:1.In version 1.0 pressing BACKSPACE on the bottom line of the file would occasionally result in the cursor being repositioned upwards several lines. Fixed in version 1.1.2.In version 1.0 characters would occasionally be lost when typing very fast, or during the screen reprint after a word wrap occurred. This was fixed in version 1.1 by adding a 20 character type ahead buffer. This also allows entry of commands while PaperClip is doing disk or printer I/O.NOTE: Whenever the ESC key or one of the console keys is pressed this buffer is cleared.3.In version 1.0 the first page of the preview screen had additional line at the top, that was not present when the file was sent to the printer. This was fixed in version 1.1.4.In version 1.0 you could not have a footer on the same line as the bottom margin (effectively there was one line at the bottom of the page that could not be printed on). This was fixed in version 1.1.5.In version 1.0 the preview command did not work correctly if the Line Feed command in the printer config file was set to 10 (or any other value besides the printer NULL command). This was fixed in version 1.1.6.In version 1.0 it was possible for text to be printed in bold face or underlined without a command being given. This only occurred if the printer used the back space command to implement these features. (The bold/underline command strings were set to printer NULL.)7.The TP1.CNF file on the version 1.0 had the start/end underline commands set incorrectly. This was fixed on the version 1.1 production diskette.8.In version 1.0 if a word (or words seperated by hard spaces) was to long to wrap (meaning it had to be split) and the output was in double column format, up to 128 undesired spaces could be output between the columns. This was fixed in version 1.1.9.In version 1.0 it was possible to crash the program by repeatedly pressing RETURN when the buffer was full (free equal to 0). This was fixed in version 1.1.10.Version 1.0 would occasionally generate 133 errors when writing a file to an already existent file name. This was fixed in version 1.1.11.Version 1.0 would go into attract mode when printing, no matter what the setting of the attract mode flag in the editor options menu. Fixed in version 1.1.12.Version 1.0 incorrectly displayed the free count with line lengths greater than 127. This would occasionally cause out of memory errors or program lock ups. Fixed in version 1.1.13.In version 1.0 pressing ESC at the "Delete range Y/N ?" prompt in the block functions menu (ctrl-shift M) would leave the text inverted on the screen. This was fixed in version 1.1.14.The manual incorrectly described the operation of the user defined commands for version 1.0. Version 1.1 was changed to match the manual.15.In version 1.0 and 1.1 the printer line spacing resets to 6 lines per inch whenever a printer pause occurs. This applies to both the printer pause command (ctrl-ZW) and to the menu pause command. This has been fixed in version 1.2.16.In version 1.0 and 1.1 pressing the console keys will occasionaly cause a space to be output to the current window. This has been fixed in version 1.2.KNOWN or SUSPECTED BUGS:1.Using the ctrl-shift M command to delete or move text located on the last line of the file will occasionally trash that line.2.Using the ctrl-shift M command to delete text when the last character of the block is the last character on a screen line will occasionally generate a garbage line.ADDITIONAL FEATURES:1.Version 1.1 displays bold, italic or underlined text in inverse video in the preview window.2.Version 1.1 has a slight (80 character) increase in the size of the text buffer.3.The version 1.1 disk has 2 additional printer config files for the Epson LX80, and the Okimate 10.4.Version 1.2 allows disk directories from the DOS functions menu by pressing the drive number.5.Version 1.2X has a 90K buffer when run on the 130XE and later XE machines.6.The version 1.2 disk has new printer config files for all Epson and Epson compatible printers. They use a different command for bold face, so bold will now print in all pitches, not just in 10 pitch.7.The version 1.2 disk has 3 new printer config files. They are for the C.Itoh 7500, the Citizen MSP20, and the Gemini SG10.