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Ld& $/6 + k. +` * .ޠ k. 2 +L/n L0HB, }B Vh`ҩ2ҵ ҵ#  *L*HB,BHI .5C,hC,Ls2B,DuEu *B,IH},KJBH VCLd&h *L*= 1.D,H`B .5h`!1!1Ls2L*L*} ,`H *hLs21HH eHHƆeiH .lꦆ s2Օ`0  L-`8}Ǖ`1ԍ-1- - s201Ls2101`q2 * .p2r2 s29 Ɔ채+K-p2L]280r2 .9}q22q2Ld& r2C, 2 $/ 2 2 +C, s2 +Ɔеp2 ,`ʕ`66`HHH6666}6uuuhhhL* ,愵 ' , (I s2 '380/}66&&&`uuu` '3 43Ј 43 * ,`/4h3i3 4/g3h3g3h3i3 Ld&ȥ}Ǒi3ig3h3/4`La+4h3 4`Ld&i38g3ƅ4 ȱi3g3h3` 4L34L3H/}4 m3h`1+ %  88L04 * *` * *`  * *` 04$}' 04"0 040 4L, 4L, 4L,Ls2Ls275 s2 . 4/6575:5:5`HB,? 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Allrights are reserved.The object of the game is to com-pletely reverse the p>}attern of REDand BLUE checkers.A checker can be moved directly intoan adjacent vacant square. A checkercan also be jump>}ed over a checker ofthe opposite color.Using a joystick in port #1, move thecursor over the selected CHECKER andpress th>}e firebutton. Move the cur-sor to the desired location and pressthe firebutton again to move theCHECKER to the new locati>}on. Thecomputer will not allow an illegalmove. If you do not have a joystick,the keyboard cursor keys can be usedas the>} joystick and the keyas the firebutton.Low score is saved to disk, so makesure that you keep the game disk indr>}ive one.This is an EASY game from the deviousmind of Rassilon. Rassilon has beenable to complete the puzzle in 83moves.>} See how low you can get.Enjoy the game. Drop me a line viaEMAIL to PPN 70057,674 and let meknow if you enjoyed the gam>}e.RASSILON29 STOP:END}< SQUARE DANCE+ /by= GRassilonU ^(c) 1988h Rassilon SoftwareThB}is documentation file and the com-panion software program are copy-righted by Rassilon Software, RD #1Indian Hill Road, ShB}rub Oak, NY10588-9728, (914) 528-1743. Allrights are reserved.The object of the game is to jump theCHECKERS, thus removB}ing the jumpedCHECKER, leaving the last CHECKER inthe center of the board.Using a joystick in port #1, move thecursor ovB}er the selected CHECKER andpress the firebutton. The selectedCHECKER will turn blue. Move thecursor to the desired locatB}ion andpress the firebutton again to jumpthe CHECKER to the new location. Ifan illegal move is attempted, thecomputer wiB}ll cancel the move.This is an EASY game from the deviousmind of Rassilon. Enjoy the game. Drop me a line via EMAIL to PPB}AN70057,674 and let me know if youenjoyed the game.RASSILON2E9P STOP:END}@PC THE SIX KNIGHTS PUZZLE/ 2by@ JRassilonX b(c) 1988l Rassilon SoftwareF}ǛThis documentation file and the com-panion software program are copy-righted by Rassilon Software, RD #1Indian Hill RoadF }, Shrub Oak, NY10588-9728, (914) 528-1743. Allrights are reserved.The object of the game is to exchangethe GOLD and BLUF!}E KNIGHTS on thesmall chess board.Use your joystick in port #1 or thekeyboard, whichever you like. Thearrow keys (- = +F"} *) function as thedirections and the RETURN key func-tions as the firebuttonPosition the cursor over the selectedpiece F#}to move and press the fire-button. According to the standardrules of chess, all possible movesfor the KNIGHT chosen will F$}be dis-played. Move the cursor to the se-lected new location and press thefirebutton again.Continue until you have moveF%}d all theGOLD KNIGHTS to the bottom of theboard and the all BLUE KNIGHTS to thetop of the board.The best score as determF&}ined by theleast number of moves then the short-est time will be recorded to disk.If you wish to turn off the soundeffecF'}ts, simply press CONTROL-S. CONTROL-S toggles the sound effectsback on.It can be done in 14 moves.Enjoy the game. DropF(}[ me a line viaEMAIL to PPN 70057,674 and let meknow if you enjoyed the game.RASSILON2_9j STOP:END}Dj FOUR by FOUR SQUARE2 5byE NRassilon^ (c) 1988Arrange the blocks J*}within the 4x4grid such that adjacent sides ofneighboring blocks have the samecolor. This condition holds foJ+}r allsides of each square in the grid. Example: The solid green block isplaced in the top left hand square ofthe J,}grid. This means that the leftside of the block placed in thesquare just to the right of thissolid green blJ-}ock must also be thesame green color. Also, the block tobe placed in the square just belowthis solid green block mustJ.} have it'stop half the very same green color.I know this sounds a bit confusing atfirst, but don't worry. The computerwJ/}ill not allow you to make an illegalmove. So, place all 16 blocks withinthe grid. If you can!Move the gold cursor wiJ0}Gth the joy-stick in port #1. Position the cur-sor over the block that you wish toplace on the grid and press the fireJ1}1Ǜbutton. A brown outline is placed a-round the selected block. Now movethe cursor over the vacant square inthe grid wJ2}here you wish to place theblock and press the fire buttonagain. If you change your mind andwish to select anothJ3}er block, justposition the cursor over the blockwith the brown outline and press thefire button to clear your selectJ4}ion. If you wish to remove a block from asquare on the gird, simply place thecursor over the block and press thefire J5} button. This action cannot bedone while you have a block selected(one with a brown outline) to beplaced in a squaJ6}re on the grid.Copyright (c) 1988 Rassilon Software,RD #1 Indian Hill Road, Shrub Oak, NY10588-9728, (914) 528-1743. J7} Allrights reserved. No duplication, inwhole or in part, of this documenta-tion or companion software programwithoJ8}ut the express written consentof Rassilon Software.These files placed here for the ex-clusive use of SIG*ATARI users J9}@only.Puzzle design by C.J.Bouwkamp,programming by Rassilon.}H@ EXCHANGE+ .by= RASSILONCopyright (c) 1988 Rassilon Software,RD #1 Indian HiN;}ll Road, Shrub Oak, NY10588-9728, (914) 528-1743. Allrights reserved. No duplication, inwhole or in part, of thisN<} documenta-tion or companion software programwithout the express written consentof Rassilon Software.EXCHANGE is aN=} simple puzzle. Allthat has to be done is to return thered pieces to their side of the boardand in turn move the blueN>} pieces backto their side of the board. The mainidea is to do this in the least num-ber of moves. Your best score wilN?}lbe saved to disk. (There is a 52-move solution.)Use your joystick in Port #1 to movethe cursor. Select the piecN@}e to bemoved by pressing the firebutton. Markers can only be moved one spaceat a time diagonally or by jumpinganoNA}ther piece of either color diagon-ally. The cursor will change tintand a gold piece will be dropped. Move to the neNB}Gw position and pressthe firebutton and the piece will bemoved. If you wish to cancel yourselection, simply positioNC}Cn the cursorover the gold piece and press thefirebutton. The computer will notallow an illegal move.This is a biND}nary load file. You canrun it from the DOS 'L' menu optionor name it AUTORUN.SYS so that itwill boot directly fromNE} the disk.If you would like my small diversionsfrom reality and would like to seemore of my mind puzzles, drop me someNF}`EMAIL at PPN 70057,674This program placed here for the ex-clusive use of SIG*ATARI users.}L` PAIRS* -by< RASSILONCopyright (c) 1988 Rassilon Software,RD #1 Indian HilRH}l Road, Shrub Oak, NY10588-9728, (914) 528-1743. Allrights reserved. No duplication, inwhole or in part, of this RI}documenta-tion or companion software programwithout the express written consentof Rassilon Software.PAIRS is a simpRJ}le puzzle. All thathas to be done is to arrange thepieces so that they are no longer inalternating sequence, butRK} grouped bytype. The diagram at the bottom ofthe screen gives you a simple repre-sentation of the final pattern neededRL}Ǜto solve the puzzle.Use your joystick in Port #1 to movethe cursor. Select the pieces to bemoved by pressing the fRM}irebutton. Markers can only be moved in pairs.This is a binary load file. You canrun it from the DOS 'L' menu optionRN}or name it AUTORUN.SYS so that itwill boot directly from the disk.If you would like my small diversionsfrom reality aRO}nd would like to seemore of my mind puzzles, drop me someEMAIL at PPN 70057,674This program placed here for the ex-cRP} lusive use of SIG*ATARI users.}P 8FCN &(/06Q 2 AfF:Af,%@Uc2A@gp1 +@tAVR} 1AR@&%;@*1,;@5G,%6.D1:(8-MOU\8(@`砠26VS}- @6(@81 XCHANGN CHECKERS<2->B@FM2(@Qj2 SQUARE DANCEF8-pt@x8(VT}C@%3 SIX KNIGHTS PUZZLEP.-+/@3:.(@>S 4 EXCHANGEZ8-Y]@ah8(@l5 FOUR X FOUR VU}USQUAREd+-@#+(@'6 PAIRSn.+(# 㩠.(x**(" Select puzzle to pVV}lay by NUMBER=A"0'A@d4v66-F:Ad,=6.!AU!AdAU"@1z6VW}.XCHANGN"@016.DANCE"@&5N6.KNIGHTS"@$Rl6.EXCHANGE"@)p6.FFVX}"@' #6.PAIRSB:,")<A0+67@@P,.+67B:,%@Tf,..OBJ@jt/ @x@VY} </6-?:AUv,D2:MENUNU?[# 0 0 &@P,.+67B:,%@Tf,..OBJ@jt/ @x@T<L 䙣ލȎ!"` !"H h`lDD   Z[}GUNEM:D"NUR 䙣ލȎ!"` !"H h`lDD   X EEjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj