)UjCHAFON SG-10 BASIC PROGRAM LISTERHHby Dr. Warren Lieuallen ACE of Columbus 4/21/86.@.@@P:#7 +7(%ǭàǠҠ%W-(%W(%Š󠠠(-(-(" Which font would you like to use:2Q(( 1) Pica!( 2) Elite3( 3) CondensedQ( 4) Condensed Superscript<4( 5) Near Letter Quality4( 6) ProportionalAN(,(! Be sure the printer is on-line,N( and at the top of the page.F(( Choice (1-6)P!! @)!@@pU$$(@>:@',>:@d,Z#A%$Ad"n"A Ax(@>:, A(@@R(-(" Okay, the printer is all set up.R( Now, just load the program you'd`#(like to list, and then type`(LIST >:@4,P:>:@4, at the READY prompt.C(( The SG-10 will remain configuredC(until you turn it off.L..18,27,77,10,27,81,70,27,82,6,27,78,6,9993327,66,2,27,77,12,27,81,84,27,82,6,27,78,6,9991115,27,77,17,27,81,120,27,82,10,27,78,10,999xAA15,27,83,0,27,77,17,27,81,125,27,65,6,27,78,10,27,82,10,9993327,66,4,27,77,10,27,81,70,27,82,6,27,78,6,999@4427,112,1,27,77,10,27,81,74,27,82,6,27,78,6,999 D:SG10LIST.ER7,78,6,999xxxxxxxx