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No copies of these files may be sold or given to any person or other entity.Notwithstanding the abo}ve, the accompanying disk may be duplicated for the sole use of the original purchaser.Rassilon Software reserves the right} to make corrections or improvements to these computer files at any time without notice and with no responsibility to provide} these changes to purchasers of earlier versions of these programs.In these files, reference is made to Atari, which is a t}urademark of Atari Corporation.The Disk Operating System contained on this disk is copyrighted by Atari Corporation.yREQU}QIRED EQUIPMENTAtari 800XL or 130XE computer1050 disk driveJoystick in port #1ULOADING THE PROGRAMTurn on the disk dr}ive and wait for the busy light to go out. Insert the program disk into the drive and close the door. Turn on the computer.}& The program will load automatically.*INTRODUCTIONINFANTRY SQUAD is a one player game of tactical skill played on the s}quad level. You have an INFANTRY SQUAD made up of a Squad Leader, two Fire Teams, (named Alpha and Bravo), and an Armored Pe}rsonnel Carrier (APC) equipped with a machine gun. Your mission is to completely eliminated all enemy units from the battlef}ield while insuring that your men survive. Your final score is based upon the amount of damage your men sustain. Additional }D points are deducted for each casualty your INFANTRY SQUAD sustains.HMAIN MENUAfter the introductory screens have been d!}isplayed, you will be presented with the MAIN MENU. If you press any key while the intro screens are displayed, you will be "}taken directly to the MAIN MENU. Here you have the choice of either: (1) playing a game of INFANTRY SQUAD, or (2) loading th#}e DRAWING UTILITIES editor and draw you own battlefields. You enter your choice by pressing the appropriate key on the keybo$}C(ard. You do not have to press .,STARTING A GAMEIf you have chosen to play a game of INFANTRY SQUAD from the MAI%}%N MENU, you will first be asked if you wish to load a saved game. Enter a 'Y' if you wish to load a saved game. Any other k&}ey press is taken as a 'N' response. You will next be asked the length of time that you wish all messages to be displayed du'}ring the game. A message delay setting of zero (0) will only display messages for a very short time and allows for a very fa(}st game. While a setting of five (5) will display messages for about three (3) seconds and allows for a very slow game. If )}you are a beginner, Rassilon recommends a setting of two (2) or three (3) for message delay. The default setting is two (2) *}and will be used if you just press at the prompt. This selection is made only once at the start of each game and ca+}nnot be changed once it is entered. Press the appropriate key on the keyboard and press to enter your selection. T,}he message delay setting is saved with the game save function. If a saved game is loaded, then you will not be asked to rese-}t the message delay.Next, you will be asked to choose a scenario to be loaded. The original program disk contains sixteen .}(16) different scenarios (numbered 0 thru 15) designed by Rassilon to demonstrate different tactical situations. (Each scena/}rio disk can contain 20 different scenarios, numbered 0 through 19.) Enter your selection by typing the desired number scena0}rio followed by pressing the key. If you are new to the game, Rassilon recommends that you start with scenario zero1} (0). Do not worry about this initial selection for a scenario, you will be able to change this selection prior to the begin2}ning of the game. This feature has been included for the experienced player so that the desired scenario can be loaded immed3}iately. The default setting for scenario selection is Scenario 0. The default scenario will be loaded if you simply press <4}RETURN> at the prompt.Once the selected scenario is loaded and displayed, you can now use the joystick in port #1 to: (1) 5}change to a different scenario by pushing the stick forward to move up one scenario or pull the stick back to move down one s6}Gcenario, (2) move the stick to either side to toggle the difficulty level from EASY to HARD, and (3) pressing the fire butto7}7n will begin a game of INFANTRY SQUAD using the displayed scenario and difficulty setting.If the selected scenario is not o8}n the disk, then the displayed scenario will not be changed. This will only happen on a scenario disk that does not contain 9}all 19 different scenario file names. Complete instructions concerning battlefields and battlefield file names are contained:} in the GAME EDITOR section of these instructions. Scenario 19 rolls around to scenario 0 and the same is true when moving f;}rom scenario 0 to 19. See the SCENARIO section of these instructions for complete details on the original 16 scenarios provi<}ded with the game.The EASY and HARD difficulty levels differ in: (1) the amount of strength points that your men begin the =}game, (2) the amount of damage sustained when a target is hit, (3) the random factor that determines a hit during engagements>}, (4) the effective range of enemy fire, and (5) the amount of points deducted from the final score for casualties. Obviousl?}y, the EASY level favors you and the HARD level favors the computer. Rassilon recommends that you begin at the EASY level. @}Some scenarios are easily completed regardless of the difficulty setting, while others are extremely deadly, regardless of a A}setting of EASY. Once you are able to complete a scenario, try it on the HARD setting. You will find that the scenario chanB}ges intensity considerably. (Scenario 11, Hill 409, is a very difficult scenario, even on the EASY level.)When you have thC}me scenario and the difficulty setting as you like, press the fire button to begin the game of INFANTRY SQUAD.qGAME PHASESD}ǛThe game cycles through three distinct phases: the MOVEMENT PHASE, the FIRE PHASE and ENEMY FIRE PHASE. There is no movemenE}t phase for the enemy soldiers. They are considered to be in a fortified defensive posture with orders to hold at all costs.F}ǛThe first phase is the MOVEMENT PHASE. Here you use the joystick to move the cursor over the soldier that you wish to moveG} and press the fire button. The cursor will turn from gold to purple indicating that you now have the soldier that is displaH}Gyed in the text window ready to be moved. Move the joystick in the desired direction. All eight (8) joystick directions areI}I allowed. The cost of movement depends upon the type of terrain through which the soldier is moving. When the cursor is notJ} over a unit, the type of terrain and the number of movements points required to move onto the grid square are shown in the tK}ext window. Movement continues until you press the fire button with the joystick centered or the soldier runs out of movemenL}t points. To exit the MOVEMENT PHASE, press the START console button. A bell will sound and you will go into the next phaseM}.The FIRE PHASE is used to engage the enemy. Again you use the joystick to control the cursor. Select the unit that you wN}ish to fire with and press the fire button. The cursor will change from gold to purple and you will receive the message "SELO}ECT TARGET AND PRESS FIRE BUTTON". Move the now purple cursor to the target and press the fire button to engage the selectedP} target. Each unit may fire only once during a FIRE PHASE. If a unit has not yet fired in the current turn, then a square aQ}sterisk will be displayed at the end of the unit's status line. If this asterick is not present, then the unit has already fR}ired this turn and an attempted to fire with the unit again will prompt an error message. Again, use the START console buttoS}n to exit this phase.The ENEMY FIRE PHASE will be controlled by the computer. The cursor will move about the screen and yoT}u will receive messages informing you of the results. When the computer has finished, game play will cycle back to the MOVEMU} ENT PHASE.GAME ENDThe game continues until either all of your men have been killed or you have killed or routed all eneV}my soldiers from the battlefield. If you have managed to defeat the scenario, than your score will be displayed. A score abW}ove 70 is excellent, 50 to 69 is VERY GOOD, 30 to 49 is GOOD. If you are below 30, then I hope that you died during the missX}ion, because most of your INFANTRY SQUAD ended up in body bags!The All Time High score is recorded to disk. You will be prY}ompted for your name. The scenario number, score and the name you just entered will be recorded to disk. If you do not wantZ}G to write to the disk, simply wait about 30 seconds and you will be returned to the MAIN MENU. Two different files are maint[}[ained for the All Time High scores; one for the EASY level, one for HARD.If you decide to surrender and wish to play anothe\}r scenario, simply press the HELP console button while holding down the key. You will be prompted to confirm this re]}quest. This will take you to the MAIN MENU. This combination keystroke does not check if you have saved the ^}fgame in progress. Use the GAVE SAVE feature if you wish to be able to return and complete the battle.jSAVING A GAMEAny _}time during the Movement Phase, you can save the game by pressing the OPTION-SELECT console button combination. You can only`} have one saved game on the disk at any one time. The current saved game over writes the previous game. Be sure to use a coa}py of the master disk. DO NOT play the game with the master disk! The program does not know if the disk in drive 1 is the mb}aster or the copy. A copy of the INFANTRY SQUAD disk must be in drive 1 for the save game feature to work. If an error occuc}rs during the save sequence, you will receive an error message in the text window. Simply correct the error and try the gamed}& save by pressing OPTION-SELECT again.*EXAMINING A UNITWhen the cursor is over a unit, all information concerning that ue}nit is displayed in the text window. The phase is shown in the upper left hand corner. The next line displays: the unit numf}ber, the unit name, the combat force of the unit (F), the effective firing range of the unit (R), the amount of movement poing}ts remaining for this unit (M), and the remaining strength (S) of the unit. If the unit has not yet fired this turn, then a h}square asterisk will be displayed at the end of this status line. The last line displays the GRID location of the unit by coi} lumn and row.ATTRIBUTESForce. This is the combat fire power of the unit used in determining the amount of damage inflij}cted upon the enemy during engagements.Range. This is the number of 25 meter grid squares that the unit can effectively enk}gage the enemy. An attempt to fire upon enemy units outside of this range will prompt the "OUT OF RANGE" error message.Movl}Gement points. The points remaining for this unit. As you move the unit, this number will be decreased by the movement cost m}mof the terrain being traversed. Movement points are renewed at the beginning of each MOVEMENT PHASE as long as the unit is an}live.Strength. This is the measure of life remaining in the unit. When this level drops below zero (0), the unit dies. So}trength can be renewed by not firing during the FIRE PHASE and having movement points remaining at the end of the MOVEMENT PHp}ASE. Maximum resting strength is added by a unit not firing and not moving during a complete cycle. Resting strength is addq}ed to the unit's strength level only when the strength level is less than one half of the original strength level. For exampr}le, if a unit's strength is 1 and it's original strength was 10, then resting strength will be added each time that the unit s}does not fire and/or has movement points remaining until it's strength is greater than 5. If the unit's strength is at 6 outt} of 10 then no resting strength is added, even if the unit has not fired or has not moved.Fire Status. A square asterisk iu}s used to indicate the use of a units fire power. Since a unit can only fire once each turn, this status indicator will be rv}nemoved after the unit engages a target. This makes it very easy to see if you have already fired with a unit.rDAMAGEDamw}age is determined by many factors. These factors include: (1) the force of the unit, (2) the range of the target, (3) the sx}trength of the unit, (4) the type and amount of cover and concealment the target has, (5) a random factor, and (6) the difficy}ulty setting (EASY or HARD).The main object of the game is to sustain as little damage as possible. Effective use of weapoz}ns range and combined force, along with proper use of terrain and teamwork will keep damage and casualties to a minimum.Dam{}age sustained by your units can be decreased by the unit being on certain types of terrain. Damage can also be increased by |}the unit being in certain types of terrain. The forest squares have the best cover and concealment, while being in the water}}I or swamp/marsh will provide you with no cover or concealment whatsoever.MMEN AND MATERIELThe APC is a prime target and ~}Gwill be engaged by the enemy units upon almost every possible occasion. This is your heaviest piece of firepower and is extr}emely deadly as close range. Once this piece of equipment is lost, the scenario is normally extremely difficult to complete }successfully.The SQUAD LEADER has the best range of the riflemen in the INFANTRY SQUAD. He is the best marksman, so has th}e longest effective range.The TEAM LEADERS follow next in line as marksman.The soldiers are last in effective range and a}re named ALPHA/BRAVO 1, 2 and 3. They may not have great force, by when used as a Team they can be very effective. But, of }course, that is the purpose of the game!The soldiers that are armed with the M203 grenade launcher are named M203/A and M20}3/B. They have a rather limited range, but great hitting power. They provide supporting fires for the other squad members a}s they attack an objective. However, their limited range means that you have to move them in close. Which makes it extremel}y likely that they will be engaged. Protect them well. If you lose both of the M203's and the APC, you will be left with as}2saulting your objectives with no supporting fires.6pINFANTRY SQUAD members are identified as follows:# NAMEv Full de}scription1 APC/MG 2Armored Personnel Carrier@with 50 cal. machine gun2 SQD LDR Squad Leader3 ALPHA T}L Alpha Team Leader4 M203/A" Alpha Team M203 grenadier5 ALPHA 1 Alpha rifleman #16 ALPHA 2 Alpha rifleman #27 }DALPHA 3 Alpha rifleman #38 BRAVO TL Bravo Team Leader9 M203/BH Bravo Team M203 grenadier10 BRAVO 1 Bravo rifleman}A #111 BRAVO 2 Bravo rifleman #212 BRAVO 3 Bravo rifleman #3EEach unit is represented by a character symbol on the ba}ttlefield. The Squad Leader, a sergeant, is designated by three (3) stripes or chevrons. The Team Leaders, corporals, are d}epicted by two (2) chevrons. And the rifleman, privates, are shown as one (1) chevron. The grenadiers are depicted by the s}hape of the grenade ammunition round that their weapons fire, and the APC is shown as a tank like symbol.Use the cursor to }examine your units often! The only way to make accurate combat decisions is with accurate information. Hurried movements an}Gd hasty decisions will result in dead soldiers! All information about the unit is displayed in the text window when the curs}or is over the unit. Use this feature often! (There I hope I said that enough times!!!)Some last hints. You can move dia}gonally with careful movement of the joystick. This is one of the best ways to get more out of the limited movement points g}iven each Movement Phase. Also, you cannot stack units. The computer sees an attempt to stack units as an illegal move and }will not permit it. Remember this when maneuvering in tight places. You can blockade your self into an ambush situation.}ǛAUTHOR'S NOTEThese game programs are the property of Rassilon Software. Rassilon has not copy protected the Master Disk f}or your convenience. Please do not abuse this fact by making unauthorized copies. This program disk is intended for the sol}e use of the original purchaser as are any and all copies made thereof.We hope that you enjoy the programs as much as Rassi}lon enjoyed writing them. Please feel free to drop notes or comments to Rassilon at the below address or via CompuServe. Ra}8ssilon is also on GEnie. Just address mail to RASSILON. console button. Pressing while the key is held down will allow you to exit bac}k to the MAIN MENU.SCENARIO EDITORSelecting item two from the MAIN MENU will move you to the scenario editor utility pr}ogram. After the program has loaded, you will have the option of loading an old scenario from the diskette. Answer this que}stion by pressing the "Y" or the "N" key. There is no need to press . If you want to load an old scenario from disk}G, you will then be asked for the scenario number. Enter the appropriate number and press . The selected scenario wi}-ll be loaded and cleared for further editing.1OLD SCENARIOSIt is the nature of the editing sequence to remove all units }from old battlefields. This is necessary for the proper functioning of the game. It is advised that the last items you plac}e on the battlefield are the units. If you have already placed units on the battlefield, they will be removed and replaced b}y red border squares. All red border squares should be removed from the battlefield prior to using the scenario to play a ga}yme of INFANTRY SQUAD. Old scenarios must be reSAVEd back to the diskette so that they can be played by the game program.}}NEW SCENARIOSIf you elect not to load an old scenario from disk, you will be presented with a blank battlefield with the re}d border.The joystick in port #1 is used to control the cursor and draw on the battlefield.Use the