)  HA23:C40H tions /PWH"**To print instructions /PWA23:C40H@F20H et /PWA1:H**To print the sheet /PWA1:C20HF15.HPshown in cell B15-F15.Hll beH amount wiHP new total payment amount will beHeH 4-F14. ThH n cell B1HP%new loan will be in cell B14-F14. TheH yment forH onthly paHP$in cell B20-F20. Monthly payment forH be shownH ffer willH$5) Your monthly buffer will be shownH8-F18.Hdesired in cell B18-F18.HsavingsH he total HP"cell B17-F17 and the total savingsH income inH monthly H$4) Enter the total monthly income inH-F13.H cell B13HP made each month in cell B13-F13.HymentsH fixed paH!3) Enter all other fixed paymentsH5.H cell B5-FH onths in H&F4 and any extra months in cell B5-F5.H-H n cell B4H n years iH%2)Enter the term in years in cell B4-H@in cell B3-F3.HfractionH est as a H#1) Enter the interest as a fractionH Col B.H titles atHP"--Freeze vertical titles at Col B.Halyzed.H can be anHP"budget. 5 options can be analyzed.Hn aH payment oHof a new mortgage payment on aH impactH alyse theH"This sheet will analyse the impact          H% of INCOME(Tot) :          H% of INCOME(Mort):     HRemainder :H=========H=========H=========H=========H=========H====================================HSavings :HTotal income :HTotal payments :  1  1  1  1  1HMortgage payment :HOther payments :H---------H---------H---------H---------H---------H------------------------------------HPrincipal:@@@@@HPeriod Interest:@@@@@HTerm in Months:H Plus Months?:HTerm in Years:     HInterest Rate:@@@@@HInstructions /GA42H*********H*********H*********H*********H*********HFINANCIAL FORECASTyyyyyyy