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F0Ξ05: [ BDEHI%}% VY8 B V  @  /DE `E:D1:DUP.SYSERROR-SAVING USER MEMORY ON DISKTYPE Y TO &}STILL RUN DOS B;DE J V (` 9 V⪍ ઍ  -'}ǔLLu DEHILV 9 .l 9 .l  `` s$B VBH(}I|DE V BLV nB,DE J V* \*` B V BLVDEHI BLVL)}Ǫ1u H232435; 1 ;  hh@2 e1i1LHҍ 00) 08 109hh@ Ҡ2e*}#1i1232435ޥ<<8} 3E:}DISK OPERATING SYSTEM II VERSION 2.0SCOPYRIGHT 1980 ATARIA. DISK DIRECTORY I. FORMAT DISKB. RUN CARTRIDGE J. D,}UPLICATE DISKC. COPY FILE ^K. BINARY SAVED. DELETE FILE(S) L. BINARY LOADE. RENAME FILEb M. RUN AT ADDRESSF. LOCK F-}ILE )N. CREATE MEM.SAVG. UNLOCK FILE- RO. DUPLICATE FILEH. 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I}I JB|,A#Pd#DE 1 HI BDEHHII 1 B 1 , 1 <0,0Lf- B VJ},A#P, 1 <0 0L#L ߢ) 1* 1 ~0Yj383}mm ݭK}}`8}``|* ? ɛ,`|:(|/ 1L `DESTINATION CANT L}BE DOS.SYS0 0H{ $22Δ $28/L /) $2 Π $2 0 ξM}ǩhAΞB,0 J 1 BޝDEHI,HDE 1HIHIDELSAVE-N}GIVE FILE,START,END(,INIT,RUN)O X0 1`BDEPHI V` X0H 1 L O}ǭ0 0 1L0`PLEASE TYPE 1 LETTER,0`hhL <0 1L0LA1 ,;ɛ7,"ɛ:ݦ1ݥP}A"D|ݤD|ȩ:|ȩ|ɛ,,(/+.ީ1 1,ɛ`轤{Q}?NAME TOO LONG B VL ` L1I H1EӝDL1DEI|mDiE` V0`8d/8 i:"2!22 1R} L ERROR- 128ɛ+,' 20*.. өw2 1``2TOO MANY DIGITSINVALIDS} HEXADECIMAL PARAMETER800 0 8 00`,0'D800H,ɛh`2L1NEED D1 THRU D4uT}~020 4 1 5 1 10 70 2 2 132TOUCH-EDIT:-By Boyd Gafford2324 9th StreetLubbock, TX 79401PH:(806)-76V}3-4716(L.A.C.E) 24-hour board300/1200 baud, running on BBCSfrom ANTIC, with a 10 meg Hard DriveST/8-Bit users welcomW}*e!Online magazine too!INTRODUCTION6- This file is a standard ATARI WRITER file, and may be printed in wX}hatever format you wish. TOUCH-EDIT is a tool which allows you to design your own fonts to replace the default ATARI fontY} and your own players (or missiles) to use in your own programs, or to replace a set used by your favorite program. TOUCHZ}G-EDIT comes on two sides of your disk and requires a minimum of 48K. The back side of the disk is TOUCH-EDIT itself, while t[}[he front side contains a series of utilities which allow you to convert the font or player set files (saved to disk with TOUC\}H-EDIT) into basic programs. You can then use these programs as subroutines, and alter them to fit your own needs. TOUCH]}-EDIT was designed to be simple to use. You should be able to load it in and start using it immediately, and within a few mi^}ynutes feel comfortable. However; should you get stuck, refer to the following detailed instructions on TOUCH-EDIT's use.}_}LOADING INSTRUCTIONS- +- Turn on your disk drive (drive one if you have several drives) and insert the`} TOUCH-EDIT disk with the back side facing up. While holding OPTION turn on your computer. ATARI 400/800 remove the BASIC ca}artridge. After a short time, the title screen will appear, (you may skip the title screen by holding down SELECT while Db}OS loads.) and you will be asked to select the controller and version from the list on the screen. TOUCH-EDIT was originac}lly designed for the ATARI TOUCH TABLET, but use of other input devices have been included. For the CUSTOM EDITOR, you will d}qneed a joystick. After selecting the controller and version, plug it into the first port and get ready to begin.uTHE EDIe}TING SCREEN--- - - After loading, the program will prompt you to insert your utility disk and press the contf}roller button. Flip the disk over to the front side or put in any DOS 2.0S disk and press the button. The editing screen apg}pears. The editing screen consists of a 8 by 15 pixel grid, a menu (8 by 8 for the CUSTOM EDITOR), and the grid pixels displh}ayed in the form of both single and double resolution players, and fonts in every font mode the ATARI is capable of generatini}g, all displayed simultaneously! The font modes displayed, from top to bottom are: Graphics mode 0, 1, 2, 14, and 15. j} Antic mode 2, 6, 7, 4, and 5.#:USING THE CONTROLLER?-D --- N- TOUCH-EDIT was designed to make input as ek}ffortless and simple as possible. Simply move the on-screen cursor dot around the grid by moving up, down, left, or right, ul}Gsing the stylus (or right) button to set a point, and the left button to erase a point. (Joystick uses the single button form}m both.) Use the top eight lines of the grid to edit fonts, and the entire grid to edit players. Using the menu is just an}s simple. Move the cursor over to the menu area of the screen and position it to the left of the selection you wish to make,o}" then press the controller button.&;THE MENU ITEMS--- ?-@ E- The following are the menu items and their use in dp}etail.(1) SCROLL WINDOWMove the cursor here and press the controller button and the window scrolling mode will become actiq}ve. Move the controller left to scroll the window left, and right to scroll the window right.(1) PLAYER WIDTHMove the curr}sor here and press the button to cycle through the three possible player widths.(2) CLEAR GRIDThis one is fairly simple. s}Just move the cursor here and press the button to clear the grid.(3) DISK ROUTINESAfter selecting this item, you will be pt}rompted for one of the following. SAVE FONT, SAVE PLAYERS (player-missile set), LOAD FONT, or LOAD PLAYERS. Select by movinu}g left or right, pressing the button when the desired selection appears. The computer will check for all the files with the v}extension FNT or PMS (depending on selection) and put the first in the window area highlighted. Select the desired name by mw}oving the controller left and right, and selecting with the controller button. If you wish to enter your own name, regardlesx}s of extension, just push the joystick up (Tablet owners remove the stylus from the surface and press the sylus or right butty}on). Now enter your name with the keyboard, and press RETURN when finished. TOUCH-EDIT will use the filename you have selecz}ted! (Note: if you have used a non font-player file, you may see what looks like garbage in the window area!) TOUCH-EDIT al{}lows up to 40 separate fonts and player sets per disk.(4) CHARACTER COLORSelect this item and you will be prompted for a |}bit pattern, ranging from 00 to 11, including ANTIC's mode 4 and 5 fifth color. After selecting the bit pattern you will be }}prompted to select color. Move up and down to change the color, and left and right to change the luminance. When the desire~}Gd color and luminance are on the screen, Press the button. See the technical notes for a handy chart on color selection.(5}) P/M COLORSelect this item and you will be prompted to select BACKGROUND or PLAYER. Select by moving left and right and pr}ess button as before. Then you will asked to select the color. Select by up, down, left, or right as in (4). This function} sets the color and luminance of both the single and double resolution players and their background color.(6) MANIPULATE GR}IDYou will probably use this item most often. You will be prompted for one of the following.SHIFT RIGHT - by one pixel.} SHIFT LEFT &- by one pixel.INVERSE- ;- grid.MIRRORC t- grid.ROTATE 90 DEG - the top 8 lines.SHIFT UPz - b}y one line.SHIFT DOWN ;- by one line.Select as before.?TUSING THE KEYBOARDY-^ --- f- You probably notic}ed that TOUCH-EDIT loads in the default ATARI font for you each time you power up. This was done in case you only want to ch}ange a few characters of the default font and keep the rest. The character TOUCH-EDIT puts on the grid to begin with is t}he letter 'A'. To edit a character other than 'A' simply press that character's key, or combination of keys. (For example c}ontrol and shift characters take a two-key press.) Once you press that key(s), viola, that character appears on your grid re}ady for you to edit, clear, or manipulate in whatever manner you wish. You will also notice at the bottom of the grid the de}fault character shown to help you keep track of the character being replaced. There is also a provision for duplication o}f a character. Simply press the key for the character you wish to duplicate, then press the (ATARI/INVERSE) key. (the messag}e COPYTO will appear below the grid) You will hear a tone until you press the key of the character you wish to replace (COPY}TO). For example, to make the default 'B' character into the number '1', simply press (1), (ATARI/INVERSE), (B). To leav}e the font mode and enter the player set mode, simply press the OPTION button. Once in player set mode, the keys 0-9 select }the different players, with the (ATARI/INVERSE) key functioning identically as above. To go back to the font mode, press the}G OPTION button again. TOUCH-EDIT allows you to edit both a font and a player set in memory without having to load from disk }when you want to switch modes."<THE CONSOLE BUTTONS--- C-D K- A few commands are accessed for convienience }through the console buttons. These are:OPTION - Font to Player set edit switch.SELECT - Switch from single to double spac}Qing in the window. START - Performs a coldstart for booting up the utility disk.UiTHE UTILITIES--- r- With t}he utility side up, either turn on the computer with BASIC installed or press START from TOUCH-EDIT. (400/800 owners Must in}stall the BASIC cartridge.) After a few seconds a menu screen will appear with some selections. The instructions are self-e}xplanative; however, a general overview of what the utilities accomplish is covered below. The utilities allow you to con}vert your newly created file into a BASIC program, either with data statements or direct disk access, or convert a font in me}mory into a new file. These utilities do all the programming for you needed to incorporate a font or player set into your ow}n BASIC program. The player utilities also give you a means of moving your players around the screen quickly from BASIC, inc}luding two methods of vertical positioning. See the technical notes for details. After making your selections, the utili}ty program lists the files available on that disk, and prompts you to select a set to convert. After selecting a file to con}vert, you are asked for a beginning line number. This will be the fist line of the BASIC program. After this is given, you }are asked for an increment amount. This will be the numerical difference between your BASIC program lines. After you give t}he increment, you will see the computer WRITING THE PROGRAM FOR YOU! (complete with remarks!) When finished, the created pr}ogram will LIST to disk under the filename TEMP.LST and the BASIC READY prompt will appear. You may then save it to a differ}Kent disk, alter it, or merge it with your own program!TECHNICAL NOTEST-U Z-(1) FILE STRUCTURE The font }files are composed of 1029 bytes. The first 1024 are the 128 characters, (128*8) while the last 5 bytes are the contents of t}Ghe color registers (locations 708-712 Decimal). The player set files are composed of 154 bytes. The first 150 are the 10} players, while the last 4 bytes are the contents of the player color registers (locations 704-707 Decimal).(2) BIT PATTER}NS Here is a little help on selecting the character color from the menu.00 Corresponds to SE.4,COL,LUM (Location 712)}01 Corresponds to SE.0,COL,LUM (Location 708)10 Corresponds to SE.1,COL,LUM (Location 709)11 Corresponds to SE.2,COL,LUM}X (Location 710)5th Corresponds to SE.3,COL,LUMGR. MODE BIT PATTERN AFFECTS THE--- \-b --- i-k r- ---0,ANTI}C 3 10 &CHARACTERS0,ANTIC 3, .115 GBACKGROUND 1,2P R00Y jBACKGROUND 1,2o 1,10,11,5th C}HARACTERS 14,15 00# 5BACKGROUND 14,15: B01,10,11F XCHARACTERS 14,15_ c5th!i INV. CHARS(3) PLA}YER MOVEMENTVERTICAL For string method, useP1$(VPOS)=PDATA$(PLYR,PLYR+14) For ML method, useQ=USR(ADR(MOVE$),PMBASE}+PLYR-1,PMBASE+512+VPOS,15) WhereVPOS = a number from 1 to 128PLYR = a number from 1 to 136 in steps of 15HORIZONTAL } For both methods, usePOKE 53248,HPOS WhereHPOS = a number from 0 to 255 For example, to move PLYR-0 from the top l}eft part of the screen to the bottom right, use For string method,FOR X=0 TO 127POKE 53248,2*XP1$(X+1)=PDATA$(1,15)NE}XT X For ML method,FOR X=0 TO 127POKE 53248,2*XQ=USR(ADR(MOVE$),PMBASE,PMBASE+512+X,15)NEXT X To understand playe}r movement more fully, study the player-animation demonstration included on the utility side of the disk, and any books or ma}Ggazine articles you can find on the subject.THE CUSTOM EDITOR--- M-N T- This TOUCH-EDIT editor is probably t}he most unique to ATARI 8-bit computers. It allows you to edit a character set only in ANTIC mode 2 (GR. mode 0), 3 (gives y}ou true descenders), and 4, but gives you a lot in return. A few new items are found in this menu, namely GTIA mode set and }load by sector. Using the GTIA menu fuction allows you to look at a character set with 16 shades of one color, and 16 colors} in one shade! In thess modes, each character is composed of two columns of 8 pixels, or 16 pixels total. The left four bit}Gs on the left part of the grid determine the left column color, while the right four bits determine right column color for th}e specific line (horizontal) of the character being edited. This may seem confusing to you now, but once you load this and p}lay with it a while, you will begin to see the relationship. The other fuction, load by sector, will allow you to directly a}ccess the disk for data by sector in a sequential fashion. For example, it you wish to look at the data from sector 380 to 3}87 (8 sectors comprise a character set) you simply move the stick until you see 'SECTOR-380' in the window, and then press th}me stick trigger! Now you can save this off as a regular disk file with any name you wish!MISCELLANEOUSz- } TOUCH-EDIT comes with numerous fonts, and several player sets. Each font has its own application in ATARI graphics, with s}ome being used for the graphics demonstrations on the utility side of your master disk. Some of the fonts when loaded will l}ook like garbage, unless you load them with the custom editor and then set GTIA mode to 64 (for 16 shade mode) or 192 (for 16} color mode) instead of 0. Also, use the character color menu item to set the luminance of bit pattern 00 to zero. This set}s the viewed area to 16 shade mode (used by many programs for digitized pictures), ala Graphics mode 9, or 16 color mode, ala} Graphics mode 10! You may use any DOS 2 formatted disk as your data disk. It would be recommended that you make at leas}t one backup of TOUCH-EDIT (using item J of DOS 2) before over-writing any of the sets you wish to change.SOLICITATION! 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If you don't have it,?+(#go buy it! No serious gamer should?(be wit }Chout one!2( (2($ 5;LAY@4PAdAU F:Ad,"AU }2A6-?:B,Ǡ6 6-C:,6-P:'AV,6-&AV$3AA }O'A3A%%6-F:A`,%AV$F:Aa, f$%@S[F:%@_p,%A(E%@tF:%@ },%A(f%@ F:%@$,%A(BBA  6-C:,*6-P:'AV,46-&AV$A }A 6-C:,6-P:'AV,6-&AV$ AA  $ D:KORONIS.DEM }+|^ p DIRFFILEDLINCHA24:<CDKLST[\cdklst { $} 9-AdAU-;@ =D,;@HR,0@VZ@^`fl70@pt@x@$}Q0 @#k0@'+@/3@7Cq(}0@GIOQWh'AR@lr'@wvx}%} )-@3)(CREATE FONT PGM$-@7;@?Y$( O(.(#^ This program will allow you to%}O(Convert the font you definedU,($in TOUCHEDIT over to a basic programU($with data statements, beginning with +(( %}-the LINE NUMBER that you desire.+( L6.; A4-GK@OS?%W]H0@aciL  U(Your f%} ont is: &6-F:A,4-@$PM67<,.>:F:A%,,Q U( - @T)(Beginning LINE NUMBER - j %}@P])!B(E(#Sorry, Line can only be between 50 `(and 31000. Try again.j @aj+ @n( INCREMENT %} !+ Bm +"'0@&*@.06<A0@@D@HL@PV[0@Z\bf@jpm@tx@9|%}7 @4 2-( REM à͠7 @06?l @4Cb(%L RAMTOP=PEEK(106):CHBASE=RAMTOP-16:POKE 106,RAMTO%}!P-20:GR.0:CHBASE=CHBASE*256l @0%.= @42:3(%@>R$ RESTORE %@V^$= @0bkj @4ow`(%@{$%}KB FOR X=0 TO 1023:READ D:POKE CHBASE+X,D:NEXT X:POKE 756,CHBASE/256j @0OXG @4\d=(%@h$ REM ŠŠ% }ҠӠG @0"P @4&.F(%@2e$( FOR X=708 TO 712:READ D:POKE X,D:NEXT XP @0irJ @4v@(%@% }C2$" REM ҠŠӠJ @06C06-%@GP$0@TX@\^do-uA'% } # 6-% @4.#( DATA M-@26@:A$)@E[-(,1 >)@_lC(M @0p A % }@477(%! REM ҠŠΠӠA @0;D @4HP%(%@Th$ DATA 9-@lp@tF)@% }O(,S `)@)e(o @0-4z@8> @6B""ĠӠŠŠ( ((POKE 842,12%}:CONT *AB@'-$&,*&!$"!!ҠΠĠΠ#(>:A%,((($$]" D:T%} EMP.LST@PB%, @4!@4(NEW7(:(](ENTER >:@4D, D:TEMP.LST%O( (((POKE 842,12:? CHR$(125):L.:-%} LAB@!7O D:CHARDATA}$7. FILEDIRDLINPLYMOVE57>?FGNOVW^_fgnouw })} ?-AdAU-;@CJ,;@ NX,0@\`@dflr70@v@)}@ Q0@#)k0@-1@59@=Iq(}0@MOUW]n'AR@rx'@w|)}*-@:*(CREATE PMSET PGM8-@>B@FU8(_ w(++(#| T)}his program will allow you to **("convert the player set you defined ,,($in TOUCHEDIT over to a basic program q(( wi)}th data statements and machineN(!language manipulation of players,q(beginning with the LINE NUMBER (that you desir)}?e.( ([(Your player set is: ,6-F:A,:-@CoS67<,.>:F:A%,,W [(7-uy@})}?%30@)7 - @-X)(Beginning LINE NUMBER -h @P\)!B (C("Sorry, Line can)}4 only be between 50^(and 32000. Try again.h @8V( INCREMENT m +\b'0@fj@npvA0@)}@ @[0@%)@-3m@7;@9?H7 @CLr-( REM à͠7 @9vu )}@Ck(%@j$M RAMTOP=PEEK(106):PMBASE=RAMTOP-16:POKE 54279,PMBASE:POKE 106,RAMTOP-20:GR. 0u @9nwd @C{Z)}C(%@ *$ DIM MOVE$(25):MOVE$=>:@4.Q,hhhhhhhˑ͘`d @9U^I @Cbj?(%@n$! PMBASE=PM)}BASE*256:POKE 53248,128I @9!*= @C.63(%@:N$ RESTORE %@RZ$= @9^gn @Cksd(%@w$F )}KFOR X=0 TO 149:READ D:POKE PMBASE+X,D:NEXT X:POKE 53277,3:POKE 559,46n @9OXG @C\d=(%@h$ REM ŠŠ)}ҠӠG @9"f @C&.\(%@2$> READ D,D:POKE 704,D:POKE 705,D:READ D,D:POKE 710,D:POKE 712,Df @9) } F @C<(%@D$ REM ԠҰΠŠΠF @9HQO @CU]E(%@ a$' Q=USR(ADR(MOVE$),PMBAS)!}E,PMBASE+532,15)O @9#> @C'/4(%@3T$ REM ŠҠ> @9Xed6-%@ir$0@v@)"} D-@ -L6-%V @C1Jd( DATA  --@NR@V]$)@a-(,! ")@)#}( @9%# $A @C)Y7(%! REM ҠŠΠӠA @9]f%z @Cjr%(%@v$ D)$} ATA 9-@@ F)@$:O(,S `)@>Ke(o @9OVz@Zc& @Eg'""ĠӠŠ)%};Š(( ((POKE 842,12:CONT)*AB@?C'-IKQ*&*$+!!ҠΠĠΠ,)&}0(>:A%,((($-]" D:TEMP.LST@P4BB%, @CFe4(NEW7(:(](ENTER >:@4i, D:TEMP.LST.O()'}& (((POKE 842,12:? CHR$(125):L.:-,.4BLAB@F\O D:PLYRDATA}(\gWXFILEDIRDLINPLYP1P2P3P4CLEARVVTSTARPLYRPOPMBASOFFSEOFFSETHOFFSETLnpwx}-)} "#*+13 9; AC IK QS Z[bcjkrsz-*} $R-AdAU-;@V],;@ ak,0@os@wy}-+}70@ @@ Q0&(.2@6<k0@@D@HL@PV0@Z\bdj-AR@-,}'@w #-(}*-@')/M*(CREATE PMSET PGM:-@QU@Yh:( p --}(++(# This program will allow you to **("convert the player set you defined ,,($in TOUCHEDIT over to a ba-.}Gsic program N'(with data statements and stringN("manipulation of players, beginning 3-(%with the LINE NUMBER that yo-/}/u desire.0(3( 7-"@&*?%.430@8:@7 [(Your player set is: ,6-F:A,:-@-0}-S67<,.>:F:A%,,W [(- @1\)(Beginning LINE NUMBER -h @p`)!B (C("Sorry, Line-1}8 can only be between 70^(and 32000. Try again.h @<E! @Id( INCREMENT !m +jp'0@tx@|-2} A0@@@!'S@+/@939m0@=?EI@MV[ @VZxQ(= REM à͠} -3} 'ǠΠ[ @R+4h @V8@^(%@D$@ DIM P1$(128),P2$(128),P3$(128),P4$(128),CLEAR$(128)-4},PDATA$(150)h @Ru @V#+k(%@/$M RAMTOP=PEEK(106):PMBASE=RAMTOP-16:POKE 54279,PMBASE:POKE 106,RAMTOP-20:G-5} R. 0u @R_ @V!)U(%@-o$7 CLEAR$(1)=CHR$(0):CLEAR$(128)=CHR$(0):CLEAR$(2)=CLEAR$_ @RsE @V-6} ;(%@7$ VVTP=PEEK(134)+PEEK(135)*256E @R;DF @VHP<(%@T$ STARP=PEEK(140)+PEEK(141)*256F @R-7} ? @V5(%@?$ PLYRPOS=PMBASE*256+512? @RCL= @VPX3(%@\$ OFFSET=PLYRPOS-STARP= @R-8} 8 @V.(%@7$ FOR PLYR=0 TO 38 @R;DA @VHP7(%@ Tx$ OFFSETHI=INT(OFFSET/256)A @R|-9}E @V ;(%@@$ OFFSETLO=OFFSET-OFFSETHI*256E @RDMD @VQY:(%@]$ POKE VVTP+8*PLYR+2,OFFSETL-:}OD @R  D @V :(%@$K$ POKE VVTP+8*PLYR+3,OFFSETHID @ROX!D @V\d:(%@h$ OFFSET=OFFSET+1-;}28:NEXT PLYRD @R"T @V#+J(%@/f$, P1$=CLEAR$:P2$=CLEAR$:P3$=CLEAR$:P4$=CLEAR$T @Rjs#b @VwX(%-<}@K$: PMBASE=PMBASE*256:POKE 53248,128:POKE 53277,3:POKE 559,46b @ROX$= @V\d3(%@h$ RESTORE %@#-=} $= @R%Y @V$O(%@(d$1 FOR X=1 TO 150:READ D:PDATA$(X,X)=CHR$(D):NEXT XY @Rhq&G @Vu=(%@->}.$ REM ŠŠҠӠG @R2;'f @V?G\(%@K$> READ D,D:POKE 704,D:POKE 705,D:READ D,D:POKE-?} 710,D:POKE 712,Df @R$(l @V(0b(%@ 4W$D REM Šб٩d ϠԠҠΠΠ-@}Cl @R )= @V3(%@!#C$ P1$(20)=PDATA$(1,15)= @RGP*> @VT\4(%@"`$ REM ŠҠ>-A}A @R+D6-%@""$0@&*@.06>D-DH@ LU,# @VY6-%#( DATA ---@-B}@ $)@--(,. )@1@(/ @RDT0 1A @VX7(%! REM ҠŠΠ-C} ӠA @R2z @V$%(%@(<$ DATA 9-@@D@HOF)@SiO(,S `)@me(o @R-D}z@ 3 @Xj4""ĠӠŠŠ5( ((POKE 842,12:CONT6*AB@nr'-x-E}R*&7$8ҠΠ9(>:A%,((($:]" D:TEMP.LST@pVdB%, @Vh4(NEW7(:(](EN-F} TER >:@4H, D:TEMP.LST;O( (((POKE 842,12:? CHR$(125):L.:-NPVdLAB@hO D:PSTRDATA-G}},6f$ 6 FILEDIRDLIN =>EFMNUX@]`@efmn t1I}ˠ0@@#)70@-1@59@=AQ0GIOS@W]k0@ae@im@qy;@}1J},;@ ,(}0@$&,=9AR@AY'AdAU9@w]_enN-@rtz)(1K}CREATE FONT PGM;-@@#>K( N(S+(#C This program will allow you toS(#create a disk loader be1L}xginning withK+(#the LINE NUMBER that you desire to K(load in the font defined in( TOUCHEDIT.((7-}1M}@ ?%30@#W7  U(Your font is: &6-F:A,4-@[M67<,.>:F:A%,,Q U(1N}  - @9)(Beginning LINE NUMBER - h @P=)!B (C("Sorry, Line can only be between 50^(and 3201O}00. Try again.h @" ! @&A( INCREMENT ! +GM'0@QSY]@agA0@ko@su{[1P}0@ @@m@"&@9*0w @%4Y( REM àˠҠ @"]fZ @%jP(%: RAMTOP=PE1Q}6EK(106):CHBASE=RAMTOP-16:POKE 106,RAMTOP-20:GR.0Z @":Cl @%GOb(%@Sv$D REM ՠԠŠĠŠ} 1R}C %ԠŠϠӠˠl @")2M @%6>C(%@B]$ DIM ML$(7):ML$=>:@4ar,hhhLVM @"vB 1S}S@%8(%@*$ OPEN #2,4,0,>:@4.7,B @";Dw @%HPm(%@T$O POKE 868,0:POKE 869,CHBASE:POKE 8721T}1,0:POKE 873,4:POKE 866,7:Q=USR(ADR(ML$),32)w @"5>m @%BJc(%@Nr$E REM ŠŠҠӠ} 1U}! ĠŠŠҠm @"%.R @%2:H(%@>s$* FOR X=708 TO 712:GET #2,D:POKE X,D:NEXT XR @"wK 1V}@%7(%@7$ CLOSE #2:POKE 756,CHBASEA @";AK @&Et( ((POKE 842,12:CONT*AB@x'-1W} H*&$(>:A%,((($]" D:TEMP.LST@PLZB%, @%^4(NEW7(:(](ENTER >:@41X}>, D:TEMP.LSTO( (((POKE 842,12:? 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Try again.h @v ! 5a}@!( INCREMENT ! +'-'0@15@9;AGA0@KO@SW@[a[0@egmq@ue @05b}'( REM àˠҠ @'+4l @08b(%L RAMTOP=PEEK(106):PMBASE=RAMTOP-16:POKE 54279,PMBASE:POKE 105c}6,RAMTOP-20:GR.0l @'#d @0'/Z(%@3S$ DIM MOVE$(25):MOVE$=>:@4W,hhhhhhhˑ͘`d @'5d}C l @0b(%@=$D REM ӠŠĠԠJ iŠϠūl @'mvM @0zC(5e}e%@ $$ DIM ML$(7):ML$=>:@4(9,hhhLVM @'=FB @0JR8(%@Vn$ OPEN #2,4,0,>:@4r,B @'5f} y @0o(%@w$Q POKE 868,0:POKE 869,PMBASE:POKE 872,150:POKE 873,0:POKE 866,7:Q=USR(ADR(ML$),32)y @'{5g}G @0 =(%@A$ REM ŠŠҠӠG @'ENx @0RZn(%@^$P GET #2,D:GET #2,D:POKE 705q}STddB'DOS SYSB*+DUP iSYSBtUTCHEDIT DOCBAUTORUN SYSBAUTORUN BASB UTILITY SETBTEMPm LSTBPLYRDEMODEM|BKORONIS DEMBCHARDATA BPLYRDATA B (PSTRDATA BHCHARDISK BYPLYRDISK BwPSTRDISK BCREATEC B CREATEP B CONVERT +B TYPEIT0 9BMENU@ JBDEMOSP [BSELECT` hBMENm PMSBFACES PMSBSTARTREKPMSBMISCELANPMSB KORONIS1FNTB KORONIS2FNTB INTER FNTB CURSIVE FNTB FATSET FNTB OLDENGL FNTC0B &FRAKTUR FNTB /DEFAULT FNTB 8ANTCTHREFNTq<4,D:POKE 705,D:GET #2,D:GET #2,D:POKE 710,D:POKE 712,Dx @'@I` @0MUV(%@ Y$8 CLOSE #2:POKE 53277,3:POKE 5595r},46:PMBASE=PMBASE*256 ` @'#,7 @008-(%@<V$ POKE 53248,1287 @'ZcF @0go<(%@s$ REM 5s}ԠҰΠŠΠF @'#,Y @008E(%@<n$' Q=USR(ADR(MOVE$),PMBASE,PMBASE+532,15)O @'rxY @1|5t}.( ((POKE 842,12:CONT*AB@26'-<>D*&$(>:A%,((($]" D:TEMP.LST5u}@PB%, @074(NEW7(:(](ENTER >:@4;u, D:TEMP.LST O( (((POKE 842,12:? CHR$(125):L.:-{5v}CLAB@.O D:PLYRDISK}4.wfVWI[FILEDIRDLINP1P2P3P4CLEARVVTSTARPLYRPOPMBASOFFSEPLYOFFSETHOFFSETLmovw}9x} Bi` "(*02 8: AB IJ QR YZabijqry9y} 6ˠ0@:>@BDJP70@TX@\`@dhQ0npv@9z}k0@ @@!0@%'-/5@;@DK,;@ Oa,?AR@e'AdAU9@w9{} ?(}e-@!'B*(CREATE PMSET PGM<-@FJ@N^b(!f e(P+(9|}# This program will allow you toP( create a disk loader with string**("manipulation of players, beginningR,($w9}}mith the LINE NUMBER that you desireR(!to load in the player set defined ( in TOUCHEDIT.(( 7-sw@{9~}?% 30@R7  [(Your player set is: ,6-F:A,:-@VS67<,.>:F:A%,,W [( -9} @ 4)(Beginning LINE NUMBER - h @P8)!B (C("Sorry, Line can only be between 50^(and 32000. 9}Try again.h @! @!<( INCREMENT ! +BH'0@LNTX@\bA0@fj@npv[0@9}@ @u0@%)@-3 @B7\( REM àˠҠ @9`i8 @Bm.(% REM 9}ǠΠ8 @9$h @B(0^(%@4$@ DIM P1$(128),P2$(128),P3$(128),P4$(128),CLEAR$(128),PDATA$(150)h 9}@9t @Bj(%@v$L RAMTOP=PEEK(106):PMBASE=RAMTOP-16:POKE 54279,PMBASE:POKE 106,RAMTOP-20:GR.0t @9z9}_ @B U(%@X$7 CLEAR$(1)=CHR$(0):CLEAR$(128)=CHR$(0):CLEAR$(2)=CLEAR$_ @9\eE @Biq;(%@u$ VV9} TP=PEEK(134)+PEEK(135)*256E @9$-F @B19<(%@=f$ STARP=PEEK(140)+PEEK(141)*256F @9js? @Bw5(%9}@($ PLYRPOS=PMBASE*256+512? @9,5= @B9A3(%@Ee$ OFFSET=PLYRPOS-STARP= @9ir8 @Bv.(%@9}  $ FOR PLYR=0 TO 38 @9$-A @B197(%@=a$ OFFSETHI=INT(OFFSET/256)A @9enE @Br;(%@9}C)$ OFFSETLO=OFFSET-OFFSETHI*256E @9-6D @B:B:(%@Fm$ POKE VVTP+8*PLYR+2,OFFSETLOD @9qD @B9} :(%@ 4$ POKE VVTP+8*PLYR+3,OFFSETHID @98AD @BEM:(%@Qx$ OFFSET=OFFSET+128:NEXT PLYRD @9|9}T @B J(%@O$, P1$=CLEAR$:P2$=CLEAR$:P3$=CLEAR$:P4$=CLEAR$T @9S\B @B`h8(%@l$ OPEN #2,4,09},>:@4 ,B @9! 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Create a disk loader to loadR wthe font directly from disk.7-}=}@ ?%30@"\7 6-F:Ad,"AUAP<@0`f*@1j (2Ad=}AU< AP."@1%!A)-@1I.%D:SELECT."@0MS!AW[@_.%D:SELECT D:CREATEC=}}<&nD%&-.4` РAdAU0@dh@lnt70@A}@ @Q0#'@+1k0@59@=A@EK0@OQWY_v(}(AR@z2A}@w <*-@!'E*(CREATE PMSET PGMF'-@IM@Q'( P ( (Zqq(i 1. CreaA}te basic data statements" 7with machine languageH manipulation of players.dt(t(i 2. Create a diskA} loader .with machine language? manipulation of players.nd(d(Y 3. Create basic data statA}ements +with string manipulation of6 gplayers.xd(d(Y 4. Create a disk loader witht string maA} nipulation of .players.7-48@<@?%DJ30@NPV7 6-F:Ad,"AUA}A@P-@0*@1!'*@&+1*@$5c4(FAdAUP A@."@1gm!Aqu@y.%A}D:SELECT."@0!A"&@*B.%D:SELECT."@&FL!APT@Xp.%D:SELECT."@$t!AA}@ (.%D:SELECT D:CREATEP}@(+CZkCHBASSAVFILEBsD25@9CAIn$  Ԡ'B2wt'AYE}C@4 9@,;@#-,(@e15@9V26-F:AV,</-@Z^@b+68,-F:A%,/ FE}[ + '0@ @$*A0@.068>D[0@HJPT@XPAVA$Z'AR@E}_'AdAUdA$A`nY( (S(E The font on the screen is just theh ATARI default charactE}7ers.V(Y(xLL(D Is this font set you wish to save to? the disk as your CHSET?&6-F:Ad,&"AUA0E} "@CmA`6-?:B,PUT THE CHSET#6-$AV#AdAUNARs(}--E}@ @NJ(Name for this set D:NAdAU @RV@Z\bm-sA#E}6-F:%,*@+ +-@/3@7>'*@BU8,+ @YjAR@n(}V-@E}@ "V(:, A@I}&ҠҠ7-,0@48?%<B30@FHNn7 9 (} (((9(" }I}C**(" 5ΠΠҠҡ:E**(" do8 -@su{6I}?% 40@*8 )-@.2@6Q%(>:AS,) :-W[@_c?%gm30@qsy7I}- :%" HOLD, A`D:TYPEIT}H- &*8DBHH@$%&-]@% ՠAdAU@eae@ir(0@v@M} 70@@@#'Q0-/59@=Ck0@GK@OS@W]0@acikq(}2M} AR@<@w$TF%%6-F:A`,%AV$F:Aa,P%@X\@q`kZ?%@os@w+%M}@ @?%@@"+d$-@/17<$( B OMENUn'-@SW@['( x(oo(g M} 1. Convert the font* @created with TOUCHEDITP into a basic program.r(r(g 2. ConvertM} the player set 5created with TOUCHEDITE into a basic program.o(o(d 3. Convert your own fM}ont *into a disk file to be: used by TOUCHEDIT.)()( 4. Graphics demonstrations!$($M}&( 5. Goto ATARI DOS 2.0S+(+(* P6. Type out the instructions.7-VZ@^b?%fl30@prx7 M}&6-F:Ad,"AUA*5dA@09?*@1CI*@&MS*@$W]*@)ag*@'kH(ZAdM} AUd A"@1 9% D:CREATEC"@0=V% D:CREATEP0"@$Zj$AF:An,0%D:DEMOSM} 9"@) /!AdAU6AF:A3B,9."@'F%D:TYPEITAdAU" (},&-@M} &(  #CONVERT68-@$')/@8(E @k(+( 1. Load in and run your programM}R(" ,that has the character set youk(0 rwish to convert.Ji(-(" 2. Break out of the program afterO(v the desM}ired character seti( _is on the screen.Tm(.(# 3. Insert the TOUCHEDIT disk, withT(!c the utility side up, and tM}ypem( RUN >:@43,^?-( D:CONVERT>:@47U, and |RETURN|.?AR[phD:MENU}LpC!&@ODBhAU%&-\@% ӠAdAU( +bh'0@lp@tv|Q}A0@ @@[0#'@+/@39u0@=A@EI@MS0@WY_ag(}2'AR@Q} '@@GF%%6-F:A`,%AV$F:Aa,P%@KO@qS^Z?%@bf@jr+%@v@Q} ?%@ @d-@"$*=(DEMOSn%-@AE@I%( x( ( (((1. Run the PlQ}3ayer Demo! ( (2. Run the font demo!7-9=@AE?%IO30@SU[7 6-F:Ad,"AQ} UA dA@0"*@1&,*@&06*@$:@*@)DJ*@'NmH(ZAdAUd Aq""@1Q}!"%D:PLYRDEMO.DEM!"@0%[!% D:KORONIS.DEMAdAU" (} A_oD:DEMOS}Po&g DIRBUFOSESED-/67>?FGNOVW^_fgno u6-FU}:AV, +'0@ "(,@06A0@:<BF@JXSAR@\hY( s0@lntx@|U}!AV ;Ah,;@%1,x467@5S,. %67Ah,. 467@We,.r+F:Ain,"@rx)F:A|,U}"@P@@#5D:*.FNT\6-@9Ah6-@EYr AP@(@]a@egmD:*.PMS46-U}@@6-@@ 1''67<%@5<,.7@@D<@HT,$"@ X_@c$ AdA@:7@U}<@ ,, @X*@:7@#<@'-,,!@G1;O6-&@?FZ@Jad A)6-%@eo6-%@s) APU}! 6-(}!-@!*(:K( Ph - (( m - ((U}  - S(-@!%@)t( ˠР - (( ˠΠ - (( x - SU}()$A$6,@-1@5;H/@?C@GMZ,@QU@Y_l/@cg@kqv@2uy,}U} ",-@@%,(5,(|Use either the |6(|Start button or |@H(|Stick trigU}ger to|1(|select! $|H(4>J)-@"BDJP)(]gT-@"kq%@u+(U}C 5A$G,@" $@(.S/@"2:e,@6>B@FLq/@6PX{@2\`,fhny^J-@}U}-@% F(7$@ &@$*<$@.2&@6F,J hC6-@JR+-@VZ@^b?%fl?0@prxC U} r-@#,(=>|M+F:B2y,"@04)R::?,"@CS16-?6-%@WyE!M6-&Q+F:B2y,"@}U})R: ,"@#16-?6-&@'-K"3MQ6-33F:B2y,"@QU)T:[^,"duA !-@#yU}( ! 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Users groups are welcome to put thi B}s program in their library, as long as the title screen is not omited and they do not charge other ATARI users a cost beyond C}the price of the disk and duplication costs. Please feel free to give this disk to your friends. Its one of the few thin D}gs free in life! If you have any questions, please contact me on L.A.C.E (Lubbock Atari Computer Enthusiasts) in the 8-Bi E}t forum at (806)792-3317, or write to me at the address at the beginning of this document. Your comments (and criticisms) ar F}e welcome. If you feel TOUCH-EDIT is useful, and as good as some software you might have paid for, you may send whatever G}you think it is worth to me at the same address. Donations of $20.00 or more will get you the latest update, along with any H}CAother character sets I've created, and the latest documentation.}AEE@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@