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There is a small cave hereq A26†-@((INSIDE A SMALL CAVE2 A<(ON A MOUNTAIN PATH&6†-@26ˆ-@< A <(ON A MOUNTAIN PATH&6‰-@26ˆ-@< A %6…-@6‰-@% A%6ƒ-@6…-@% A76ƒ-@-(NEAR THE EDGE OF A CLIFF7 A-#(AT THE BOTTOM OF THE CLIFF- AP'( IN A CAVE6ƒ-@' A )(Ö6…-@"6‰-@) A *(Ö6…-@# 6‡-@* A )(Ö6ƒ-@ 6Š-@$) A !)(Ö6ƒ-@!6ˆ-@$) A "O( IN A CLEARING!6‡-@"-6ˆ-@%96‰-@#E6Š-@(O A #%6‰-@$6…-@&% A$%6ƒ-@%6…-@'% A%6ƒ-@& A&)(Ü6‡-@$6…-@)) A 'V4(IN A Ý7Ô$@&@%@<Ô$@,@6ƒ-@(L6…-@0V A (J4(IN A Ý7Ô$@&@%@<Ô$@,@6ƒ-@)J A0)i6‘-@_(JON TOP OF A TREE. There's a branch here extending out over the cliffi A@*)(Ž6ƒ-@'6…-@3) A +)(Ž6ƒ-@26…-@4) A ,A(Ž6ƒ-@36„-@3+6…-@376†-@3A A -$(IN Aß6†-@($ AB.3(INSIDE YOUR OWN HOUSE)6†-@!3 A /)(°6ƒ-@86…-@8) A!0A(°6ƒ-@76„-@9+6…-@A76†-@@A A 1(°6†-@8 A 2(°6„-@8 A 3(°6ƒ-@8 A 4W6ƒ-@AM(8IN A POST OFFICE. There is a wanted poster on the wallW AD5e[(RIN A TIME MACHINE. There is a large glass window here and a large lever. Under e AF6/(IN A LIQUOR STORE%6†-@)/ A dEAR@(}.-@@E(IT'S ABOUT TIME...È¡¡“;@7$€,”9@7,á9@7,•9@,–;@‡,—9@,˜9@),â9@,°;@,Ž;@ ,Õ;@&,Ú;@w,Ý;@‘,í;@,Ëbb™;@6,š;@ ,›;@ ,œ;@P,Ü;@(,ß;@$,;€,Ö;@,‚;@,Í''6™. Ï`-@@&6—8,-* >-@@7M6”8,-\6á8,-` Òg-@@706“7$€&€%@<$€,.™4"M6“7$€&€%@<$€,.Q"žZ6”8,-ž^"žg6á8,-žÔ ÖQ"–-@@)"ž(6˜8,-ž, @-@D"žM6â8,-žQ Üw6°.SOMEWHERE DOWNTOWN76Ž.IN A FOREST CLEARINGC6Ô-@O6-@!p6Õ.. There are two rocks herew6™.æWW6Ú.MSWAMP PATH SWAMP PATH JUNGLE PATHFOREST PATHROAD STREET HIGHWAY ðee6Ý.[SWAMP SWAMP JUNGLE FOREST FOREST STREET SHOPPING LANE,k%216 -=6ž-I6¡-_Ô"@*ä"k6ž-@-?"@6ž-@'6¡-@3Ô @?6¡-@.=%Ô"@*+ @*!@,16ž-@=6¡-@/1×!*× @%6ž-@16¡-@0»6„-6ƒ-'6…-36†-?6‘-K6‡-W6ˆ-c6‰-o6Š-y+0@ž§0@@»0@¡1"AR@"(YOU'RE 2`Ô @'6Ü.AT THE EDGE OF A `6Ü7B:Ü,%@,.Ý7Ô$@&@%@<Ô$@,3FÔ!@!6Ü. IN A STREET-Ô"@F6Ü.IN A SHOPPING LANE4[6‚. IN A JUNGLE6Ö.‚'Ô!@96‚. IN A FOREST?6Ö.‚KÔ"@[6Ö. IN A CITY55Ô"@6‚. IN A PARK56Ö.IN A DOMED CITY6v6”8@5,-'6á8@5,-Ô3Ô"@G6ß. JEWELRY STOREv6“7A <A,. JEWELRY STORE 7Ô!@%6”8@5,-6@(1Ô"@P6ß.N AUTOTRON SHOPPING MART6“7A <A,. 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AQØx*á8@,"Ô*”8@,"6*³"@@(Pig grabs the bagW(from your hand andl(runs off with itx6 -@Ù. "@$6”8@,-. AQÚ9-ë @*³"@*Ô"@*"@96ë-@à "@vAPPá "@wAPâ "@xAQã 6”8³,-6á8³,-Ôä (OK! AQî˜8«,@A•ðcÔ"@*”8@1,"6;”8@0,"6@*›4ROCW(Rocks are used as moneyc6 -@ òu "@ ((in this time period.46ž-@1I6—8@,-@_6”8@,-6@k6³-@0u APô%%Ô"@*”8@1,"6AQúh%Ô"@*”8@2,"6*›0ARRB(Indian trader kills you.^(Listen to him next timeh Ag~1Ô"@*”8@2,"6*”8@,"6@=6ž-@2S6”8@,-6@h6—8@,-@t6³-@~ AP†9Ô"@*”8@3,"6*›4COI*”8@,"6@E6ž-@3Z6—8@,-@p6”8@,-6@|6³-@† AP%%Ô"@*”8@3,"6AQvCÔ"@*”8@4,"6*+›4GLA)›4BIF,*”8@,"6@O6ž-@4j(He puts the glasses onv6 -@0j "@0)(and sees much better.>6—8@,-@T6”8@,-6@`6³-@j AP %%Ô"@*”8@4,"6AQ sC×"*”8@6,"6*Ô"@*›4STR*”8@,"6@O6 -@v[6³-@i6ñ-ñ%@s AusC×"*”8@6,"6*Ô"@*š4KEY*”8@,"6@O6 -@v[6³-@i6ñ-ñ%@s Aua5Ô"@*"@5*›4PEA*”8@,"6@U(Storekeeper examines pearl,a6 -@@{ "@@1(considers it costume jewelry,M(and gives you 2 dollarsY6Ÿ-@e6³-@q6 -@w{ AO5Ô"@*"@D*›4WIN*”8@,"6@A6 -@AO(>:@4,G "@A*ë"@G(Hmm...vintage 500 million B.C.>:@4,v "@A*ë"@3(He takes the wine andK(gives you something`6—8@,-@&v6”8@&,-6@G "@A*ë"@%6ë-@16³-@=6 -@wG AM "@A$(Not aged enough.C(I don't want it>:@4,M AP A‚˜8«,@Ax!"@B*›4PAP*à"2( LOST: WALLETL(RETURN TO POST OFFICEW(REWARDl6”8@(,-@@x6 -@Q. "@Q$6á8@(,-@. APi++›4PAP)›4NEW,*Ô"@*ä"?((FINAL EDITION)](HEADLINES: HENRY BOWMAN i6 -@R D "@R#(CREATES B BOMB:(AND DESTROYS WORLDD AP"_Sä"*+›4NEW)›4PAP,*+”8@ ,"6@)+”8@ ,"*á8@ ,"Ô,,_6 -@S#U "@SK(7HEADLINES: HENRY BOWMAN THREATENS WORLD WITH B BOMBU AP$p!"@B*ä"*›4POS-6 -@TF(WANTED: HENRY BOWMANp(%DISTINGUISHED FEATURES:MOLE OVER LEFT%[ "@T;(&EAR, AS HAD ALL HIS DIRECT DESCENDANTSQ6”8@1,-6@[ AP' AF*˜8«,@A@+d5›4HOU*"@!*Ô"@*”8@,"6@N(Key unlocks the doorZ6-@6d AQ,K-›4HOU*"@!*+Ô"@)Ô"@,A(Door won't openK AP.-"@*›4MAC#6-@C- A/;"@)"@#›4CAV16-%@; A07!Ô"@*"@*›4TRE-6-@17 A17!›4ROP*ò"@*"@1-6-@7 A2-›4ROP*"@#6-@1- A3O!"@C*+›4MAC)›4OUT,-6 -@`CÔ"@*ä"O6 -@a4A "@a&(You have just died7( of radiationA Ag5k "@`*Ô"@k(LYou have changed the future. By killing a direct descendant of Bowman,6f "@`*Ô"@\(>you have also prevented his birth and the creation of the bombf Ag9% "@`6-@% A:A›4STO)›4MAR+Ô!@*"@(76-@5A A;A›4STO)›4MAR+Ô"@*"@)76-@DA A=Q"@A*›4OFF#6-@B/6 -@pE”8@(,"6@Q6à-@> "@pA?j%”8@',"6*Ô"@*›4TAX16 -@€HP:Ÿ$A,"@5T6-@7`6Ÿ-j A@n "@€*Ÿ"@…7(You find 35 cents in coinL(among the rewardX6-@%d6Ÿ-@Pn AAX "@€ ( Driver says,A(>:@4,fare is 35 cents,X(exact change only.BL "@€&(We are not allowedB( to take tips>:@4,L APC7!"@*+›4MOU)›4PAT,-6-@7 AH˜8«,@AuJS+Ô"@*"@*ï"*›4HOLI(You see a stone arrowheadS APLU%”8@1,"6*+›4CAV)›4PED,7( He has a moleK(on his left earU APM9›4PAP)›4POS!Ô!@/( TRY: READ9 APN)(You see nothing special) APk˜8«,@ Al|1Ô"@*”8@,"6@*”8@,"6L(As you swing the club,p(you scare the pterodactyl away.|6 -@r… "@)(She flies off leavingB(her nest unprotectedW6”8@,-f6”8@,-{6á8@,-@… APs2”8@&,"6@(( TRY: SHOOT2 APu( You can't APz˜8«,@A {eM”8@&,"6@*ä"*Ô"@*”8@1,"6*+›4CAV)›4PED,Y6ä-@e6 -@‘|q "@‘66“7At<Aˆ,.DEAD CAVEMAN Q(You fire a single shotg(and he falls deadq AQ}1”8@&,"6@'( Missed...1 AP„˜8«,@A †i›4ROP)›4BRA5"@1*”8@#,"6@;6Þ-ÔG6ò-@S6³-@#_6 -@vi AŽ˜8«,@A %/"@C*›4LEV%6Ô-Ô&@/ A˜8«,@Až/"@C*›4LEV%6Ô-Ô%@/ Aè* (Sorry, you can't do that* AP¤5Ô @+(. The sun is scorching5 A ¥( A ¦16ƒ-@6ˆ-@ '6Š-@!1 A §Ô"@(Õ A ¨IÔ"@?(+. There is asmall bird-sized hole in a wallI A ©( A ª,Ô"@"(ON A CORNFIELD, A «$(ON A MOUNTAIN PATH$ A ¬EÔ@&(. Thereis a tree 2Ô"@;(hereE A ­(Ô@( stump here( A ®( A ¯qÔ"@*×"q(R. Ben Franklin is sitting on the steps of his house looking discouraged. In °LÔ"@*×"B("one hand he isholding a small kite™L A ±VÔ"@*ã"L(.. A green door mat lies on your front stepsV A ²( A ³H4(ON A Ú7Ô$@&@%@<Ô$@,H"@%A!´"@&A µ%Ô @6…-@'% A ¶X6…-@2Ô"@X(7There are many pilgrims here sitting at a large table ·]Ô"@*Û@S(5about to have a feast. They sit there bewildered] A ¸&Ô"@(feasting& A ¹D%Ô"@*+"@%)"@7,D(There is a taxi stand hereº A ÂÔ"@A Ã6…-@0 A Ì> Þ"Ô4(&. A long rope leads down the cliff> A Í( A Î Ô"@ ( SIGN: ×Å ÂÕÙÏ A ÐDà @D(0 and a piece of paper tacked to a bulletin boardÑ A ÒT(the lever it says:1( PAST: PULL LEVERJ( FUTURE: PUSH LEVERT A Öo(“7ž$€&€%@<ž$€,)( TRADES FOR;( SOMETHING ANDJ( DISAPPEARSY6”8ž,-e6 -@wo A×)(He won't trade for that) AP\6”8@',-62(Driver takes 35 cent fare,R(and drops you off somewhere\ AQ0@]6á8@7,-Ô«"@()6.pull=ž-@AY2ž@@] ž‡«"@)6.push7ž-A@6@S2ž@@W žmÔ"@*ä"‡0@@S*(As you  the lever, everythingS($begins to fade. As you rematerializeQQ(Iyou find yourself in strange surroundings. Through the window in S$(your time machine you see...0Ô"@I(A prehistoric era...S AP!-Ô"@#(The stone age..- AP"LÔ"@#(You can't tell,B(but a meter reads 200 B.C.L AP#+Ô"@!( Early America+ AP$(Ô"@( The 1700's( AP%<Ô"@2(Looks like you're back in 1983< AP&MÔ"@#(The far future.C(Your meter reads: 3031 A.D.M AP'lÔ"@/(Your meter reads: 3032 A.D.>( You see aJä"@b(n ultra modern cityl AP(SÔ"@-( city completely in ruinsS(!as if some devastating attack had)JÔ"@@(,occured. A newspaper is lying on the groundJ AP*^Ô"^(JYou're in a void. You see gasses colliding in black space creating an+_Ô"_(Kinferno. You have just witnessed a remarkable event: the creation of the,^Ô"^(Jearth, which, incidentally, is also the last thing you'll ever see. Your-EÔ";(&machine was blown apart in the processE Ag.[Ô"@ [(GA cold, dead world. The sky brightens and huge suns swoop down upon the/KÔ"@ A(-earth and blow it to bits. And you with itK Ag:b(( . There is a cave here in theX(+mountainside. A rope leads up the cliffb A Smñ"@6×-@3(Ben Franklin thanksI(you and runs off.m(In his haste he drops somethingV—ñ"@A6“7A<AD,.BEN FRANKLIN (FLYING KITE)W6”8@6,-6@$l6”8@,-@!6á8@,-@6 -@w— AX%³"@%6š.piece of stringY³"@6š.key[<6™. and in the other,a 26™7B:™,%@,.š< AÆ1 6í.=:ì,B:í,"@16í7B:í,%@,..Ç2B:í, @(6í7B:í,%@,.02 A‘È$ÐggPTEMAD PTERODACTYL,-5,1,EGGPTERODACTYL EGG,0,0,PTEBABY PTERODACTYL,0,0,TIGSABRE TOOTH TIGER,-15,2›ÕhhCLUWOODEN CLUB,0,0,ARRSTONE ARROWHEAD,0,0,COIOLD COIN,0,0,STRPIECE OF STRING,0,0,TURMAD TURKEY,7,4›ÚggCOOCOOK,0,4,PEAPEARL,0,0,BIFBIFOLCALS,0,0,HOUYOUR HOUSE,0,0,APPBAG OF APPLES,0,0,PIGMAD PIG,-14,5›ä[[COREAR OF CORN,0,0,MATDOOR MAT,0,0,KEYKEY,0,0,WINBOTTLE OF WINE,36,6,NEWNEWSPAPER,7,7›îjjSTOLIQUOR STORE,-29,7,KNIKNIFE,0,0,ROPROPE,0,0,AXEAXE,0,0,MIRMIRROR,0,0,GUNOLD GUN,0,0,TAXTAXI,-25,7›óeeWALWALLET,0,0,OFFPOST OFFICE,-41,7,ROCROCKS,0,0,PEDCAVEMAN PEDDLER,-28,2,TRAINDIAN TRADER,-28,3›øaaBARPILGRIM BARTERER,-28,4,MERSQUINTING PEASANT MERCHANT,-28,5,XXX,0,0,FRABEN FRANKLIN,-21,5›ýMACTIME MACHINE,-3,6›4]]W N E S U D NW NE SW SE GETBUYPICDRORELGIVTRAREAGO ENTCLILEALOOKILHITSHOTIEPULPUS›>//1,1,1,2,2,4,4,5,6,6,6,6,7,9,9,10,11,12,13›C1.5,1.65,1.8,1›¸ -#(I don't know what you mean!- APˆ?6¬-(1(HIT ÒÅÔÕÒÎ TO CONTINUE...5œ? Aº (Okì16¬-#¹-@AP' ¹1 A,( You're dead64(This adventure"(is over4AR€ D1:TIME.BAS6¼-@I A0Åg+›4BLU*”8@","6@*¾"@G(Everything looks purpleS6¿-@–] Ag APÇCC7IF A=13 AND E$="HIL" THEN ? "You see a cave":BYE ´.540004E+10›Ï˜8«,@A •Ô\?›4YEL*¾"*”8@ ,"6@*”8@!,"6@K6¾-@R(Ok\ APÖ``7IF E$="YEL" AND PO=0 AND A(20)=-1.00000004 AND A(2604040404)=-1.0404>=PO=2º? "Ok":GOTO 450›Ø\?›4RED*¾"*”8@!,"6@*”8@ ,"6@K6¾-DR(Ok\ APè* (Sorry, you can't do that* AP¤QÄ"G(3. The canoe is tied to a tree with some sturdy ropeQ A ¥( A ®``(TOn the othev side you continue to see trees with a tall one at the edge of the chasmµ°¯6‰-@ A ¹16ƒ-@'6‰-@2'6Š-@11 A ÂE¯!;('. A large hat is floating in the centerE A Ã( A ÌB’"@8(". A strong branch extends outwardsÅB A Í( A ÖT¶"T(@. There is a suspension bridge here, spanning across the canyon,×I¶"?(+and fastened on each side by 2 strong ropesI A Ø( A 6(Dwarf child won't,(give it to you6 AP&R"(Suddenly everything spins,:(and begins to fade.R(As things reappear,'B(you find you are&( elsewhere,6-º86Â-B AP:!!@")Æ"@A?X(Dwarf child trades his5(“7Ç$€&€%@<Ç$€,X( for your “7³$€&€%@<³$€,@X6”8³,-&¹-@@ /—8¹,"³86—8¹,-ÇH6”8Ç,-6@N6Ç-³X AQA ¹lbÆ"b(N. There is a dwarf child here playing with and looking through what appearsm;Æ"1(to be a “7Ç$€&€%@<Ç$€,; A n( A vC-(%a yellow kingdom, and a green kingdom96†-@#C A ²/%( (KLINGING TO  PLASTIC)/ A0È)(]ou wee nothing special) APË:$(È7¼$@&@<¼$@,06½-: A Ð__EMBAMERICAN EMBASSY,-59,DAUAMBASSADOR'S DAUGHTER,-35,HATLARGE HAT,-2,GUNGUN,-1,APPAPPLE,0›ÕccBANBANANA,0,BEASLEEPING BEAR,-4,PADBOAT PADDLE,0,MONMONKEY,-9,KNISMALL KNIFE,0,ROPLONG ROPE,0›ÚeeSPESPEAR LODGED IN TREE,0,NATOLD NATIVE,-21,NATINJURED NATIVE,-33,TENTENT,-36,CROEVIL CROOK,-35›äQQOUTFEROCIOUS OUTLAW,-35,BANSNEAKY BANDIT,-35,SKUSKUNK,46,NATMAD NATIVES,-47›î00HEAMAD INDIAN HEADHUNTERS,-17,CANCANOE,-11›4WWW N E S GETDROREMGIVWAVRUBPUTGO ENTPULFREKILATTOPEMOVPUSUNLANSSAYLOOON CLOCOV›><<1,2,2,2,3,4,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,10,10,11,12,12,13,15,16,16›¸ -#(I don't know what you mean!- APˆ?6¬-(1(HIT ÒÅÔÕÒÎ TO CONTINUE...5œ? Aº (Okì16¬-#¹-@AP' ¹1 A,( You're dead67(This adventure"(is over4AR7X&#"@)"@5)"@6&$Y;¹-@@#A¿7É-@@%; ÉZ4A)É-@@%- É1 ¹4$(#<A¿#¹-@A' ¹9A<$€A A ™::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::