¼=13¾=255›èåFootnote Demo File, Page £›ã- TEXTPRO -›ãVersion 1.1››ãKeyboard Macro Feature›ã[C]1986›ãby›ãMike Collins and Ronnie Riche›››éÔåøô íïäå  ›ì5ò75ø80î3ñ1›...you can produce footnotes with TEXTPRO›› This is a demo print file to display the production of true footnotes with TEXTPRO v1.1. This file may be printed with any printer that recognizes the carriage return (EOL) character as decimal 13 and the line feed as decimal 10. It is assumed that the printer you are using needs no line feed after a carriage return. If your printer does need the line feed simply re-define the inverse > character at the top of the file from decimal 255 to the value of your printer's line feed character, usually decimal 10.›› The ability to produce true footnotes is provided by the large footer buffer contained in TEXTPRO[1]. The buffer can be used to store more than a single line of text and this text can be formatted by you to contain the footnotes you desire for each page. The method that I am using for this document is the following.›› -®I keep track of the current page and line number by using the here's the cursor command. When I get near the end of each page I format my footnotes[2].›› -®The only rule to remember here is that you want to be sure that all of your footnotes to be set on this page are entered in the footer declaration. Each line of the footer must end with the carriage return and line feed print keys[3] and the total number of characters used cannot exceed 255.›› -®I have decided that the three footnotes that I have on this page will be the only ones that I need on this page so I can now enter my footer declaration. The easiest way to track the footers is like this:›› *®Enter the footnote right after the footnote designator and delete it to the buffer. Enter a TAB prior to the entry to provide the left margin.›› *®Continue with each additional footnote using the SELECT option to append the new footnote to the old.›› *®Paste the whole thing back as the footer line using the eplace buffer command.››ð61›æ [1] The footer buffer can contain 255 characters¼¾ [2] You cannot use features such as center and block right. Format¼¾ each line individually. Turning off the word wrap will help.¼¾ [3] If you need them.¼¾¼¾›î3› Then you simply deduct the number of forced returns sent to the printer from the page length and your footnotes will format perfectly.›› The footer must be redefined on each page to prevent it from printing repetitively. You may also have a standard footer line defined that prints at the end of every page, footnotes or not. This can contain such things as the page number if you wish but cannot use edge right or centering. This page will use this form of footer/footnote combination. The only disadvantage here is that you lose some buffer space for your footnotes.›› This method of producing footnotes requires some organization and can also require corrective formatting if you do major editing on a text file but the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. The method is flexible and allows printing the file with footnotes to either the printer or to the disk[4]. The printer commands used are pretty universal and should work on just about any printer. If you have a paper to write that just has to have footnotes, you can do it with TEXTPRO.›› If you are using a format that requires underlining you can also use imbedded print keys to underline text within the footnotes. I have not used that feature in this DOC due to the variety of different printer codes used to implement underlining. Modify the DOC to underline if you wish; it will work fine.›› You may even decide to print the footers in your printers compressed mode. This can be done also but just be sure to return to your normal print style before leaving the footer. The number of characters allowed is still only 255.›› Be sure that you leave at least one line between the last text line and the first footer line. Adjust the bottom margin if required.››ð60›æ [4] The screen will display the footnotes as one paragraph with¼¾ control codes imbedded. The printer used to print the disk file¼¾ must match the return/linefeed parameters sent to the disk.¼¾ Page £¼¾¼¾¼¾› Good luck using this feature with TEXTPRO.›››RONNIE and MIKE››PS: You can also use this technique to move your normal headers and footers to lower or higher lines than the top and bottom of page respectively. Just issue an extra CR/LF in the right place and deduct one from the page length. I used this technique in the footers of this file to deduct two lines from the paging. This helps to get all the text comfortably on one page.›99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999