44QQKKBRAMAMENTRIGITRIGHELPHELPHELPIBLKTRIGCHOICITRIGCHOICNOISCHOICKBSCANOKECURSOBLINQQQ4MENTRIGMENBLQ4Q4Q5Q5Q5INISICOTAISIICOITAUCTOLHALCURVAMLAVABASOFFSEVV  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=%%*******************************%%TRIGFUNC- TRIGOMETRIC FUNCTIONSVERSION 1BY ALLEN WEBB 7-83(c) 1983 by Allen Webb""Modified by: Jim Allen 12-86 %%******************************* ;@E,C#@@E:C@@K:o6-AP6-A`'6-Ae3-A0?6-APK6-AW6-Apc6-Ao6-A"36-AU6-A0'6-Ap36-A0#6-@6-'6-Ad36-AU?6-ARK6-APW6-@_6-%k6-@@q6-}6-AP6-AU$/6-@H6-%6-%'6-%/6-%%K6-A06-A'6-AP36-A @?6-AK6-A&;@, B';@ ,(Q (}AAD-AAHQ( TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS2 ( ( ((1) TRIG FUNCTIONS<""((2) INVERSE TRIG FUNCTIONSF((3) HELPP ( (PUSH 0 TO END PROGRAMZ,-@@(( YOUR CHOICE :, d! @H)!@Q ! n&@GB-@@0)B2y;B2y@? B$' (}'( TRIG FUNCTIONS( (((1) SINE( (2) COSINE( (3) TANGENT((4) HELP((PUSH 0 FOR MENU,-@@(( YOUR CHOICE :,  "  "  "  "  " @   J(} SINET#( (#( OPP LEG^(SINE ANGLE A= h--(% HYPOTr((ENTER 0 FOR MENU|< A(!( ENTER mA :% ,8"<    A@  A# 6-G:,(#(SIN  = Q(M(AWHICH LENGTH DO YOU KNOW: (1) OPP LEG OR (2) HYPOT :Q (+!* ,A X A@(.(ENTER THE LENGTH OF THE 4"C( OPP LEG :G NX A`(HYPOT : : 0("THE LENGHT MUST BE GREATER THAN 0.: A E"@I6-'(;(THE LENGHT OF THE HYPOT = E Ap; 6-$(1(THE LENGTH OF THE OPP LEG = ; Ap(} COSINE%( (%( ADJ LEG(COSINE ANGLE A= --(% HYPOT((ENTER 0 FOR MENU< A@(!( ENTER mA :% ,8"< &   A@0@  A@:# 6-E:,(#(COS  = DQ(M(AWHICH LENGTH DO YOU KNOW: (1) ADJ LEG OR (2) HYPOT :Q N(+!* ,AXX A(.(ENTER THE LENGTH OF THE 4"C( ADJ LEG :G NX A b(HYPOT : l: 0("THE LENGTH MUST BE GREATER THAN 0.: AvE"@I6-'(;(THE LENGTH OF THE HYPOT = E A0; 6-$(1(THE LENGTH OF THE ADJ LEG = ; A0(} TANGENT&( (&( OPP LEG (TANGENT ANGLE A= ..(& ADJ LEG((ENTER 0 FOR MENU< A(!( ENTER mA :% ,8"<    A@  A(6-G:,'E:,(((TAN  = S(O(CWHICH LENGTH DO YOU KNOW: (1) OPP LEG OR (2) ADJ LEG :S (+!* ,A@X A`(.(ENTER THE LENGTH OF THE 4"C( OPP LEG :G NX A( ADJ LEG :  : 0("THE LENGTH MUST BE GREATER THAN 0.: A@G"@I6-'(=(THE LENGTH OF THE ADJ LEG = G A ; 6-$(1(THE LENGTH OF THE OPP LEG = ; A*+ (}+( INVERSE TRIG FUNCTIONS4( (((1) INVERSE SINE>((2) INVERSE COSINEH((3) INVERSE TANGENTR((4) HELP\((PUSH 0 FOR MENUf,-@@(( YOUR CHOICE :, p " z "  "  "  "    !!(} INVERSE SINE( ((OPP LEG""( = SINE ANGLE A( HYPOT((ENTER 0 FOR MENUR A (7(!ENTER THE LENGTH OF THE OPP LEG :; BN"R V(L(5THE LENGTH OF ANY SEGMENT MUST BE GREATER THAN 0.V A @ A(5(ENTER THE LENGTH OF THE HYPOT :9 @V(L(5THE LENGTH OF ANY SEGMENT MUST BE GREATER THAN 0.V Ah  (h(WTHE LENGTH OF THE HYPOTENUSE MUST BE GREATER THAN THE LENGTH OF THE LEGS OFTHE TRIAGLEA  6-'( (( SINE OF A = 6-D:'M:6$%@,,$((mA = . A L##(} INVERSE COSINEV( ((ADJ LEG`""( = COSINE ANGLE Aj( HYPOTt((ENTER 0 FOR MENU~R AP(7(!ENTER THE LENGTH OF THE ADJ LEG :; BN"R V(L(5THE LENGTH OF ANY SEGMENT MUST BE GREATER THAN 0.V AP@ Ap(5(ENTER THE LENGTH OF THE HYPOT :9 @U(K(4THE LENGTH OF ANY SEGMENT MUST BE GREATER THAN 0U Aph  (h(WTHE LENGTH OF THE HYPOTENUSE MUST BE GREATER THAN THE LENGTH OF THE LEGS OFTHE TRIAGLEAP 6-'( (( COSINE A = %%6-6D:'M:6$%@,,%@((mA =  A@##(} INVERSE TANGENT( ((OPP LEG(##( = MEASURE ANGLE A2(ADJ LEG<((ENTER 0 FOR MENUFR AP(7(!ENTER THE LENGTH OF THE OPP LEG :; BN"R PV(L(5THE LENGTH OF ANY SEGMENT MUST BE GREATER THAN 0.V APZB Ap(7(!ENTER THE LENGTH OF THE ADJ LEG :; BdV(L(5THE LENGTH OF ANY SEGMENT MUST BE GREATER THAN 0.V Apn 6-'x( (( TANGENT A =  6-D:,((mA =  A@ A) )AVA$ B"&+) 1 6-(( -)F:,"- 1  )$| 1 6-(( -)F:,"- 1 AR$pK(H(=THE MEASURE OF ANY ANGLE MUST BE GREATER THAN 0 DEGREES.K$dI(F(;THE MEASURE AN ACUTE ANGLE MUST BE LESS THAN 90 DEGREES.I$X (}b( Bl""( COMPLEMENT OFv(  ANGLE A""(   (90 - mA)(  ( LEG  (OPPOSITE  %%( ANGLE A   HYPOTENUSE(  (  ( Given:  ( ABC  ( is a  ( right    (  !!( 90 ANGLE A ""(   ##( C A ( LEG ADJACENT ( ANGLE A BP (}$$( A ( ( (  (  (  (  (  (  (  (  $$( B C $$$( .(Given:8!!(mA=37, mB=90, mC=53B(AB=4, BC=3, CA=5LX(X(LIf mA and the length of the hypot. isknown, then the length of the opp. legVFF(>can be found by: SINA multiplied by the length of the hypot.` BPj!-@@!(ta-@@a(GThe length of the adj. side can be found by: COSA multiplied by the~(length of the hypot. BP!-@@!(e-@@e(KIf mA and the length of one of the legs is known, then the length of theNN(Fother leg can be found by: if the legknown is the adj. leg then TANA##(multiplied by the adj. leg. BP!-@@!(Y-@@Y(?If the leg known is the opp. leg then opp. leg divided by TANA BP!-@@!(g-@@g(LThe length of the hypot. can be found by: the length of the opp. leg divided(SINA. BP (} ( In Summary:(( HYP=OPP/SINA( HYP=ADJ/COSA((( OPP=SINA*HYP2( OPP=TANA*ADJ<(( ADJ=COSA*HYPF( ADJ=OPP/TANAP( ((Note:Z ( (TANA = SINA / COSAd**6. Press any key to return to menu.n BPx @ (}J(Trig. Functions:TV(V(KTrig. Functions are used when the measure of a given angle is known and^77(/the length of a side of the triangle is known.hX(X(LIf the length of the hypotenuse is known use SINE and COSINE to determinerJJ(Bthe lengths of the opposite and adjacent sides respectively.|V(V(KIf the length of one of the legs is known, use TANGENT to find the lengthQQ(Iof the other leg, and then use SINE or COSINE to find the length of the( hypotenuse. BP (}( ((Angle Measures:S(S(HThe measure of one of the angles in the triangle MUST be equal to 90.PP(HTo find the measure of the angle that is not known, subtract the measure88(0of the angle that is known from 90 (90-mA).**6. Press any key to return to menu. BP (# (}2# (Inverse Trig. Functions:<#X(X(LInverse Trig. Functions are used when the lengths of two of the sides of theF#QQ(Itriangle are known. By this the measures of the two other angles ofP#''(the triangle can be determined.Z#X(X(LIf the length of the hypotenuse and the length of one of the legs is knownd#SS(Kuse SINE to find the measure of the angle that is opposite the leg known.n#OO(GTo find the measure of the other anglesubtract the measure of the anglex#SS(Kknown from 90 (90-mA). To find the length of the remaining side, go back#GG(?to the Trig. Functions menu and use the appropriate function.# BP# (}#UU(LIf the length of both of the legs is known, use TANGENT to find the measure#UU(Lof the angle opposite the opposite leg. To find the measure of the other#QQ(Iremaining angle, use the same procedure as given before. To find#QQ(Ithe length of the hypotenuse, go back to the Trig. Functions menu and use#(SINE or COSINE.#((Segment Lengths:#U(U(JIn any rigth triangle (a triangle withone of the angles measuring 90) the#SS(Kthe hypotenuse is the segment that is opposite the 90 angle. The legs are#OO(Gthe two other remaining segments. Thelength of the hypotenuse must be #SS(Kgreater than the length of each leg. In other words, the hypotenuse is the#((( longest segment in the triangle.$ BP$ ::$$6.Press any key to continue.:-B:,@9:67B:,%@,. : :'AdAU'AR@:-@B:,:-@@"(:-@9@"(7<,:*6-G:@#,'F:Ad,AU*$: : BPP0u%6-F:A4,%AV$F:A5,G6-F:A@,%AV$F:AA,V6-F:A,o'@"P:'@,A&@:uK6-F:A,%@*6-AV$&;6-P:'AV,K6-&AV$Duo%@%@3%@G%@@[%@o%@@u,,6."ffffff~urr67B:,%@,.Z`~~7e>6>xof8p88pf<~ff~~``~fff|yrr67B:,%@,.Z>``lxlfccc|ffff~fff~~ff~``>ff>|f```~`~~~yrr67B:,%@,.Zffff~fff<cc>6f<