» Ì ØA OPERATING SYSTEM CHECK 1.1›""Written by Ron S. van Zuylen›%%of The VanCo Associates (c)1983›%%600/800XL OS check added 1/5/85›› o +7(%ATARI COMPUTER OPERATING SYSTEM CHECKY6€-F:BU(,%F:BU),$AVoX=ATARI OS checksum›P,($This is a completely useless programP(by The VanCo Associates (c)1983T*("Updated for Atari 600/800XL 1/5/85-(T("Did you know your 8-bit Atari has:7€"B$“- Atari 400/800 Revision A?7 @pB€"B$†8 $Atari 400/800 Revision A (European)?B @p#7€"B‘#- Atari 400/800 Revision B?7 @p(B€"B%b8 $Atari 400/800 Revision B (European)?B @p-7€"Bˆ- Atari 1200XL Revision 10?7 @p27€"B(- Atari 1200XL Revision 11?7 @p79€"Bt/ Atari 600/800XL Revision 1?9 @p<9€"Bwˆ/ Atari 600/800XL Revision 2?9 @pA5+ #Non-standard Atari Operating System5 @pFf(&(1) Atari 400/800 Revision AF(2) Atari 400/800 Revision Bf(3) Atari 1200XL Revision 10Kg#(4) Atari 1200XL Revision 11E(5) Atari 600/800XL Revision 1g(6) Atari 600/800XL Revision 2Pv"(7) Other operating systems6(8) End of line.9(d(&What do you want to read about? (1-8)ývAdAUU @…@8@@K:E)@€W A:>:€,,$AZ(o(Touch any key...AdAUZF:Ad,AU%_ @dW+(#}Atari 400/800 Revision A OperatingT($System: Many bugs, upgrade to B now!W(nS,($Incredible disk and printer time-outS("bugs, serious SETVBV and BRK bugs,x0-(%POKEY timer bug, and much, much more!0$ÈT+(#}Atari 400/800 Revision B OperatingQ(!System: A fixed version of Rev. AT(ÒO(( Most 400/800 computers have thisO("today. This is about the best youÜG,($can do with these systems except forD(RAMROD enhanced OS.G$,U+(#}Atari 1200XL Revision 10 OperatingR("System: Bugs and incompatibilitiesU(6P+(#This is the first 1200XL version ofP( the Atari OS. Problems with the@Q+(#printer handler in association withQ(!other CIO devices. The BREAK keyJS,($also didn't work at all times. ThisS("is the start of the infamous AtariTT)(!self-test that replaced the AtariQ(#memo-pad mode on the Atari 400/800.T$R+(#}Atari 1200XL Revision 11 OperatingO(System: Most Rev. 10 bugs fixedR(šQ(( Not many 1200XL owners have thisQ($OS in their machine due to it's late¤A)(!release and the short life of the>(1200XL computer.A$ôS-(%}Atari 600/800XL Revision 1 OperatingP(System: The first 600/800XL OSS(þR*("Basically the same as the 1200XL'sR(#Revision 11. Support was added forV)(!the PBI and built-in Atari BASIC.S(%This version still had some problems.V$XY-(%}Atari 600/800XL Revision 2 OperatingV($System: The 600/800XL latest releaseY(bS,($This version is supposedly bug-free.S("But can any Atari operating systemlJ(actully be 'bug-free'?!(G(!Now on to the XE series... cough.J$¼q*("}Why are you asking me about alienT(%operating systems? I only care aboutq(the official Atari ones.Æ$ l +*(Initializing drive #1...>€-@AB €E(`(Can't you take a joke?clLaugh!›€ D:OSCHECKZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ