# AVERSIO6-F:Ad, +@'0@@A0@@[0@@m-@@(@THE WIZARD'S SWORDN;@",*0@@J( Hit RETURN to start...N(A +'0@@A0@@2OO(G An apprentice by trade, you have been summoned by your master, The3PP(HWizard of Zzard, to his deathbed, where you listen to his last dying4RR(Jwords and to the beginning to your quest which could earn you the title6RR(Jof Wizard and the right to his sword which, when properly fitted, is very8c(magical.(c( >:@4,My son,>:@4, the Wizard commences, >:@4,I:RR(Jam in my final hours. You have been chosen to replace me. You must prove<RR(Jyour worthiness by slaying the evil which has infested the kingdoms. The>SS(Kevil I speak of is Medusa. She alone dwells in the green kingdom. You must@SS(Ktraverse the lands in search of this place and then find this creature andBQQ(Idestroy her. All before you have failed. I am an old wizard. Only heDP6(#who destroys Medusa can replace me.>:@4,9(L( Hit RETURN...PFy0@@y(} The wizard continues, >:@4,/You must first find my sword which no longerHRR(Jwanted to be with me. My spells are weak as is my charisma. My wisdom isJ@@(8strong. Find my sword. You will need it to slay Medusa.L]]( >:@4,EYou must also find 5 jewels. These jewels, when found, will magicallyNPP(Hattach themselves to the sword. If youhave found all 5 of the jewels youPUU(Lmay then proceed to enter the green kingdom in search of Medusa. The swordRWW(Owill only be magical and permit you todestroy her if all of the jewels are on.T[[( >:@4,CEach jewel also has a different power which, when used, will aidVPP(Hyou in your adventure. The yellow jewel, for instance, will give youX]@(-wisdom. To use each jewel, you must rub it.>:@4,C(Y( Hit RETURN...]Z]0@@](} >:@4,Beware of Medusa,>:@4, the Wizard\UU( relates. >:@4,6Her stare can turn you into stone. Do not look at her.^AA( >:@4,The answer to the riddle is...>:@4,`NN(F Then the Wizard died. His body glowscompletely white, then vanishes,dOO(Gleaving no trace. You stare at the empty cot for a few moments, thenfUU(Lreflect on his last words. You leave the small hut in search of Medusa. Buth\\(Tfirst you know that you must find the Wizard's Sword and the 5 jewels that go on it)(%(Hit RETURN to continue...)% D:ADV38.BASD1:ADVINT38.BASpppppppppppppppp