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A}n} @Q( A@:(:(/Now boot which side of the disk isU hrequired.@l A n} *PRINT TO PRINTER*;AdAU--@?C@GIOh D:README.DOC##@lp@tv|n} P: A@24ENDA6@&(@D0 A X:(:(/Now boot which side of the diskn} is required.b@%@)<l A A*FPAUSEK*T8-@X\@!`8(Press any key to continun}e.\AdAU F:Ad,"AUA0  (} D:READ@!`8(Press any key to continulZC ADIGITAL SOUNDS INSTRUCTION LANGUAGEEE` jUSER GUIDEnn} r} BY DEAN GARRAGHTY B MCONTENTSV g1. Introductionp 3. The D.S.I.r} L language (4. Entering music1 M5. The DSIL-BASIC compilerV t6. Glossary of DSIL commands} r} 7. The keyboard player program) 98. Extra notesB Y9. Extra extra notes!a r10. The creditsz 11.r}* Public domain notes 1.INTRODUCTION.1 Welcome to DSIL, the new language that brings digitalsounds and music to yr}our 8-BIT Atari. DSIL is a programminglanguage, with simple commands, that'll have you writing music inminutes!! Write a r}tune, save it on disk, and play the tune using anyof 40+ different digital sounds, ranging from a piano to dogsbarking!! r}When you've got the music just right, compile it andturn it into a full, ready to go, BASIC program!! Merge this intoyourr}_ own programs and have digital music and sounds in YOURprograms!! Read on, the future beginse. 3.THE DSIL LANGUAGEr}. Once DSIL has loaded, you will be faced with the <> prompt.This, in DSIL, means that a major command is requirer}d. A full listof these is given later. For now, let's try a very important one -the PROG command. PROG is the command whir}mch tells DSIL that youare about to enter music. PROG requires a program name, let'scall it TEST. So type:x PROG_r}TEST and press return. <-=B NOTE: The underscore(_) isused in DSIL to prevent you fromr}Xnot leaving spaces between things.This underscore should always beused, not spaces. z- r} The prompt will now change to ==. This, in DSIL, means that youare about to enter your music. Music structure will be r}discussedin the "Entering Music" section. Just for this demonstration, typethe following at the prompt: 355*250*720r}*A50/ and press return. A notification will be given, saying the program has beendefined. You will now be returned r}to the <> prompt. Now type:' GUSING_PIANO and press return.N The piano sound will load from disk. The USING r}Cycommand loadsthe required sound into memory. The name after the _ is the samplename. When the <> prompt returns,type:} r} %EXEC_PROG and press return.* You will now hear the music being played in a piano sound.When the music stops thr}e <> prompt will return. The EXEC_PROG commandplays the music defined with PROG or loaded from disk(see later).Now let's r}change the sound. Type:# BUSING_MIX1 and press return.I sThe MIX1 sound will load from disk. Type:} r} EXEC_PROG and press return.& The tune will now play in a different sound. There are 40+sounds available. Type: r} (SHOW_SAMPS and press return. - This will display the names of all available sounds. After eachname you will ser}e a number in brackets. This number is themaximum note length allowed(see "Entering Music"). In this demotune the maximumr} note length is 5, so any name with 5 or more inbrackets can be used with this tune. Try using the USING commandto play tr}he tune in different sounds.& qOnce the program is in memory, it can be changed. Type(atthe <> prompt):| Er}DIT_PROG and press return.# The screen will clear, and your tune will be displayed on thescreen. To move the cursor,r} use the cursor keys. To start editing,first type the right arrow key. This will move the cursor to thefirst number in thr}e program. You can now alter the program usingthe 4 arrow keys. For this demonstration, you should see theprogram you typr}ed in earlier. Move the cursor over the 3rd numberalong(a 5). Type a 0. The 5 will change to a zero. As manymodificationsr}i as you like can be made. When finished press return.This will return you to the <> prompt. Now type:t EXEC_PROGr} and press return.  You should notice that the tune is slightly different, inthat a far shorter gap is left betweenr} note 1 and note 2. ENow let's look at the CYCLE command. Type:P jCYCLE and press return.o CYCLE COUNTER=r}'1 will appear on the screen. Now type:2 MCYCLE_2 and press return.R CYCLE COUNTER=2 will appear on the screen.r} Now type: 4EXEC_PROG and press return.: You will notice that the tune is now played twice. In DSIL, theCYCr}CsLE command allows you to repeat a tune over and over again. Anynumber between 1 and 99 may be used with CYCLE.y Now r}clet's save our program to disk. Take out the DSIL masterdisk, and insert a formatted disk. Type:n SAVE and pressr} return. The program will save to disk under the name that was specifiedwith the PROG command, in this case TEST. Whr}men finished, anotification is displayed on the screen that comfirms that theprogram is on disk. Now type:x DIR_Pr}ROG and press return.  A directory of all DSIL programs will be displayed. Inthis case only TEST will be in the dir}rectory. Don't worry about theDSL after the name. This is automatically added to the programname by the DSIL language. r} wThe DSIL master disk contains some demonstration programs. Putthe DSIL master disk back into the drive and type:} r} "DIR_PROG and press return.( A list of all DSIL programs on the disk will be shown. Also,there are some programs r}Lon side 2 of the disk, so turn the disk overand repeat the above command.P Let's listen to RYTH on side 1, so turn thr}Ce disk over again. Type:$ BLOAD_RYTH and press return.H The program RYTH will load from disk. We are still ur}sing theMIX1 sound, so type:) IUSING_PIANO and press return.P rThe piano sound will load. Type:} r}EXEC_PROG and press return.$ Now we have a new tune in memory. Try different sounds byusing the USING command, but br}Je careful to check the number inbrackets before loading a new sound. N a4.ENTERING MUSIC.f Music is entered in ther} form of numbers(and some letters). Thefirst number(or letter) is the pitch of the note. This can befrom 2-9 or A-F, wherr}e A-F is equivalent to 10-15. There are noset musical notes that correspond to these pitch values, as eachinstrument was r}sampled at different pitches. Experimentingwill soon give you a good idea of the notes. 2 is high pitch, and Fis very lowr} pitch. The 2nd number is the length of the note, i.e. how long youwant it to last. This can be from 1-9, where 1 is ar}C- very short note,and 9 is the longest note.1 The 3rd number is the length of the gap between this note andthe next. Thir}Bs can be from 0-9, where 0 is no gap, and 9 is quitea long gap.F Each note consists of these three numbers/letters. Aftr}er eachnote put an * , and then define the next note in the waydescribed, then another * and so on. After the last note hr}Kas beendefined, put a / and press return. 5.THE DSIL-BASIC COMPILER.O Of course, your music is still in DSIL, and sr}o can only be runthrough DSIL. However, the compiler will convert DSIL codeinto a fully working, ready to run BASIC progrr}am. The compiler isaccessed from DSIL by typing COMPILER at the <> prompt(be sureto have the master disk in faced upwardsr}$). The compiler will loadand run.( The compiler will first ask for the sound required to be usedin the BASIC program. r}Type one of the sound names and pressreturn(make sure it is a sample name, as errors will occur laterif it is not a soundr}). Now type the DSIL program name that is tobe compiled and press return. Now type the number of times you wantthe tune tr}lo be repeated, and press return. Now type the name of theBASIC program to be produced, and press return.p The compiler r}will load in the DSIL program, and convert it toBASIC in LIST format. After it has finished you can go to DSIL orBASIC byr}< pressing the keys shown. For now, go to BASIC. Then type:F ENTER"D:filename" (where filename is the name you gavr}5e for the BASIC program), andpress return.Now type:? ENTER"D:USER" (be sure to have the master disk in faced upwarr}rds before doingthis), and press return. This loads in the machine code driver. Nowcreate a full copy by typing:| Lr}nIST"D:filename" (where filename is your original filename)-be sure to have yourdisk in before doing this.r You now havr}e a full BASIC program on disk in LIST format. Ofcourse, you will have to copy the sound file from the master diskonto yor}ur disk. This should be done through DOS 2.5. Afterputting your program on disk, type DOS and press return. When DOSloadsr}, type O and press return. Type the name of the sound thatyou are using and put .SPL after it. Press return. Press returnr}Gagain(with DSIL master in-make sure you have the correct side ofthe disk in for the sound you require). The sound will loar}d andbe stored in memory. Now put your disk in and press return. A copywill be put onto your disk. Now type B and press rr}&eturn to getback to BASIC. Now type:0 ENTER"D:filename" (where filename is the name you gave to your BASIC prograr}m), andpress return. ;Now type RUN and press return.? There will be a pause, then the sound will load from disk, andr}6then the music will play, just as it did in DSIL!!: Because this program is in list format, it can be merged withyourr} BASIC programs. 6.GLOSSARY OF DSIL COMMANDS.EXEC_PROG ... Runs a program in memory.USING_name .. Loads a sound callr}ed after the _.EDIT_PROG ... Allows you to edit the tune in memory.PROG_name ... Puts you into the music entry mode, and r}lcalls theprogram as specified after _.CYCLE_n ... Sets cycle counter to number specified after _.QUITr ... Quits fr}Jrom DSIL to BASIC.COMPILER ... Goes to the DSIL- BASIC compiler.CYCLEO ... Shows what number the cycle counter is setr}? at.SHOW_SAMPS .. Gives a list of all available sounds.SAVEE ... Saves DSIL program to disk under name specified at Pr}ROG.LOAD_name ... Loads a DSIL program called the name specified after _.DIR_PROG ... Gives a directory of DSIL programsr} on a disk.CLEAR S... Clears the screen. 7.THE KEYBOARD PLAYER PROGRAM.W This program turns your computer keybr}oard into a musicalkeyboard!!# -LOADING:4 Turn the disk onto side 2 and put into drive 1. Turn oncomputer and the r}program will autoboot. /USING THE PROGRAM:3 The keys A to L are used, where A is a very high note and Lis the lowestr} note. When first run a list of all the available soundswill be displayed and a prompt for you to enter one of these will r}Gbeshown. Don't forget that you are at present on side 2 of the disk.K Type one of the names shown and press return. The r}sample willload, the screen will blank and you're ready to go!! If you wantto enter a new sound press * and you will retur}7rn to the openinglist and prompt. 8.EXTRA NOTES.; The digital samples used in DSIL were created using 'REPLAY'fromr}C 2-BIT systems,LTD. The 'USER' file is (C)1986 2-BIT systems,LTD. ,but can beused as long as 2-BIT systems are creditr} ed for it. If you use a tune created with DSIL in your programs then alwaysmention that the tune was created using DSr}KIL, and that certain partsof the program are (C)1986 2-BIT systems,LTD.O Merging tunes into your programs requires a lr}ittleknowledge of BASIC. The ENTER command is used here. The programcreated with the compiler will always use the same lines}5 numbers,sorenumber the program to fit into yours.9 The tune can be used many times in your program. Just putthe musics}X section into a sub-routine. The sample will onlyhave to be loaded into memory once.d oHave fun!!v Dean Gas}0rraghty 4 DEC. 1988. 9.EXTRA EXTRA NOTES!!4 During the development and testing of D.S.I.L. some thingswere found ths}cat are not mentioned in the manual. These are quiteuseful to know about, and are listed below.g i) When you are editins}g a tune and make a mistake type the CTRLkey and 3 together. This will return you to the <> prompt. ii) You will notice s}that when tunes are compiled they play a lotfaster. You may have to adjust your music if you are using thecompiled versions}. iii) The D.S.I.L. program is called "DSIL2.R1". The programmust be RUN, not loaded. So to get into D.S.I.L. from BASIC s}type: 3RUN"D:DSIL2.R1" and press return.8 It is important to have the machine code driver loaded. Thisloads is}yn during main boot up, but it is O.K. if you have run acompiled program, because this would have contained this code.} s }A I hope these tips help. If you have any problems please write.I Dean Garraghty,11/1/89 10.THE CREDITS. PROGs }RAMMING BY: DEAN GARRAGHTY. M/C DRIVER BY: 2-BIT SYSTEMS ,LTD. (C)1986 2-BIT. SAMPLES BY: DEAN GARRAGHTY USING 'REPLAs }Y' FROM 2-BIT SYSTEMS,LTD. MANUAL WRITTEN BY: DEAN GARRAGHTY. Public Domain Version 1.00. March 1990. 11. PUBLs }IC DOMAIN NOTES. D.S.I.L. was originally a commercial program, but has sincebeen updated. D.S.I.L may now be copied, es }&tc., as with any otherP.D. program.+ As mentioned while D.S.I.L is loading, the program wasn't workingcorrectly. This s}Enow means that when entering tunes using D.S.I.L, youcan only go up to 3 lines in length. If you want more, you coulduse a s}/word-processor to create and edit your tunes.4 If you would like details of my other P.D and commercialsoftware, then ps}lease write to me at: 0DEAN GARRAGHTY,8 H62 THOMSON AVE,P WBALBY,_ jDONCASTER,r DN4 0NU, s} ENGLAND.b I hope you get some enjoyment from D.S.I.L, and I hope to hearyour comments.h rHave fun!} s} Dean Garraghty.# 418 March 1990. H be to hearyour comments.h rHave fun!} pH0K*AdAU-. A0D:MENU3F:Ad,"@1O*AdAU3%D:MM-F:Ad,"@h6 10 GR.0:GOSUB 32000( 820 OPEN#1,4,128,B P"D:PIANO.SPL"Z v30 X=USR(1536,1,32768,2820)} w} 40 CLOSE #1 350 Z=PEEK(559):POKE 559,0= N52 FOR TIMES=1 TOX Z1d s1000 POKE 20,0} w}!1010 IF PEEK(20) ?5I R,128,128+\ ]5g i)s v105} w} PAUSE= 0 *:GOSUB 10004 7110A LX=USR(1539,V W5a j,128,128+t u6} w} ) 115 !PAUSE=+ ,06 B:GOSUB 1000L O120Y dX=USR(1539,n o8y ,128w},128+ 3 )& )1253 9PAUSE=C D0N Z:GOSUB 1000d g130q X=USR(1539, w}C 8 ,128,128+' (52 4)> A135K QPAUSE=[ \0f r:GOSUB 1000| 1w } 40 X=USR(1539,! 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