-*- Mode: Text -*- This is a brief blurb describing JRD's port of GNU Emacs v 18.55 to the Atari ST. This version of GNU Emacs contains a bunch of improvements over the 18.51, posted a while back by Edgar Roeder. In particular, it's less *nix-ish; it uses real ST pathnames, understands text files, doesn't need TERMCAP bd, etc. In addition, it uses the ST mouse. (See LISP\ST-MOUSE.EL; or fire it up and click right, for a hint) There's more to do there; but since most of the mouse stuff is written in Lisp, it's easy to add functionality. I'll be interested to hear what other folks think of the default behaviour I've provided. There's also support for fonts in the popup menu substrate; you'll find the font-loading hooks in that same Lisp file. Finally, this Emacs is dumpable, though it's not done the same way as the *nix version. See IMG2EXE.C and ST-DUMP.C, for the guts of the dumping mechanism. I've supplied the 'bare' emacs, for those of you who'd like to dump your own (ie 'cause you find bugs in my stuff, or because you'd like to build an emacs with less stuff in it, to save memory). Since Emacs is so huge, I haven't supplied everything that comes in the kit from FSF; in particular I've left out the INFO directory, and some of the miscellaneous stuff that's *nix specific. I *have* supplied all the C and Lisp source, so you should be able to reconstruct all the executables from what's here. The stuff is in the form of two large ZOO files, EMCS1855.ZOO, and ESRC1855.ZOO. The former is executables and compiled Lisp files, the latter is C and Lisp source. Each is split up into a bunch of smaller pieces, to ease tyhe FTP burden. Concatenate 'em all together, and enjoy! JRD@Stony-Brook.SCRC.Symbolics.COM.