This directory contains all the binaries/sources/diffs for the gnu C compiler (v1.36) and associated libraries and utilities: Please download all files in binary mode. Please use uncompress and minix-tar to extract and see the README/Changelog files in each archive for more details. Extracty each tar in a subdirectory and then mv files to their appropriate destination, otherwise there will probably be file name clashes. arc.tar.Z arc for minix clam.tar.Z clam shell curses.tar.Z curses library source diff.tar.Z gnu diff for minix dir.tar.Z portable directory access library source gasdiff.tar.Z diff from gas (Gnu assembler) v1.34 gassrc.tar.Z source for gas v1.34 gccbin.tar.Z compiler binaries gccdiff.tar.Z diff from gcc V1.36 compiler source gcclib.tar.Z library object files gkernel.tar.Z Gcc compilable minix kernel grep.tar.Z gnu grep for minix include.tar.Z include files for library libsrc.tar.Z library source mdb.tar.Z minix-debugger mg.tar.Z microGnuEmacs patch.tar.Z patch for minix pml.tar.Z portable math library source util.tar.Z utilities source zoo.tar.Z zoo for minix ckermit.tar.Z kermit for minix (Howard Johnsons serial driver required) games.tar.Z nethack, reversi, robot, worm for your entertainment (thanks to marcus weber weber@incas) The source for gcc V1.36 is available in ../atari/gcc-136.zoo.?? NOTE: i will routinely add updates from the above version into this directory. they will be called update* please apply them in order. enjoy, -- bang: {any internet host}!!bammi jwahar r. bammi domain: GEnie: J.Bammi