GNU Emacs 18.57
-rw-rw-rw-  1 ftp        602279 Dec 16 03:13 1857bin-d2.zoo
-rw-rw-rw-  1 ftp        448480 Dec 16 03:15 1857src-d2.zoo

How to go abut dumping an ST version of EMACS 18.57!

The file emcs1857.zoo contains the follwing directories and files.

  1. ./lisp/ 	- the relevent (usefull to me) e-lisp files.
		  some of these are absolutely required for 
		  dumping an emacs.

  2. ./etc/	- contains the emacs DOC string file and a 
		  sample termcap file.

  3. ./bin/	- contains [a] temacs      - undumped raw emacs
			   [b] dumpfix.ttp - dumping program from (er)

  4. ./emacs 	- a sample ST emacs initializaion file. 
		  this file is very imporant as it has some standard 
		  ST key bindings in it.


  1. extract emcs1857.zoo via "zoo x.// emcs1857.zoo"

  2. set the environment variables,
     EMACSLOADPAH, EMACSLIB, EMACSDOC to ./lisp, ./lisp, ./etc respectively.
        on my system with BASH1.10 I do the following in my .bashrc file,
	  export EMACSLOADPATH=/dev/F/bin/emacs/lisp
	  export EMACSLIB=/dev/F/bin/emacs/lisp
	  export EMACSDOC=/dev/F/emacs/etc

  3. cd to ./bin

	[a] do a "temacs -batch -l loadup.el dump"          - produces xemacs
	[b] mv xemacs xemacs.1			            - dump #1
	[c] start a new shell (i just say bash)    
	    if using gulam as your shell do a "unsetenv ARGV"
	[d] do a "temacs -batch -l loadup.el dump"          - produces xemacs
	[e] mv xemacs xemacs.2			            - dump #2
	[f] logout of the second shell that you started.
	[g] do a "dumpfix -n xemacs.1 xemacs.2 xemacs.ttp"  - dumps a emacs 
	[h] now remove xemacs.1 and xemacs.2


  1. You must have the variables mentioned in 2, under dumping emacs, set
  2. create an alias for running emacs like the following, 
    alias emacs="/dev/F/bin/emacs/bin/xemacs.ttp -q -l /dev/F/.emacs"
							    this is your
							    custom init file.

  3. set the environment variable TERMCAP to point to your "termcap" file,
     set the environment variable TERM to be a valid terminal entry in 
	the above TERMCAP file.
     set the environment variable SHELL to point to a valid shell if you 
	want ^Z to spawn a new shell for you. 

  4. just saying "emacs" should work fine now!

BUGS, COMMENTS, PRAISE, ;-)  etc....
					scott kolodzieski

PS> There are a few things that will continue to be worked on in regards to 
    this port of emacs, but i is very stable, and usefull, espescially shelling
    out to do a compile, then coming back in. So it is being released now 
    o generate some bug reports.