GNU Emacs 18.57 -rw-rw-rw- 1 ftp 602279 Dec 16 03:13 1857bin-d2.zoo -rw-rw-rw- 1 ftp 448480 Dec 16 03:15 1857src-d2.zoo ******** ReadMe.first ******** How to go abut dumping an ST version of EMACS 18.57! The file emcs1857.zoo contains the follwing directories and files. 1. ./lisp/ - the relevent (usefull to me) e-lisp files. some of these are absolutely required for dumping an emacs. 2. ./etc/ - contains the emacs DOC string file and a sample termcap file. 3. ./bin/ - contains [a] temacs - undumped raw emacs [b] dumpfix.ttp - dumping program from (er) 4. ./emacs - a sample ST emacs initializaion file. this file is very imporant as it has some standard ST key bindings in it. DUMPING EMACS, 1. extract emcs1857.zoo via "zoo x.// emcs1857.zoo" 2. set the environment variables, EMACSLOADPAH, EMACSLIB, EMACSDOC to ./lisp, ./lisp, ./etc respectively. on my system with BASH1.10 I do the following in my .bashrc file, export EMACSLOADPATH=/dev/F/bin/emacs/lisp export EMACSLIB=/dev/F/bin/emacs/lisp export EMACSDOC=/dev/F/emacs/etc 3. cd to ./bin [a] do a "temacs -batch -l loadup.el dump" - produces xemacs [b] mv xemacs xemacs.1 - dump #1 [c] start a new shell (i just say bash) if using gulam as your shell do a "unsetenv ARGV" [d] do a "temacs -batch -l loadup.el dump" - produces xemacs [e] mv xemacs xemacs.2 - dump #2 [f] logout of the second shell that you started. [g] do a "dumpfix -n xemacs.1 xemacs.2 xemacs.ttp" - dumps a emacs [h] now remove xemacs.1 and xemacs.2 RUNNING EMACS, 1. You must have the variables mentioned in 2, under dumping emacs, set correctly. 2. create an alias for running emacs like the following, alias emacs="/dev/F/bin/emacs/bin/xemacs.ttp -q -l /dev/F/.emacs" \______________/ | this is your custom init file. 3. set the environment variable TERMCAP to point to your "termcap" file, set the environment variable TERM to be a valid terminal entry in the above TERMCAP file. set the environment variable SHELL to point to a valid shell if you want ^Z to spawn a new shell for you. 4. just saying "emacs" should work fine now! BUGS, COMMENTS, PRAISE, ;-) etc.... scott kolodzieski PS> There are a few things that will continue to be worked on in regards to this port of emacs, but i is very stable, and usefull, espescially shelling out to do a compile, then coming back in. So it is being released now o generate some bug reports.