Flex 2.3 PatchLevel 7 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 88756 Sep 25 15:15 flex237.zoo -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 88756 Sep 25 15:15 flex237.zoo ******** README.atari ******** here is the latest version of flex (2.3 Patch #7) for the atari. first: read the files COPYING, flex.1, flexdoc.1 and README acknowledgements: to Vern Paxson for this increditable effort, and for making it available freely. installation: - get flex distribution: version 2.3 patch #7 (available on prep.ai.mit.edu) - apply the patches in atari.diffs to the distribution. - add the files Makefile.atari, yyread.c, README.atari to the distribution. - edit Makefile.atari to fix up paths (or you can use the included executable flex.ttp). - make - cp flex.ttp to anywhere in $PATH - cp flex.skel into the file named SKELETON_FILE in makefile.cgcc (flex.ttp is built with e:/lib/flex.skel) - cp flexlib.olb into $GNULIB so that gcc -lflexlib can find it. - run atleast the small test. it passes all the tests. _stksize is set to -1L. if you want to change it, make it a larg'ish number. you can also fix up the path to the skel file by patching the binary with a shorter or same length path as e:/lib/flex.skel. (dont forget to put the 0 byte if you patch to a shorter path). i use gnuEmacs for all my binary editing needs! please report all atari related errors to me, dont bug vern with them. enjoy, -- bang: uunet!cadence!bammi jwahar r. bammi domain: bammi@cadence.com GEnie: J.Bammi CIS: 71515,155