G++ 1.39.1 -rw-rw-r-- 1 weiner 570970 Aug 19 21:10 gxxbin.zoo -rw-rw-r-- 1 weiner 126818 Aug 19 21:10 gxxinc.zoo -rw-r--r-- 1 weiner 172412 Sep 15 20:15 gxxlib.zoo Subject: README.G++ This is the README file for g++-1.39.1. Enclosed are three archives - gxxbin.zoo containing executables, gxxlib.zoo containing 32-bit libs, and gxxinc.zoo containing the G++ header files. G++ also uses the GCC pre-processor, from gcc-1.40 and Update12, and utils at patchlevel 22. Libg++ needs the gcc libraries and include files at patchlevel 72. (Though you can probably get away with what's currently on atari.archive, I doubt that I'll entertain problems if you're using previous versions.) Be warned that zoo might mangle the '+' symbols in the filenames! The only thing cut out of G++ is dumping an image. Practically all of libg++ is there and working. Stream I/O works fine, in bin and text modes. The libs aren't 16-bit clean yet, but we're working on it... G++ needs stacks of memory. You can get away with running the compiler in 2.5Mb (maybe even 2) but I don't recommend it. You really need 4Mb RAM - the libs compile quite happily on 4Mb. G++ will happily co-exist with your GCC installation. It needs one extra environment variable, GXXINC, which is where your G++ include files (from libg++) are located. Place binaries along with your GCC binaries, and g++.olb with your existing libs. History: I made the original port, based on ++jrb's GCC port, plus made mods to gcc-cpp and gcc-ld. ++jrb improved the port, and modified bits of the GCC configuration. He also got libg++ into some sort of shape after my initial attempts, while I got the streams working well enough to get past the tests. ++jrb patched the GCC libs and include files to support libg++. (So you know where to apportion blame/praise!) Enjoy. ----- David Boyce, Schlumberger Instruments, | boyce@sifvs3.sinet.slb.com Farnborough, Hants, UK, (+44) 252 544433 x5543 | abaddon@cix