#define PATCHLEVEL 2 -rw-rw-r-- 1 weiner 175199 Aug 26 06:59 gawk213b.zoo -rw-rw-r-- 1 weiner 272825 Aug 26 06:59 gawk213s.zoo This is ST variant of GNU awk (gawk) 2.13 distribution - a pattern scanning and processing language. This archive contains only Atari executables of gawk 2.13.2, compiled with gcc 1.40, some test/examples programs and a basic documentation. Between the previously available version 2.11 (2.12 was a work version and was never officially released) and the current one gawk changed by loosing (some) bugs and aquiring new features like FIELDWIDTH and time functions. Check your man page. For details see CHANGES file in a full source distribution. ST variant follows this good example.:-) Sources are distributed as an accompanying archive gawk213s.zoo (without rather big test subdirectory). A full distribution is available from prep.mit.edu and many other file servers which carry FSF software. There is no special Atari ST source modification. An "official" distribution contains everything you need to configure and compile it on many different machines - mostly Un*x, but not only. This time ST is one of entries on this list - in a company of Cray. It would help immensly if a compiler you are plannig to use for a possible recompilation would support the ANSI Standard. Otherwise you may expect a hunt for all places where stack alignment can get out-of-kilter. This is a fair warning. A full manual (around 200 pages) is not ready yet in times of this writing and it should be available sometimes in the end of August 1991. Sources for manual are using texinfo.tex macro package for TeX. If you have only a slight, or none, idea what is that you are well advised to order a printed copy from Free Software Foundation 675 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA For $10 a handsome copy (a price for the previous manual version) this is a bargain even if you are a TeX wizard. A book "The AWK Programming Language", by A. Aho, P. Weinberger and B. Kernighan, 1988, ISBN 0-201-07981-X, can be ordered from Addison-Wesley publishing company. Enjoy, Michal Jaegermann ntomczak@vm.ucs.ualberta.ca