GNU tar version 1.10 -rw-rw-rw- 1 gray 74202 Nov 26 06:45 gtarbin.zoo -rw-rw-rw- 1 gray 175652 Nov 26 06:46 gtarsrc.zoo GNU Tar 1.10 Port for the Atari ST with MiNT (and without) ========================================================== Well, I decided it was time I had a full fledged TAR that could handle compressed archives rather than uncompressing and then untaring. So, I got the latest version of GNU Tar I could, which is v1.10, and started to port it to the Atari. I essentially use this program with MiNT, as MiNT provides all the facilities neccessary for me to use this program successfully. Supporting pipes are essential for the compress/uncompress function of GNU Tar to work, otherwise all the other functions should work under standard TOS. Included in the binaries part of the this port is also my own compiled version of compress v4.0. All other versions of compress that I found opened the stdin/stdout functions in ASCII mode rather than binary and confused GNU Tar when using compressed archives. The one included has been tested to great length and shouldn't cause any problems, just make sure that its in your default PATH statement in your environment. This version has been compiled with GNU GCC v1.40 and the MiNT libraries at patchlevel 14. To take full advantage of GNU Tar, use MiNT v0.9, which has the ability to support symbolic links within the kernel. I must pass a lot of credit onto Eric Smith for all the work he has put into making MiNT, for which without this and the libraries, this port would have been so much harder to do. All I can say is it works for me, so share and enjoy. Please also read the BUGS and COPYING files. Alan Hourihane email: 02/10/91