GNU Smalltalk version 1.1 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 556569 Sep 25 15:18 smalltalk1-1.zoo Here is a very early (probably very buggy) version of Gnu Smalltalk V1.1 port for the atariST. requirements: A 4M atariSt is really required. a decent shell (i use gulam) installing: - adjust path names in mstpaths.h - adjust makefile to find gcc (i call it cgcc) - link or copy config/m-atari.h to mstconfig.h - in ymakefile change the line that says CFLAGS = CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS_NORMAL) $(READLINEDEF) to CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE) $(READLINEDEF) - in config/m-atari.h add the line #define EXTRA_CC_FLAGS -fomit-frame-pointer -fcombine-regs to the bottom of the file - hit make file names etc: - if you use UNIXMODE, be sure to either unsetenv UNIXMODE or create all the links using ln -s -put all the files and executable in a subdir (i put them in \smalltk) -on startup it will look in $HOME/stinit for the init file -rename to before transferring files to your St (otherwise the name clashes with -to make the image: mst -V this will dump and then will come to the interactive prompt 'st>'. Hit Control-D at this point to exit. to run cd to the subdir with the image and sources hit: mst wait for the 'st>' prompt (this will take a while) testing: cd test run.g run the gulam shell script there will be two diffs, both are of no consequence. cd examples mst -V mst -V this will take a while, and do a lot of gc flipping. enjoy, -- bang: {any internet host}!dsrgsun.CES.CWRU.Edu!bammi jwahar r. bammi domain: GEnie: J.Bammi addendum: while building the image, mst.ttp really needs all of memory. It cant even stand gulam being there. once you have built the image, there is no problem, you can run it quite comfortably with gulam and a few acccessories present. the reason is as follows: when its building an image, mst freezes the garbage collector, requesting more and more memory from the system (instead of re-using what it has already via garbage collection). so it ends up requesting a lot of memory (and that is the error you are seeing). Once it builds up the image, at the very end it kicks the GC in (you will see a message to this effect), gc's and dumps the image into, and then its ready for action. once you have built the image, there is no problem, at startup it'll check all the kernel classes against the image, and unless something has changed, it'll suck in the image in one fell scoop, and kick the GC right in, and it happily goes along after that (with gulam etc present). here is the procedure i would recommend: (the default path built into mst.ttp is \smalltk, ie. a folder called "smalltk" at the root of any drive) - copy all the *.st files and mst.ttp into \smalltk - from the desktop double click on mst.ttp - in the dialog box that appears, enter "-V" (capital V) - it'll think for a while and then start listing lines of the form "processing" - after its done with all the kernel classes, it'll kick in the GC, and then start dumping the image into MST.IM -after thats done, it'll say smalltalk ready, and give you a prompt. - hit ^D (control-D) at the prompt to exit. now you can enter gulam, cd to \smalltk, and hit mst -V, it'll check for all the kernel files in \smalltk\*.st, it wont find anything newer that the image,, which it'll suck in, do a complete gc (this takes a few seconds), and then give the top level interactive prompt. [[ the above is no longer true in V 1.1, you can build an image using gulam ]] however, watch out for large accessories, ramdisk etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GNU Smalltalk version 1.1 by Steve Byrne The files in this directory and its subdirectories constitute the complete source code for GNU Smalltalk. The files are organized as follows: . The source files, both .st (Smalltalk) and C files config Various supported platforms contrib Contributed software examples Some working example Smalltalk files test Regression testing files stix SmallTalk Interface to X About GNU Smalltalk GNU Smalltalk attempts to be a reasonably faithful implementation of Smalltalk-80 {tm ParcPlace Systems} as described in the "Blue Book", also know as "Smalltalk-80, the Language and its Implementation", by Adele Goldberg and David Robson. The syntax that the language accepts and the byte codes that the virtual machine interprets are exactly as they appear in the Blue Book. Most of the primitives are the same as well, although due to the differing nature of the implementation some of the primitives haven't been implemented, and other new ones have been. The current implementation has the following features: * Incremental garbage collector * Binary image save capability * C-callout (allows Smalltalk to invoke user-written C code and pass parameters to it) * GNU Emacs editing mode * Highly portable C code implementation * Optional byte code compilation tracing and byte code execution tracing * Automatically loaded per-user initialization files Installing GNU Smalltalk Please see the file mst.texinfo which contains the information on how to install GNU Smalltalk, and general documentation about the features of the system. Bugs To report bugs or suggestions (or even offer assistance :-) ), send mail to If there is sufficient traffic, I will set up a gnu.smalltalk newsgroup as well.