This is the Dec '93 NetPBM suite of image manipulation and conversion utilities for the Atari ST, TT, and Falcon030. These were built using GNU C 2.5.8 and the MiNTlibs pl.44. ***** Please read the documentation in NetPBM-doc.tar.gz for full ***** ***** details on copyrights and whatnot! ***** To use NetPBM, you will need: * MiNT (v 0.98 or higher, preferably 1.04 or the current version) * a minix partition large enough to store all of the files (give yourself about 6M of free space for the binaries) * all of the files: - NetPBM-man.tar.gz (the manual pages) - NetPBM-doc.tar.gz (supplementary documentation, including a LaTeX version of the manual pages) - NetPBM-lib.tar.gz (GNU C libraries and header files; only if you plan to compile programs using NetPBM functions and libraries) - NetPBM-pbm.tar.gz (Portable Bitmap binaries) - NetPBM-pgm.tar.gz (Portable Greymap binaries) - NetPBM-ppm.tar.gz (Portable Pixmap binaries) - NetPBM-pnm.tar.gz (Portable Anymay binaries) If you have a TT or Falcon, you might want to get these instead: - NetPBM-pbm020.tar.gz (68020 and up Portable Bitmap binaries) - NetPBM-pgm020.tar.gz (68020 and up Portable Greymap binaries) - NetPBM-ppm020.tar.gz (68020 and up Portable Pixmap binaries) - NetPBM-pnm020.tar.gz (68020 and up Portable Anymap binaries) * tar and GNU zip (gzip) to unpack the files * a decent shell in /bin/sh (some of the utilities are shell scripts) To install NetPBM: 1) Make a directory on a minix partition for NetPBM, and cd into it; this is optional if, for example, you already have bin and man directories on your minix partition that you want to unpack the stuff into. 2) Unpack each of the files with the command: gzip -d -c filename.tar.gz | tar -xovf - 3) Add the new bin directory to your PATH environment variable, and add the new man directory to your MANPATH environment variable (if your man utilities support MANPATH). Other Important Things * You'll probably need to set the UNIXMODE environment variable to b (or add b to your current UNIXMODE environment variable, if you've got one). * These are VERY SLOW on an ST. * These would be much smaller and easier on RAM if we had shared libraries. * The binaries aren't shareable. Why? Well, there isn't a sharable version of the math library (pml.olb), and several of the programs need math support. -Chris- (play; UUCP) (work; Internet)