Hi, this is my port of ircii-2.8 for MiNT using MiNT-Net. It was compiled using gcc-2.5.8 with the MiNT library PL46, the socket library 0.72 and the curses/termcap library PL16. The default irc server in this binary is just `irc'. So you can easily put your default irc server in your /etc/hosts (if your nameserver does not define `irc.your.domain' for you). Here are some German irc servers: irc.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de irc.uni-erlangen.de irc.informatik.uni-rostock.de irc.rus.uni-stuttgart.de irc.informatik.tu-muenchen.de Just choose your favourite irc server and put the name `irc' at the end of one line. This binary will also look into /usr/local/lib/irc/ircII.servers. There you can specify one or more of your favourite irc servers and an entry in /etc/hosts is no longer needed. INSTALLATION: To install this package do the following: # tar -C /usr/local -xzvpf ircii-2.8.MiNT.tar.gz To install the help files, type: # tar -C /usr/local/lib/irc -xzvpf ircii-2.8help.tar.gz You may compress the help files to save disk space: # find /usr/local/lib/irc/help -type f | xargs gzip -9n RECOMPILING: If you want to recompile the whole thing, get the original source for ircii-2.8, for example from ftp://ftp.leo.org/pub/comp/networking/irc/clients/ircII/ircii-2.8.tar.gz Unpack the source: % tar xzvf ircii-2.8.tar.gz % cd ircii-2.8 % patch -p1 < /usr/local/src/irc/ircii-2.8.diffs Edit include/config.h if you want to change some default values. % make # make install Do NOT run ./configure or ./easyinst! Have fun. Please send (port related) bug reports, diffs and/or suggestions to me. Bye, Knarf (knarf@nasim.cube.net)